
  • 网络linear;Linear Mode;Linear Model;Line mode
  1. 有两种RAID形式:线性模式和RAID-0模式。

    There are two forms of RAID : linear and RAID-0 mode .

  2. 您仍可以运用线性模式将hdb1和hdb3组合为具有内聚性的单一线性卷。

    You can still combine hdb1 and hdb3 into a single , cohesive whole using linear mode .

  3. 就像线性模式一样,您完全可以用RAID-0将来自各种驱动器(诸如IDE和SCSI驱动器)的块设备组合为单个卷。

    As with linear mode , you can combine block devices from various sources ( such as IDE and SCSI drives ) into a single volume with no problems .

  4. 在用AR、ARMA等线性模式对气候序列进行拟合和预报时,由于气候序列中存在着非线性变化,所以拟合和预报效果往往不太理想。

    Using linear regressive models ( e. g. AR , ARMA model ) to fit and predict the climatic time series , the results are not sufficiently good because there exist nonlinear variations in the time series .

  5. 并且该模式在条件简化下几乎包含了前人所推导的所有半经验模式,包括线性模式、对数模式、Gordon模式、负指数模式、统一模式。

    Under simplified conditions , the integrated model can almost cover all experiential models and semi_experiential models including the linear model , the logarithm model , the Gordon model , the negative index model and the unified model .

  6. 本文从流体动力学原理出发,利用Prandtl混合长度和VonKarman自相似理论,建立河口海岸近底层潮流速分布的对数线性模式。

    Based on fluid dynamic principle , the tidal velocity profile in the near-bottom layer in estuary and coast is established by introducing Prandtl mixing length theory and Von Karman self-similar theory .

  7. 从可靠性的立场来看,RAID-0模式与线性模式具有同样的特征&向阵列中添加的驱动器越多,卷的故障概率就越高。

    From a reliability standpoint , RAID-0 has the same characteristics as linear mode & the more drives you add to the array , the higher the probability of volume failure .

  8. 相同波长的几个重力波的传播速度基本一致,但是50km波的传播速度稍快于100km波,显然,这不同于线性模式的分析结果。

    The phase speed of the gravity waves which have the same wavelength are nearly the same , but the phase speed of the 50 km wave is a little faster than the 100 km wave , obviously , it is different from the analysis of the linear model .

  9. 在集群并行计算机系统上采用一维数据剖分,切线性模式的通信量与原始模式相当,而计算量几乎是原始模式的2倍;

    One domain decomposition is adopted on cluster parallel computer system .

  10. 探讨科技发展线性模式佯谬的解决

    On the solving paradox of linearity development mode of science and technology

  11. 判别水体污染的一个线性模式

    A linear model for the discriminant of water pollution

  12. 基于线性模式的有损伤图像复原技术的研究

    Study on the Restoration Technique of the Destroyed Images Based on Linear Model

  13. 线性模式与使用单一磁盘相比不会产生额外的冗余。

    Linear mode does not offer any additional redundancy over using a single disk .

  14. 关于线性模式农用拖拉机余值确定方法的研究

    A study on the method for determining the remaining value of linear model farm tractors

  15. 随机波对直立堤作用的准线性模式及试验研究

    An experimental study on a quasi-linear model for random waves acting upon a vertical breakwater

  16. 线性模式分类器的进一步研究

    Further research on linear pattern classifiers

  17. 开关模式与线性模式相比具有效率高、热功耗小的优点。

    Compare to liner mode , the switch mode have merits , such as efficiency high and consume small .

  18. 总体来说,面向公众的科学传播研究经历了从线性模式到发散模式,再到网络模式的过程。

    Generally speaking , theories about MPCS have a process from linear models to divergent models , and then web models .

  19. 线性模式是将同一磁盘上的两个或多个分区组合为单个卷的最好方法。

    Linear mode is the best way to combine two or more partitions on the same disk into a single volume .

  20. 结论证明了市场冲击并非传统假设下的线性模式,而是根据市场环境和股票特征在凹凸模式之间动态变化。

    The results indicate the modes of market impact evolving between concave and convex according to the market environment and the stock 's characteristic .

  21. 计算结果表明,非线性模式较好地反映了湍流的各向异性,结果明显优于线性模式;

    The computational results show that nonlinear models predict better trends of turbulence anisotropy , and yield satisfactory results which are superior to linear models .

  22. 介绍了R&D基础研究、应用研究和试验发展的线性模式与非线性模式的涵义。

    This paper introduces the meaning of linear model and nonlinear model of R & D , and explains the distinguishing feature of nonlinear model .

  23. 由起初的单部门单链式发展成为当前的复合部门多链式,完成了由线性模式到网络模式的转变。

    From the beginning of the single-sector development has become the single-chain multi-chain complex department , completed by the linear model to a network model .

  24. 我们发现在不均匀等离子体中激发的尾波场在一定条件下可以通过线性模式转换产生电磁辐射。

    However , it has recently been found that the laser wakefield can , under certain conditions , radiate in inhomogeneous plasma through so-called mode conversion .

  25. 建立了一个简单海气耦合模式,其中大气垂直分为两层,为-β平面近似线性模式。

    In this work a simple coupled air-sea model is developed . The atmosphere is a linear beta-plane approximation model which is devided into two-layers vertically .

  26. 基于随机波对直立堤作用的线性模式,即视实际海浪对直立堤的作用为随机过程,其单位宽度的波压力为水底到静水面各点波压力的分布积累。

    The linear model forecasting of random waves acting upon a vertical breakwater assumes the wave force acting upon a vertical breakwater to be a random process .

  27. 并讨论了单片机、线性模式单芯片热电制冷器控制器和开关模式单芯片热电制冷器控制器温控方案的优缺点。

    The merits of temperature controlling schematic by single chip microcomputer , liner mode monolithic thermoelectric cooler controller and switch mode monolithic thermoelectric cooler controller are discussed .

  28. 以二维浅水波为例,详细探讨如何开发并行模式的切线性模式和伴随模式。

    This paper discusses how to develop adjoint model ( ADM ) and tangent linear model ( TLM ) of the parallel model based on shallow water equation .

  29. 以上作品的结构均有别于一般文学作品的线性模式,而呈现出与音乐曲式相同的环状结构。

    The structure of the above works are different from the linear model of general literary works , but showing the same cyclic structure with the musical form .

  30. 继而从有效域和不同非线性程度下的有效性两个方面,比较了模态级数法、正规形法和线性模式分析法的有效性。

    The validity of normal form method , modal series method and linear modal method is compared through valid regions and the validity under different system stress condition .