
zhǐ jīn
  • tissue;towel;handkerchief;Kleenex;facial tissue
纸巾[zhǐ jīn]
  1. 那女人用纸巾擦脸。

    The woman scrubbed at her face with a tissue .

  2. 喂,拿一张纸巾把眼睛擦干。

    Here , have a Kleenex to dry your eyes .

  3. 记住带尿布和婴儿的湿纸巾。

    Remember to take nappies and baby wipes .

  4. 他摇摇头,用纸巾擦掉眼泪。

    He shook his head and wiped his tears with a tissue .

  5. 她伸手拿纸巾擤鼻涕。

    She reached for a Kleenex and blew her nose .

  6. 她来的时候一边哭着,一边用纸巾抹着眼泪。

    She arrived weeping , dabbing her eyes with a tissue

  7. 她父亲用纸巾把眼镜擦干净。

    Her father cleaned his glasses with a paper napkin

  8. 她撕下两格纸巾,然后纵向对折。

    She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthwise .

  9. 他用纸巾将血迹擦去。

    He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin

  10. 她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子。

    She wiped her nose with a tissue

  11. 让你的孩子前倾坐着,让血滴在纸巾上或地板上。

    Sit your child forward and let the blood drip into a tissue or on to the floor

  12. 请到我的卧室拿一块干净纸巾来。

    Please fetch me a clean handkerchief from my bedroom .

  13. 这种纸巾搁不住揉搓。

    This kind of tissue cannot endure rubbing .

  14. 咳嗽和打喷嚏时,屈肘或者用纸巾遮掩口鼻:

    When coughing and sneezing , cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue .

  15. 她被触怒了,七窍生烟,仿佛真的要从鼻子下分发纸巾一般。

    Her eyes were squinty andflaring , as though about to dispense tissues through the nose .

  16. 肥球是在下水道系统中发现的凝结的脂肪块,卫生用品,湿纸巾等类似物品。这些物品无法像厕纸那样被分解。

    A fatberg is a congealed1 lump of fat , sanitary2 items , wet wipes , and similar items found in sewer3 systems , which do not break down like toilet paper .

  17. 目前,“速递按钮”可以订购咖啡、清洁剂、剃须刀、厕纸、纸尿裤、湿纸巾、果汁、狗粮、垃圾袋、奶酪通心粉和餐巾纸等。

    So far there are Dash buttons for coffee , detergent3 , razors , toilet paper , diapers , wipes , juice , dog food , trash bags , macaroni and cheese and napkins , among other items .

  18. PP纸巾盖热流道注射模

    Hot Runner Injection Mold for the PP Tissue Cover

  19. WhatYouShouldDoInstead对策:到东方或亚洲国家旅游时,把手帕留在家中,选择用一次性纸巾吧!

    If traveling through Eastern and Asian countries , leave the hankies at home and opt for disposable tissues instead .

  20. 现在请你准备好纸巾,因为麦克斯和他母亲的第一支舞的音乐就是《BlankSpace》。

    Now grab your Kleenex , because Max and his mom 's first dance was to ' Blank Space . '

  21. AAS测定纸巾中的铅和镉

    Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Handkerchiefs by AAS

  22. 现在我们就需要AA电池、图钉、纸巾、防晒喷雾还有信封。

    Right now , for example , we need AA batteries , thumbtacks , Kleenex , spray sunscreen , and envelopes .

  23. 消除;涂上vi.擦;打她用纸巾擦餐具。

    wipe She wiped the dishes with a paper towel .

  24. 消毒纸巾(主要浸有洗必泰醇溶液)擦拭3分钟可将皮肤表面滴度为1:32的HBsAg破坏。

    Wipo with disinfection tissue ( impregnated mainly with chlorhexidine alcohol solution ) could destroy HBsAg at a titer of 1:32 on the skin after contact for 3 min.

  25. 其他因为规模可能幸免于难的品牌包括潘婷(Pantene)、玉兰油(Olay)、欧乐B(Oral-B)和Bounty纸巾等。

    Other potential keepers , because of their size , include Pantene , Olay , Oral-B and Bounty .

  26. 由俄罗斯设计师StasAki设计的独特纸巾日历。

    Unusual daily calendar by Russian designer Stas Aki .

  27. Jacqueline建议用纸巾来擦,因为抛光效果很好,不会留下任何痕迹。

    Jacqueline advises using paper towels for this job and they polish well without leaving behind any lint .

  28. 介绍了PP纸巾盖热流道注射模结构设计,并以纸巾盖为例分析了热塑性塑料热流道注射模具结构及优点。

    The hot runner injection mold structure design of PP tissue cover is introduced , and taking tissue cover as an instance , injection mold structure of the thermoplastic hot runner and its advantages are analyzed .

  29. Jacqueline建议最后用纸巾再擦一遍,这样可以抛光,不会留下绒毛。

    Jacqueline advises giving the surface a final wipe with a paper towel , this will polish to a shine without leaving lint .

  30. 剧透提醒《BJ单身日记》粉丝们要准备好纸巾了马克达西先生死了,这个全世界最有名的大龄剩女现在成了遗孀。

    Spoiler alert for Bridget Jones fans and tissues at the ready - Mark Darcy is dead and the world 's most famous singleton has become a widow .