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chún shú
  • proficient;fluent;skilful;practised;well versed
纯熟 [chún shú]
  • (1) [skilful;practised]∶具有技巧的或表现出技巧的:有知识、机灵、能力的∶十分精通的

  • 纯熟的排印技术使李科退休后还有人请

  • (2) [proficient]∶在一定的业务或努力的范围内具有极其充足的知识和经验的

  • 技术纯熟的钢琴家

纯熟[chún shú]
  1. 在市场经济日益纯熟的今天,摸石头过河般的经营方式显然已过时。

    Be gradually skilful in market economy today , the mode of business operation as feeling for stone crossing a river is evidently already obsolete .

  2. 琼娜当初耽心她的英文不敷好,可是如今几乎和美国人一样纯熟了。

    At first , Joana was nervous about her English , but now she is almost fluent .

  3. 木工是需要纯熟技巧的职业。

    Carpentry is a highly skilled trade .

  4. 排练可以让技巧更加纯熟。

    You can sharpen your skills with rehearsal .

  5. 到目前为止duque展示了一个高度纯熟的策略。

    Duque has exhibited a highly sophisticated strategy thus far .

  6. 我们认为我们已经召集了一个强大的发言者阵容,既涵盖了像FredGeorge这样的大师级专家,也包括像CoryFoy这样技艺纯熟的人,他们都是我们社区学习的榜样。

    We think we 've assembled a lineup of speakers that are great examples for our community to follow , ranging from masters like Fred George to journeymen like Cory Foy .

  7. YujiaHu还在定期更新寿司鞋系列作品,显然,每制作一个作品,他的技艺就更加纯熟。

    Hu continues to regularly post new pieces to his shoe-shi collection , and it 's clear that his techniques are improving with every rice sole he crafts .

  8. 在中国加入WTO之后,国际医药企业巨头凭借雄厚的资金、强大的研究开发实力及纯熟的跨国兼并收购技巧陆续进入中国,国内医药行业面临的国际竞争环境日趋严峻。

    After China join in WTO , the international medical enterprise giants rely on its rich fund , strong research and development strength and skillful transnational M & A skill to enter China successively . International competitive environment that the domestic medical trade faces is becoming more and more severe .

  9. 当时油画还属新兴事物,但拉斐尔对绘画掌握已十分纯熟,以至于他的技巧被称为sprezzatura,大意是作画过程被技巧准确地掩盖。

    Raphael got so good with the then new medium of oil paint that his technique became known as sprezzatura , meaning , roughly , to hide with technical facility exactly how anything is done .

  10. 他以纯熟的指法弹奏钢琴。他每天弹琴以保持指法熟练。

    He plays the piano every day to keep his hand in .

  11. 其次,是语五首周部族史诗运用语言的技巧是十分纯熟的。

    Secondly , the language of the five epics is very mature .

  12. 吴彦祖在本片中演技纯熟。

    Wu is certainly an adept actor in this film .

  13. 这是技艺纯熟的音乐家对新乐器的尝试

    This is a skilled musician trying a new instrument .

  14. 电荷注入机制是制成高的纯熟释电系数复合材料的必需条件。

    The electric charge injection is necessary to enhance pyroelectric coefficient of composite .

  15. 我曾问他,如此纯熟的操舟技术,是否能学得来。

    I ever asked him , if other people could learn such skillful operation .

  16. 制作规模宏大,三维技术纯熟。

    A grand production fully endorsed with3D technique .

  17. 他以纯熟的指法弹奏钢琴。

    He played the piano with dexterity .

  18. 他能够把它们写成纯熟的英文,或翻译成纯熟的英文。

    He could write of them sound english , and render them into sound english .

  19. 影片中跟看不见的鬼魂对话的戏完全展现纯熟的表演功力。

    The scenes where she talks with the invisible ghosts perfectly illustrate her excellent and experienced acting capability .

  20. 从这篇小说中,我们可以看到作者对这一理论的纯熟运用。

    From this novel , we can see that George Orwell has a good command of this theory .

  21. 其艺术魅力在于现代意识的表现与古典诗词原型意象的创化运用有机结合,达到了不露痕迹的纯熟境地。

    Its artistic appeal lies in perfect combination of consciousness of modern world and prototype of classical poetry .

  22. 拥有纯熟的英语能力已成为生活各层面不可或缺的语言技能。

    Having a good command of English has become an essential language skill in every aspect of our lives .

  23. 在企业里,纯熟的谈判可以有两种不同效果,获得百万美元的合同或是合同泡汤。

    In business , skilled negotiation can be the difference between making a million dollar contract and being fired .

  24. 但是争论双方的研究方法都已纯熟,在某种程度上,他们之间的分歧有所缓解。

    But both sides have honed their methods and , in some ways , the gap between them has shrunk .

  25. 吉他与木管乐器的纯熟配合展现出的音乐气势宏大、浑然天成。

    Their skillful combination of a single guitar and woodwind produces music that is both intimate and grande in scope .

  26. 精美的服装道具、纯熟的传统技艺,加之演员精彩的表演,赢得了全场观众的热烈掌声。

    The exquisite props and costumes , extraordinary skills and performances won rapturous applause from the audience now and then .

  27. 不论你的统筹技巧有多纯熟,总会有些你无法控制的因素影响着我们的生活。

    No matter how deft your organizational skill there will always be life-influencing factors over which you have no control .

  28. 若用纯熟的技巧和精湛的舞台表演来演艺,会使该咏叹调绽放出奇异的光芒。

    If use skillful techniques and exquisite stage to acting . can make the aria of blossom a wonderful light .

  29. 别致的作品内涵、纯熟的文本技巧,使其享誉日本文坛。

    Exquisite intension of writing and practiced skill of text make him to be the preeminence author of Japanese literatus .

  30. 纯熟的球技已经不用多说,你幽默风趣,活力四射,而且永不言败。

    Mastery of skills has been Needless to say , you are humorous , dynamic , and never give up .