
jì niàn
  • anniversary;in commemoration of;commemorate;memorialize;mark;observance;remember;in honour of;souvenir;remembrance;keepsake;commemoration day
纪念 [jì niàn]
  • (1) [commemorate;remenber]∶思念不忘

  • 纪念这一天

  • (2) [mark;in honour of;in commemoration of]∶举行纪念性庆祝活动

  • 纪念教师节

  • (1) [souvenir]∶令人回忆的东西;表示纪念的物品

  • 留个纪念

  • (2) [commemoration day]∶周年纪念日

  • 十周年纪念

纪念[jì niàn]
  1. 为纪念他逝世30周年,有一系列的电影要上映。

    A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death .

  2. 一些美术馆把捐赠者的姓名镌刻在墙上以示纪念。

    Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls

  3. 由公众捐资建起一座纪念他的雕像。

    A statue in his memory was erected by public subscription .

  4. 他创办了这一慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子。

    He founded the charity in memory of his late wife .

  5. 他们特别发行了一套纪念邮票。

    They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion .

  6. 我买了一枚戒指,留作对希腊的纪念。

    I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece .

  7. 这幅油画将成为对一位杰出女性的永久纪念。

    The painting will be a lasting memorial to a remarkable woman .

  8. 他们于五月份庆祝了银婚纪念日。

    They celebrated their silver wedding in May .

  9. 为当地阵亡的战士举行了纪念仪式。

    A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war .

  10. 今天是我们的结婚纪念日。

    Today 's our wedding anniversary .

  11. 有一块饰板用来纪念那次战役。

    A plaque commemorates the battle .

  12. 今天是我们的周年纪念日。

    It 's our anniversary .

  13. 接着,他又作为1962年度杰出业余运动员赢得了“詹姆斯·E.沙利文纪念奖”。

    He went on to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the outstanding amateur athlete of 1962 .

  14. 他们身穿黑色衣服,以纪念那些亡故者。

    They wore black in remembrance of those who had died .

  15. 他刚刚出了一本传记来纪念他的队长。

    He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain .

  16. 凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。

    The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar 's victory over Pompey .

  17. 这是该作曲家逝世40周年纪念日。

    It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer .

  18. 参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。

    Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary .

  19. 女王陛下巡视完这家医院后,为纪念匾揭了幕。

    After touring the hospital , Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque .

  20. 纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。

    Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification .

  21. 基金会正举办某个纪念宴会。

    The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other

  22. 我们出售世界杯的所有纪念商品。

    We are selling the full range of World Cup merchandising

  23. 我被开除后,就拿了这些钥匙作为纪念。

    When I got canned , I took these keys as souvenirs .

  24. 在整个南方地区,他被人们著书称颂,刻碑纪念。

    He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South

  25. 纪念安息日,守为圣日。

    Remember the Sabbath day , to keep it holy .

  26. 有一个房间里陈列着很多纪念棒球史上伟大时刻的画作。

    One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history

  27. 这四枚新邮票是为了纪念英国天文协会成立100周年而发行的。

    The four new stamps mark the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical Association

  28. 我们的画作和照片仅有纪念价值。

    Our paintings and photographs are of sentimental value only

  29. 尊敬的女士,感谢您对我们的纪念方案的关注。

    Dear Madam , Thank you for your interest in our Memorial Scheme .

  30. 联合国发行了一枚纪念阿尔弗雷德·德雷富斯上尉的邮票。

    The United Nations has issued a stamp in honour of Captain Alfred Dreyfus .