- 网络Tight binding;tight binding approximation;TBA

Using the Green 's function method with a tight binding Hamiltonian , the electronic structures of the ground states of S ~ 0 / Se ~ 0 , S0 / Te0 and Se ~ 0 / Te ~ 0 mixed pairs in Si are investigated .
The Tight-Binding Method is adopted to investigate the I-V characteristics of a three-terminal single-benzene molecular device , with the results well reflecting the electrical characteristics of MOS ( Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor ) devices .
The method to calculate the density of electronic states of disorder materials using extended Cluster-Bethe-Lattice Green function with a tight-binding Hamiltonian is present in detail .
Explanation above Superconductivity of MgB_2 Base on Tight-binding Approximation
The Green 's function method within tight-bonding approximation is used to investigate the effects of substitutional impurity atom in metal on the Pt-Si interface electronic density of states ( DOS ) .
The effects of H chemisorption on Pt / Si on the properties of Pt / Si interface are investi-gated by using the Green 's-function method and the complex-energy-plane integration techni-que within the limits of one-dimensional tight-binding approximation .
Based on tight-binding approximation , the electronic structure of CMS surfaces is discussed with the CPA method ~ [ 1-4 ] , combined with the infinite order perturbation theory ~ [ 5-7 ] .
We have developed a new approach to calculate the electronic structure of zinc-blend CdS quantum dots under the frame of tight-binding approximation ( TBA ), which is compared with the effective mass approximation ( EMA ) .
On the basis of the tight-binding approach in the energy-band theory , the EHMO crystal orbit program to be used in a microcomputer was compiled in the FORTRAN language .
The conduction polymers with wide band-width are quasi-one-dimensional systems , but the SSH ( Su-Schrieffer-Heeger ) model based on the tight-binding approximation is need to be improved .
The Einstein-Schrieffer 's one-electron chemisorption theory and Green 's function method are used to investigate the chemisorption energy of hydrogen on the supported catalysts Pt / ZnO within the framework of the one-dimensional tight-binding apporximation .
The present note gives the results of computations of the electronic energy spectrum and local density of state of layered ultrathin coherent structures composed of two face-cen-tered-cubic metals under the tight-binding approximation with inclusion of only nearest neighbor interactions .
The adsorption properties of hydrogen on the supported-metal surfaces are investigated using the Green function method within the framework of tight-binding approximation .
The electronic transmission through the molecular wire , metal / C_2H_2 / metal , is studied using a tight-binding model and the transfer-matrix technique .
By studying surface electron states of the semi-infinite superconductor in the tight-binding approximation , two branches of surface states are obtained , one of which is unique to the superconducting state .
The resonant frequency splitting caused by photonic crystal ( PC ) defect coupling can be well described by the tight-binding ( TB ) approximation in which only two coupling parameters are used .
Based on the tight-binding model and taking the π electron spin into account , this paper analyzed the electronic structure of the straight single-wall carbon nanotube ( SWNTs ) in a even magnetostatic field .
The structure and density of electron state in nano simple cubic crystal particles are calculated taking the most adjacent matrix elements into account by means of Green 's function method with the tight-binding approximation .
Our results are found to differ from those based tight binding ( TB ) but agree with experimental data very well .