
jīnɡ jiǎn jī ɡòu
  • streamline government organizations;simplify the structure
  1. 在四维及6D精简机构,半封闭压缩机提高天然气和石油流通管理,提高了效率。

    The streamlined body of4D and6D semi-hermetic compressors improves gas flow and oil management , and increases efficiency .

  2. 然而,在本世纪80年代西方的公司开始“精简机构”。

    However , in the1980s companies began to " downsize " .

  3. 精简机构,提高效率,解决机构臃肿问题。

    Streamlining , improve efficiency , solving the problem of bloated .

  4. 精简机构,深化行政管理体制改革;

    Streamline organizations , deepen the administrative management system reform ;

  5. 精简机构,转变政府职能;

    Simplifying organization and transforming functions of local government ;

  6. 新经理想精简机构以提高生产效率。

    The new manager wants to cut out the dead wood and streamline production .

  7. 许多公司现在都在精简机构。

    Many companies are downsizing right now .

  8. 精简机构,精干军以上领导机关。

    Making the leading organs at and above the corps level leaner by streamlining the organizational structure .

  9. 提高效率,克服官僚主义,包括精简机构,还包括其他许多内容。

    Increasing efficiency and eliminating bureaucratism include , among other things , streamlining party and government organs .

  10. 第三个内容是精简机构,这和权力下放有关。

    Third , we should streamline the administrative structure , and this is related to the devolution of powers .

  11. 实现低成本政府的途径主要包括:(1)转变政府职能,精简机构;

    Major ways to effect the low-cost government include : first , transforming the function of government and simplifying mechanism ;

  12. 于此同时,巴恩斯鼓励不同部门进行联合采购,精简机构,解决了工作效率低的问题。

    At the same time , Barnes is tackling corporate inefficiencies by encouraging shared purchasing between divisions and less bureaucracy .

  13. 他已下决心推行精简机构,使公司更能赚钱,更具有竞争力的新计划。

    He is determined on his new plans to streamline the company , and make it more profitable and competitive .

  14. 对县级及乡镇国家机关进行改革,包括精简机构,扩大落实县乡权力机关权力,司法独立等;

    Reform the state body of county grade and towns , including simplifying institution , reinforcing the power of authority body of county and village ;

  15. 新型高效高精度切槽刀杆结构及应用新经理想精简机构以提高生产效率。

    Structure and Application of A New High-efficiency and High-Accuracy Slotting Arbor The new manager want to cut out the dead wood and streamline production .

  16. 在80年代曾经出现过范围很广的“保障网络”。那时政府鼓励官员们离开办公室,目的是为了精简机构。

    There was an inclusive " safety network " when the government encouraged officials to leave public offices in1980s in attempts to downsize public service .

  17. 通过精简机构,转变政府职能,更好地促进整个顺义区经济社会的全面协调可持续发展。

    By governmental department simplification and functionality transformation , the urbanization will drive economy and society development in Shunyi district to be harmonious and sustainable .

  18. 必须改革现行的财政分配制度,均衡基层政府事权与财权,精简机构,减轻农民负担。

    So the present financial distribution system have to be reformed and the administrative institutions must be simplified to alleviate peasants ' burden and increase their income .

  19. 更恰当地称为“人类动力汽车”,关键是两个功率轮式横卧自行车包裹子弹一样精简机构称为整流罩。

    More appropriately called a " Human powered vehicle ", Critical Power is a two wheeled recumbent bicycle encapsulated by a bullet-like streamlined body called a fairing .

  20. 一方面末位淘汰制有积极的作用,如调动职工的工作积极性、精简机构等;

    On the one hand the lowliest place elimination series have the positive function , like arouses staff 's work enthusiasm , to simplify administration and so on ;

  21. 从我国企业组织发展实践来看,虚拟企业运作模式应当受到重视,因而企业应当注重核心竞争力的提高,精简机构,实施R&D战略,拓宽企业销售渠道。

    Enterprises should pay attention to the elevation of core competitiveness , form efficient organizational framework , implement R & D strategy and open up enterprise sales distribution channel .

  22. 上世纪80年代以来的几轮机构改革,目的都是精简机构,提高效率,惠及民众。

    The several rounds of reform of government institutions since the 1980s have always been aimed at simplifying the administrative structure , enhancing work efficiency and benefiting the masses .

  23. 各种政治立场的政府官员们都喜欢宣称自己会精简机构,裁减行政人员和管理人员,将省下来的经费投入到“教师和护士”身上。

    Government ministers of all stripes love to claim that they will cut bureaucracy , sacking administrators and managers and investing the savings in " teachers and nurses " .

  24. 杜德利曾警告说,如果各金融机构不采取措施,出于对金融稳定性的担忧,监管机构会要求你们的公司必须大幅缩减规模并精简机构,从而确保它们能得到有效管理。

    Mr Dudley warned that if institutions did not act , financial stability concerns would dictate that your firms need to be dramatically downsized and simplified so they can be managed effectively .

  25. 一位知情人士说,野村坚决保持自己总部位于亚洲的全球投行的地位,并计划在各个地区精简机构、提高效率;

    ' Nomura 's determined to stay a global investment bank with a headquarters in Asia , and also intends to be lean and more efficient across all regions , 'a person familiar with the discussions said .

  26. 这些经验对东北老工业基地进行政府管理模式创新产生了十分深刻的启示,如精简机构、减少中间管理层次、实现由管理型政府向服务型政府的转变等。

    What they have made is a profound revelation to the Northeast China 's Traditional Industrial Base , such as simplifying the levels and realizing the change from management government of management pattern to the service one .

  27. 精简机构、落实事权与财权一致原则并把惠农政策法律化是解决基层政府财政困难的根本途径;

    Simplifying administrative structure and implementing the principles of consistency of managing the domestic affairs and control over the financial affairs with legalized preferential policies are the radical solution of financial difficulty to the government at the grass roots .

  28. 第四章从完善税费改革方案、加大转移支付力度、精简机构人员、妥善处理乡村债务等方面提出了进一步深化农村税费制度改革的对策措施。

    Chapter 4 , further counterplans and measures are put forward , such as the perfection of reform project , the intensification of transfer payments , the simplification of institution and personnel , the appropriately dealing with rural debts .

  29. 而且,政府职能转变并不只是精简机构和减少冗员这般简单,政府瘦身和健身的充分结合才是山西省政府职能转变的合理做法。

    Moreover , transformation of government functions is not just streamlining and reduction of redundancy so simple , the government " downsizing " and " fitness " with the full transformation of government functions in Shanxi Province is a reasonable approach .

  30. 再次要深化行政管理体制改革,理顺职能,精简机构,建立公共行政体制,推行大部门制。

    The full exertion of the function of allocating resource of market mechanism is a prerequisite condition ; we need to deepen the reform of the administrative system , rationalize the functions of government , condense institutions and establish public administration system .