
ɡuǎn dào yùn shū
  • pipeline transport
  1. 我国成品油管道运输现状

    Status Quo of China Oil Pipeline Transport

  2. 这就对我国石油管道运输的技术可靠性、安全性、经济性提出了更大的挑战。

    It puts forward greater challenges to our country petroleum pipeline transport technology reliability , safety and economy .

  3. 由于管道运输的安全与不间断性,使得管道运输业在世界范围内获得了快速发展。目前世界石油、天然气管道的总长度为(200~300)×104km,并以每年2%~3%的速度增加。

    Pipeline transportation has been so rapidly developed worldwide that the total length of oil and gas pipelines in the world has reached ( 200-300 )× 104 km and increased annually by the rate of 2 % - 3 % to date .

  4. 我国成品油管道运输发展的几个问题

    Several Points on the Development of Product Pipeline Transportation in China

  5. 对加快我国油气管道运输业发展的战略思考

    A Strategy to Accelerate China 's Oil and Gas Pipeline Development

  6. 管道运输已成为广泛认同和使用的运输方式。

    Pipeline transportation has been widely acknowledged and used transportation way .

  7. 城市污水处理厂污泥的管道运输

    Pipeline transportation for sludge in city 's waste water treatment plant

  8. 天然气管道运输一体化定价分析

    Analysis on Vertically Integrated Pricing of Natural Gas Transmitted by Pipeline

  9. 石油和天然气主要是依靠管道运输和水上运输。

    Oil and gas are transported mainly by pipeline and ship .

  10. 3种运输方式为卡车、罐车和管道运输;

    Three methods of transport : truck , cistern and pipeline ;

  11. 天然气管道运输定价理论与模型研究

    The Study on Pricing Theories and Models of Natural Gas Pipeline Transmission

  12. 管道运输的网络化自动监测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization for A Networking Automatic Monitor System in Pipeline Conveyance

  13. 管道运输企业降本压费的途径

    Approach to Reduce Cost and Cut Down Expense for Pipeline Transportation Enterprises

  14. 叙述了污泥管道运输的流变和输送特性;

    The rheological and transportation characteristics of sludge pipeline transportation were described ;

  15. 目前,天然气根据长期合同通过管道运输。

    Currently , natural gas is transported through pipelines under long-term contracts .

  16. 管道运输已经成为当前能源运输的主要方式。

    Pipeline transportation has currently become the main form of energy transport .

  17. 中国管道运输的发展与建设

    The Development and Construction of Pipeline Transportation in China

  18. 真空管道运输&真空产业发展的新机遇

    Evacuated tube transportation ( ETT ) & a new opportunity for vacuum industry

  19. 隧洞内大尺寸管道运输车

    Vehicles for transporting large - diameter tube in tunnel

  20. 原油管道运输调度模型研究

    Study on the model of crude pipeline transportation scheduling

  21. 美国已经向墨西哥和加拿大管道运输燃气多年而没有引起争议。

    The US has piped gas to Mexico and Canada for years without controversy .

  22. 在我国,管道运输是事关国民经济命脉的五大运输方式之一。

    In China , the pipeline transportation is the lifeline of the national economy .

  23. 国外石油管道运输价格体系研究

    Study of Foreign Oil Pipeline Transmission Pricing Systems

  24. 试验平行重复二次。基于二次分配复两部制的天然气管道运输定价

    Using of Twice Allocation Duplicate Two Part System in Pricing of Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation

  25. 阐述了在改革重组新形势下发展管道运输的具体途径。

    Finally it expounds the actual ways to develop pipe transportation under the new situation .

  26. 真空管道运输安全问题成因分析

    On the Safety of Evacuated Tube Transportation

  27. 管道运输圆柱形煤的原理及其性能

    Concept and performance of coal log pipelines

  28. 调整运输结构、大力发展管道运输,优化资源配置;

    Adjust the structure of transport , energetical development pipeline to transport , optimize resource distribution ;

  29. 大直径管道运输与安装用轨道式台车的设计及应用

    The Design and Application of Track Crane to Transport and Install the Large Diameter Heat Pipe

  30. 针对管道运输的管理需要,开发设计了计算机网络化自动监测系统。

    The automatic monitoring system used NetPC is realized for the management of water pipeline conveyance .