
  • 网络executive and managerial;OMAP;IAGW-M;Management
  1. 管理部分采用了VISUALFOXPRO6.0面向对象的可视化的开发工具。

    And finally the management section employs Visual FoxPro 6.0 which is an object-oriented programming language .

  2. 对于这些API内容,本样例只使用了来自会话管理部分的调用。

    Out of these sections of the API , this sample uses only calls from the session management section .

  3. 本文对炼钢企业实施ERP的物流管理部分进行了研究。

    This thesis studies the material flow control part for ERP implementation in steel-making enterprises .

  4. 阐述了嵌入式EPON系统的控制与管理部分(HOST)的需要实现的功能;

    The functions of the part of embedded EPON system 's control and management ( HOST part ), which need realizing , are elaborated .

  5. 该结构框架确立了支持用户在基于IP核心网的不同类型接入网内的移动性所必需的移动性管理部分,能确保用户在自由漫游的时候接入Web。

    This frame establishes the mobility management part which sustains the user 's mobility of different kinds of access networks based on IP core network and can ensure that user connects to web when he roams .

  6. 接入管理部分阐述客户服务中心的应用。

    The Contact management mainly explained the Implement of the call-center .

  7. 医院信息系统临床管理部分的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of the Clinical Management of HIS

  8. 对基金会现场总线系统的体系结构中的网络管理部分进行了分析和探讨。

    The network management of the foundation field - bus is introduced .

  9. 证券投资基金资产构建与管理部分。

    The construction and management of mutual fund .

  10. 这介绍这部分内容时并非泛泛而谈,而是选取最具特色的项目预算管理部分作为研究对象,重点突出。

    Introduction-of this part is not generalities , but focus on the most unique part .

  11. 由于数字管理部分可由单片机完成,所以不在本文的讨论之列。

    Because digital management can be realized by MCU , so this paper doesn 't discuss this issue .

  12. 成本控制管理部分运用了源头控制的思想,介绍了成本分类、分级控制和成本动态监控模型;

    The cost control section uses the headstream control idea , introduces the classified cost management and the dynamic supervision model .

  13. 对IEEE802.11中丢弃部分包括鉴权和加密、电源管理部分以及整个物理层。

    In the new protocol the authentication and privacy , power management and whole physic layer of IEEE 802.11 are deleted .

  14. 风险管理部分从风险的定义入手,阐述了风险管理的方法,及供应链风险管理方面的研究。

    The risk management section to start from the definition of risk on the methods of risk management , and supply chain risk management .

  15. 现实生活中,各组织也将危机公关作为生存发展的重要管理部分,为此积极加强和媒体的关系。

    In fact , many organizations have put the crisis management as an important part during their development and strengthen ties of the media .

  16. 同时,在协议的配置管理部分实现对协议的配置管理,显示协议运行状态信息和调试信息。

    At the same time , the configuration management of the protocol are realized to config the protocol , show the message of running and debugging .

  17. 与硬件平台设计、链路层驱动和用户认证管理部分相配合,这些工作为无线移动自组织互联网实验系统的实现做好了准备。

    It has made a preparation for the implementation of the whole experimental system together with hardware platform , link layer driver and user authentication management work groups .

  18. 生产管理部分实现了猪只进场记录管理、生产信息管理、饲料投放管理和销售管理等功能;

    The function of pigs-coming record management , production information management , feed put-in management and so on have been realized in the production management part in the platform ;

  19. 通过此系统,可以轻松的将电信企业分各专业计费系统的账务管理部分进行剥离、整合到一起。

    Through this system , we can easily make the accounts management of every part which is classified by the professional billing system to peel , make them together .

  20. 系统任务管理部分的设计采用了工作流的设计思想,对每一个业务流程点进行了详细的数据结构设计、业务流程设计及数据库设计。

    In the task management of the system , the idea of workflow is adopted which provides a detailed design of data , business process and database for every business .

  21. 当然,除了负载均衡策略数据生成部分和调度部分外,还需要其它的辅助性部分,如访问数量统计和用户管理部分。

    Course , apart from the part of load balancing strategy data generation and scheduling , but also need other auxiliary parts , such as the number of visits Statistics and user management section .

  22. 第九部分,这是营运管理部分,分别介绍了如何有效地提高全体员工的素质和加强门店运作管理水平。

    The ninth part is about operation management . It introduces how to improve the qualities of the staff and strengthen the operation management of stores , even the whole quality of supermarket enterprise .

  23. 第四章,太原中旅集团乡村旅游开发项目风险管理部分。全面系统分析了当前太原中旅集团乡村旅游开发项目的现状、以上文的风险管理理论为指导,对其存在的风险进行了识别和评价。

    Chapter 4 shows the rural tourism development project risk management of Taiyuan Chian Travel Service , which comprehensive analyses the current status of rural tourism development projects , identifies and assesses the risks taking the risk management theory as guide .

  24. 在配置部署管理程序部分时,通过Incloudgroup字段选择希望把这个虚拟机部署到哪个云组。

    In configuring the deployment manager part , select a cloud group to which you want to deploy this virtual machine via the In cloud group field .

  25. 第三种方式,也是最灵活的方式,是混合上述两种方式,使用Lua脚本编写一些动作,而用C代码管理其他部分。

    The third , and most flexible , is to mix and match these approaches , using Lua to script some actions , and code in C to manage others .

  26. 第四章管理体系部分,通过引入ISO9000标准,剖析桂林市酒店质量管理现状,进一步探讨了如何完善服务质量的管理。

    The Fourth Part , Management System , by applying the standard of ISO 9000 , analyzes the status quo of the hotels ' service quality in Guilin , and further discusses how to perfect the management of hotels ' service quality .

  27. 第三部分为绿色营销的宏观管理分析部分,由绿色营销的政府规制与绿色营销的宏观创新体系构成。

    The third - the last part , concerns macroscopic management of green marketing .

  28. 第三章产品可追溯性管理本部分主要分析了可追溯性管理的批次追溯方法及其管理要点;

    The third chapter analyses the batch tracing methods and management outline of the traceability management ;

  29. 建筑设计防火审核包括技术审核和行政监督管理两部分。

    Fire protection inspection on architecture designs ( FPIAD ) involve technical inspection and administrative supervision .

  30. 正如在可管理性部分所讨论的,自主计算是云存储架构所必需的。

    As discussed in the Manageability section , autonomic computing is a requirement for cloud storage architectures .