
dì yī yǔ yán
  • first language;L1
  1. 对于16万儿童来说,英语并不是他们的第一语言。

    For 160,000 children , English is not their first language .

  2. 此外,第一语言习得中C原则的有关研究,大多都是以母语为英语的儿童为试验对象的;

    In addition , most of the studies concerning Principle C in first language acquisition are conducted with children acquiring English .

  3. PHP是专用于网站开发的第一语言和最容易学习的语言。

    PHP was one of the first languages dedicated to the web and one of the easiest to learn .

  4. 英国专家DavidCrystal估计,大约有350m人把英语作为他们的第一语言。

    On the estimates of David Crystal , a British expert , some 350m people speak English as their first language .

  5. NEC已在努力发展的第一语言翻译软件的日本市场。

    NEC has put in effort to develop the first language translator software for Japan market .

  6. 商务汉语考试(BCT)是为测试第一语言非汉语者从事商务活动的汉语水平而设立的国家级标准化考试。

    Business Chinese Test ( BCT ) is a state-level standard test established to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities .

  7. Pica(1984)发现第一语言对第二语言习得的影响是语言教学研究者所关注的首要课题。

    Pica ( 1984 ) listed ten most popular subjects concerned by foreign language teaching researchers , among which the influence of native language ( NL ) on second language acquisition is on the top .

  8. HELENARZOLA:“双向渗透项目的目标是,教给低收入的美籍西班牙孩子说英语,说一口流利的英语,社交英语和学术英语。只有在他们拥有良好的,扎实的第一语言基础的情况下才能实现。”

    HELEN ARZOLA : " The goal of the dual-language program is to teach low-income Hispanic children English -- good English , social English and English . And that can only happen if they have a good , foundation in their first language . "

  9. JillMorford:“任何一个人,如果他的第一语言的书写系统与英语完全不同,例如阿拉伯语,中文或俄语,他们都知道,要学习认识并理解英语单词都比阅读使用同样的正字法的语言更加具有挑战性。”

    JILL MORFORD : " Anyone who has a first language that has a written system that 's very different than English , like Arabic or Chinese or Russian , knows that learning to recognize and understand words in English is much more

  10. 母语迁移指的是一个人的第一语言。

    Mother tongue refers to the first language for a person .

  11. 第一语言与第二语言词汇习得顺序研究

    Study on Lexicon Acquisition Order of the First and Second Language

  12. 在美国,大多数人把英语作为第一语言(主动语态)。

    Most people speak English as a first language in the USA.

  13. 英语在这些国家中都不是第一语言。

    English is the first language in none of these countries .

  14. 在中国英语不是被用作第一语言。

    English is not used as the first language in China .

  15. 在这个国家法语被当作第一语言来说。

    French is spoken as the first language in this country .

  16. 第一语言和第二语言习得过程中的差异

    Disparities Between Learning of First Language and Acquisition of Second Language

  17. 第一语言习得是第二语言学习的障碍吗?

    Is First Language Acquisition an Obstacle to Second Language Learning ?

  18. 英语在许多国家被当作第一语言使用。

    English is spoken as the first language in many countries .

  19. 法语却没有取代英语而成为英国的第一语言。

    French did not replace English as the first language .

  20. 富家孩子把英语作为第一语言。

    The children of the rich learn English as their first language .

  21. 本质上国家承认爱尔兰语作为官方第一语言。

    Irish is constitutionally recognised as the first official language of the State .

  22. 您好,中文和英文(美国英文及口音)都是我的第一语言。

    Hi , I am a native speaker of both English and Mandarin .

  23. 材料是创作的第一语言&对现代纤维艺术的思考

    Material Is Most Important to Creation & Much Thought on Modern Fabric Art

  24. 她在西班牙长大,第一语言是西班牙语。

    She grew up in Spain , so her first language is Spanish .

  25. 英语为第一语言的写作认知心理过程研究综述

    A Review of Studies on English-as-L1 Writing Processes : Cognitive and Psychological Perspectives

  26. 英语是我的第一语言,但我在高中还学了法语。

    English is my first language but I also studied French in high school .

  27. 第一语言是西班牙语的美国人。

    An American whose first language was Spanish .

  28. 英语被用作他们的第一语言。

    English is used as their first language .

  29. 本文探讨了第一语言语感的内容,包括其具体表现;

    Explores what is First Language Intuition , including different aspects of L1 Intuition ;

  30. 或许我们很快就会看到汉语成为此类商品标签上的第一语言。

    Perhaps we will soon find Chinese as the first language on such products labels .