
dì yī shēng chǎn lì
  • Primary productivity;No.1 productive force
第一生产力[dì yī shēng chǎn lì]
  1. 知识成为第一生产要素,科学技术成为第一生产力,人才资源成为第一资源。

    Knowledge is considered as the first productive factor , science and technology is taken as no.1 productive force and intellectual resource is considered as the first resource .

  2. 科学技术是第一生产力。

    Science and technology are No.1 productive forces .

  3. 科学技术是第一生产力,RD投入则是测度技术进步水平的重要指标,而发展中国家RD投入的主要来源是国家财政科研投入。

    The science and technology are the primary productivity . The R D input is an important index to measure the level of technological development . In developing countries , the main source of R D input is the national finance .

  4. 叙述了CAD/CAE技术在长春光机所的应用、开发、交流和人材培养,展示了CAD/CAE技术作为第一生产力的巨大潜力和作用。

    This paper deals with the application , development , exchange and personel training inCAD / CAE technology in Changchun Institute of Optics and fine Mechanics . It is also shown that great potential and effect have been made by CAD / CAE technology as the first productive power .

  5. 荒漠牧草区年净第一生产力的空间分布有很大的差异,禁牧区牧草的年NPP相对非禁牧区的NPP较大,这一结论与地面观测结果相一致,NPP估算值平均误差为12.6%。

    In the desert area spatial distribution of the annual NPP varies greatly and the NPP in the grazing-prohibited area is higher than that in the grazing area , and this agrees with the result in the field observation . The average NPP error is 12.6 % in the estimation .

  6. 关于科技第一生产力的再思考

    The Reconsideration about the First Productive Power of Science and Technology

  7. 知识经济与科学技术是第一生产力

    Knowledge Economy and Science and Technology being the Primary Productive Force

  8. 而第一生产力只有在经济活动中才能够真正实现价值。

    Only in the first productive economic activities can truly value .

  9. 当今社会,影响力是第一生产力。

    Please note this , influence is the first productive power .

  10. 论“科学技术是第一生产力”

    On " science and technology is the first production force "

  11. 再论科学技术是第一生产力

    On Science and Technology be the First Power of Production

  12. 林业科技的第一生产力是什么?

    What is the First Productive Force in Forest Science and Technology ?

  13. 劳动者不是第一生产力的原因探析

    An Analysis of The Laborer is not the First Productivity

  14. 技术创新成为推动企业发展的第一生产力;

    Technique innovation becoming the first productivity fasten enterprises development ;

  15. 区分首要生产力和第一生产力;

    Distinction between the premier and the first productive forces ;

  16. 现代科学技术是社会主义发展的第一生产力。

    Thirdly , modern science and technology is the first productive force .

  17. 马克思主义认为科学技术是第一生产力。

    Marxism holds that science and technology are primary productivity .

  18. 对科学技术是第一生产力的探析

    To Learn and analyze science and technology are the first productive power

  19. 科学技术是第一生产力的再思考

    Review on this thesis the science and technology is the first productive forces

  20. 全面理解和把握科学技术是第一生产力

    Science and technology are first part of productive forces

  21. 第一生产力理论与知识经济

    Theory of the First Productive Force and Knowledge-based Economy

  22. 安全科学技术也是第一生产力(第一部份)

    Safety science and technology be also the first production force ( part ⅰ)

  23. 我说科学技术是第一生产力。

    I have said that science and technology are a primary productive force .

  24. 科学技术是第一生产力;

    Science and technology is a first productive force ;

  25. 论第一生产力和第三产业的社会历史作用

    The Social and Historic Role of the First Productivity and the Third Industry

  26. 科学技术仍然是推动经济发展的第一生产力。

    In a word , science and technology are still the first productive force .

  27. 用第一生产力理论指导科技工作

    Deng Xiaoping 's " the First Productive Forces " Theory in Science and Technology

  28. 试论科学技术是第一生产力

    Science and Technology Constitute the First Productive Force

  29. 科学技术成为第一生产力是历史发展的结果

    Science and Technology Being the Primary Productive Forces Is the Result of Historical Development

  30. 科学技术是第一生产力丰富了生产力的理论;

    Science and technology being the first productive forces enriched the theory of productive forces ;