
  • 网络the First Amendment;Amendment
  1. “我们国家的已避免的好运,是由于第一修正案中的宗教条款,排除了宗教的可能性”(小本诺C。施米特)

    " our national good fortune in having avoided , thanks to the religion clauses of the First Amendment , the dismal possibilities of religious censorship "( Benno C.Schmidt , Jr. )

  2. 此外,ABC坚称,《纽约医务组》由其新闻部门制作出品,受《宪法第一修正案》(FirstAmendment)的保护。

    The network has asserted that because " NY Med " is produced by its news division , it is protected by the First Amendment .

  3. 第一修正案在个人隐私不受政府侵犯方面较为模糊(小约瑟夫A.卡里法诺)

    The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion ( Joseph A.Califano , Jr )

  4. 我们珍视的价值观之一是信奉宗教的自由——《宪法第一修正案》(FirstAmendmentoftheConstitution)明文规定的一项权利。

    One of those values is the freedom to practice your religion -- a right that is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution .

  5. 美国最高法院(UnitedStatesSupremeCourt)明确指出,某些种类的言论不受第一修正案的保护,例如在战时公开部队调动的细节。

    The United States Supreme Court has made clear that certain types of speech are not protected by the First Amendment : publishing details about troop movements in wartime , for example .

  6. 法院以《美国宪法第一修正案》为由驳回了所有的指控。

    The courts have dismissed every charge on First Amendment grounds .

  7. 在宪法第一修正案中确实有。

    There is such a thing as the First Amendment .

  8. 最高法院改变了对第一修正案的解释。

    The court altered its interpretation of the First Amendment .

  9. 看来你读过第一修正案了。

    You 've read the first amendment then .

  10. 最近,法官们对宪法第一修正案以不同的方式进行了诠释。

    The First Amendment has been interpreted lately by judges in a different way .

  11. 我宁愿坐牢,也要维护第一修正案给予的权利。

    I am willing to go to jail to protect my first amendment rights .

  12. 我想你是在建议这个国家禁止第一修正案。

    I guess what you are suggesting for this country is banning the1st amendment .

  13. CISPR22∶2005及其第一修正案

    CISPR 22 Ed.5 and its Amendment 1

  14. 受第一修正案保护的美国人一般可以撰写网志而不考虑后果。

    Americans , protected by the first amendment , can generally write blogs with few consequences .

  15. 它必须能适用于关乎民意的事件,就像今天的第一修正案事件一样。

    It must certainly apply to matters of opinion to what we would call today First Amendment issues .

  16. 一个法官曾经判决杂志拒绝为盲人发行布莱叶盲文版是违反了宪法第一修正案赋予盲人的权利。

    A judge once ruled that denying blind people a Braille version of it violated their First Amendment rights .

  17. 另一方面,我们大多数人遵循的,说到底还是美国第一修正案的传统。

    On the other hand , what most of us rely upon I think is essentially the first amendment tradition .

  18. 调查还发现,更多人能说出“美国偶像”电视节目三个评委的名字,而说不出第一修正案中的三项权利。

    The survey found more people could name the three " American Idol " judges than identify three First Amendment rights .

  19. 上星期联邦政府确定了第一修正案并赔偿了80000$但是没有承认自己的错误。

    The federal government settled the first amendment case last week for $ 80000 , but with no admission of wrongdoing .

  20. 第一修正案部分表明,国会不得制定法律确立一种宗教。

    That 's the part of the First Amendment that says , Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion .

  21. 一上诉法庭支持这项法律,并表示它保护了患者和诊所雇员,且没有侵犯抗议者行使《第一修正案》的权力。

    An appeals court upheld the law , saying it protects patients and clinic employees without offending the First Amendment rights of protesters .

  22. 对于企业及其领导者的网络言论,我当然不是主张实施第一修正案的限制论,也不坚持过于严格的监管政策。

    I 'm certainly not advocating for first-amendment restrictions or overly-restrictive regulatory policies to police what companies and executives say and do online .

  23. 第一修正案没有规定政府有使记者力便获得消息的义务。

    The first amendment does not prescribe a duty on the government to ensure easy access to information for members of the press .

  24. 威斯康星州的联邦法官芭芭拉·克拉珀写道,这项优惠措施因只向宗教领导人提供政府补助而违反了《宪法第一修正案》。

    Federal Judge Barbara Crabb of Wisconsin wrote that this favouritism violates the first amendment by providing a state benefit to religious leaders but no one else .

  25. 警方同样也没过分使用武力对抗和平游行示威者或以宪法第一修正案的权利逮捕示威群众。

    There 's also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights .

  26. 一幅高挂在一所中学走廊上的耶稣基督的巨幅画像被指宣扬宗教切违反了第一修正案。

    A large picture of Jesus Christ , which had hung in the hallway of a high school , was found to endorse religion and violate the First Amendment .

  27. 直到1919年,霍尔姆斯大法官在审理申克案时创设的明显和现存的危险标准,才使得第一修正案真正浮出水面。

    The First Amendment was not used until the year 1919 , when Justice Holmes first created a " clear and present danger " standard in the Scheck case .

  28. 最高法院裁定,根据第一修正案,纯粹的观点既不能证明其真实性又不能证明其失实性的言论绝对受保护。

    And , as a matter of First Amendment law , the Court has held that pure opinion statement that can neither be proven true nor false is absolutely protected .

  29. 第一修正案是权利法案的核心,它将表达自由确立为公民所享有的一项最基本权利和自由社会的支柱性权利。

    The first amendment , the core of the rights bill , regard the expression freedom as the basic right of a citizen and fundamental right of a freedom society .

  30. 根据反对意见的分析,承认附条件豁免权以保护这些行为,其几乎将完全与宽泛的第一修正案原则不一致。

    Allowing qualified immunity to protect such actions , as it almost certainly would under the dissent 's analysis , would be completely out of step with broader First Amendment doctrine .