
  • 网络form of competition;competitive form
  1. 到目前为止,学校中最严重的竞争形式就是对于考试的过分强调。

    By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations .

  2. 在局限下极大化的假设下,竞争形式的选择一定是基于交易费用的局限下极小化的。

    Under the postulate of constrained maximization , the choice of the form of competition is always a result of constrained transaction cost minimization .

  3. 我国确定市场经济体制及加入WTO后,我国企业迎来了发展的良好机遇,但竞争形式也日趋激烈。

    After our country joins WTO , the enterprise welcomed the development good opportunity , but the competition form was also intense day by day .

  4. 简要的阐述了GIS在目标市场选择、竞争形式分析、销售网络确定、销售渠道决策、产品供应调控等方面的应用方法和基本模式。

    It briefly describes the GIS application methods and basic modes in the aspect of objective market selection , sale network planning and so on .

  5. 阐述了中国牙膏市场的竞争形式;

    Expatiates the competition of toothpaste market in China ;

  6. 随之而来的以供应链为主的竞争形式和管理方式使得制造业的生存与发展面临新的形势和挑战。

    Modern competition and management on supply chain make manufacturing face some new situation and challenges .

  7. 建设工程招标投标是一种通行的工程交易方式,是在市场经济条件下进行工程建设活动的主要竞争形式。

    Construction project bidding is a general project exchange mode and a main project competition mode in market economy .

  8. 当前农地经营模式单一,农业面临严峻的国际竞争形式。

    The mode of our country farmland manage was single and the agriculture will face the rigorous international competition .

  9. 国际竞争形式由原来的争夺配额转变为产品综合实力在国际市场上的竞争。

    The form of international competition has changed from competing for quota products into comprehensive strength in the international market competition .

  10. 文章重点分析了飞鸿公司销售组织设计要考虑哪些因素,以及如何重新设计高效的销售组织,来适应公司所面临的新的竞争形式。

    The paper mainly analyzed which factors would be considered and how Feihong corporation design high efficient sales structure , in order to face the latest competition .

  11. 动态联盟是在新的全球经济竞争形式下,随着信息技术的飞速发展而逐渐形成的一种崭新的组织模式,其管理信息系统是联盟企业取得竞争优势的技术基础。

    With the development of the information technology , dynamic alliance gradually becomes the new and rival pattern of the organization . MIS is its technical foundation .

  12. 分析了现代物流业的特点及发展趋势并对上海空港发展现代物流的需求进行了预测,分析了上海空港建设国际航空物流枢纽所面临的竞争形式。

    , Analysis of the characteristic and development tendency of modern logistics industry , Demands forecast of modern logistics for shanghai airport and analysis for competition of shanghai airport .

  13. 虽然从理论上分析,网运分离后铁路运输业存在多种竞争形式,但真正有效的是线路运营权的竞争和与其它运输方式间的竞争两种。

    Although theoretically there exists various competition forms in the railway industry , the real valid competition comes from the competition of the circuits carrying power and the moreover transportation .

  14. 市场结构是产业内企业间在数量、份额、规模、利益分配方面的关系以及由此决定的产业内部的竞争形式,它反映了产业内部的竞争和垄断关系。

    Market structure is the relation about quantity , share , scale , allocation of benefit of the enterprises , it reflects the relation of competition and monopoly in an industry .

  15. 从而提出当今中国新闻媒体在应对激烈竞争形式中,应该注意的问题和采取的现实举措。

    So the writer have an idea that Chinese news media should be noted that in response to fierce competition in the form of questions and take the reality of initiatives .

  16. 随着企业之间的竞争形式由产品力竞争向品牌力竞争的转变,品牌正成为企业掌握的最有效的竞争手段,相应地,有效的品牌管理亦成为企业制胜的关键。

    With the shift of competition from product to brand , the latter has become the most effective means for enterprises to win the competition , which thereby reinforce the brand management .

  17. 第2章主要从市场结构、企业行为、市场绩效三方面分析了中国民航运输业的产业组织情况,指出中国民航运输业呈现出寡头垄断竞争形式。

    Chapter 2 mainly analyzes the industrial organization situation of CATI from three respects of market structure , market behavior and market performance ; and points out that CATI has entered oligopoly competition stage .

  18. 其次对湖南移动公司的宏观环境、行业的竞争形式进行剖析,并从通信协议、手机终端等五个方面因素对短消息市场的影响进行分析。

    Next is the anatomy of the macro environment and trade competition of the Corporation , and the analysis of the effects on short message service from five aspects such as communication protocol and cell phone .

  19. 如何面对这种竞争形式,如何在竞争中掌握先机,争取主动?这是每一个制造商或供货商都应该考虑的问题。

    How do we face this kind of competitive situation ? How can we conquer the competition and hold a good position in the competition ? This is a problem that every supplier should think about .

  20. 进入21世纪后,随着社会主义市场经济体制的完善和经济全球化进程的加快,中国企业特别是民营企业面临着诸多的挑战,竞争形式非常严峻。

    In the 21 st century , with the improvement of socialist market economic system and the acceleration of economic globalization , Chinese enterprises , especially private enterprises are facing many challenges , very serious form of competition .

  21. 虚拟企业是在新的全球经济竞争形式下,随着信息技术的迅速发展而逐渐演化形成的一种新型组织模式,它能够使决策者抓住瞬息万变的市场机会。

    Virtual enterprise is a new operation mode of organization , which has developed with the rapid development of information technology under the new global economic competition circumstance . It can make the leader catch the fast changing market chance .

  22. 从此以后,捆绑折扣不再是一种单纯的价格竞争形式,而有可能被看作是企业滥用市场支配地位的手段,为反垄断法所不容。

    Since then , the bundled discount is no longer a simple form of price competition , while there may be a means to the abuse of a dominant market position , as the anti-monopoly law will not be tolerated .

  23. 同时,竞争的形式也已经由单纯的企业与企业之间的竞争转变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争。

    The form of competition changes from a simple business-to-business competition into the supply chain to supply chain competition .

  24. 由于它的焦点在于集中性市场上竞争的形式和本质,产业组织理论在很大的程度上可以看作是经营策略的理论。

    With its focus on the nature and form of rivalry in concentrated markets , much of industrial organization is a theory of business strategy .

  25. 当权者当然仍有足够的力量阻止这些致命冲突以公开讨论或公开的权力竞争的形式出现。

    The authorities are certainly still strong enough to prevent those vital conflicts from issuing in the shape of open discussion or open rivalry for power .

  26. 不断深化的市场经济加快了企业竞争表现形式的转移:从产品竞争到市场竞争,再到人力资源竞争。

    The further-deepening of the market economy has accelerated the competition transfer among enterprises : from products competition to market competition , and then to human resources competition .

  27. 现代企业竞争的形式逐渐从企业个体之间的竞争转变为整个供应链之间的竞争,供应链中企业业务协作日趋频繁、紧密,企业希望通过软件系统的交互,达到高效协作的目的。

    The form of enterprise competition gradually shifts from individual enterprise throughout the competition among the whole supply chain . Enterprise business collaboration in the supply chain is becoming more frequent , more close .

  28. 这种高新技术产业竞争的形式,内容,手段和方法等都较传统产业竞争赋予了更多的新内涵,争夺高新技术产业发展制高点的竞争甚至超出了国际间的政治竞争和军事竞争。

    Compared with the traditional industry , the competitive form , content and method has been vested much more contents . Competed for the commanding point of new and high technology industry has even surpassed the political and military competition .

  29. 这已经深深的影响到人们生活的各个方面,在最关键的一点上,市场激烈竞争的形式下,各种企业组织必须不断改善他们的经营管理方式,才能获取和保持竞争优势。

    This has deeply affected people in all aspects of life , in the most crucial point , in the form of fierce market competition , the various business organizations must continue to improve their management methods to obtain and maintain competitive advantage .

  30. 作为企业竞争的主要形式,创新是企业价值增殖的来源。

    Making innovations is the source of rise in enterprise 's value .