
  1. 我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。

    Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot .

  2. 我们站在舞台上,演奏得完全不合节拍。

    We were standing onstage playing completely out of time .

  3. 如果你站在舞台上,分享自己对世界的看法,人们会与你产生共鸣的。

    If you stand on stage and share your view of the world , people will connect with you .

  4. 当我唱歌时,总是一个人站在舞台上。

    Whenever sang my songs on the stage on my own .

  5. 这些站在舞台上的精英其实比很多以英语为母语的人都表现得更加优秀。

    These elite performers actually do better than many native English speakers .

  6. 每次我站在舞台上,我双膝都直不起来。

    My knees still buckle every time I get on a stage .

  7. 小姑娘站在舞台上看起来很自得其乐。

    The girl on stage looked like she was having so much fun .

  8. 想象自己是一位站在舞台上的戏剧者。

    Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage .

  9. 对于所有喜爱站在舞台上的人来说,这是最完美不过的课程了。

    This is the perfect class for anyone who loves to be on stage .

  10. 一站在舞台上,阿梅就「雄霸天下」。

    Once on the stage , Ah Mui has the whole world under her .

  11. 他天生就是应该站在舞台上的。

    He was born to be on stage .

  12. 那女孩正站在舞台上。

    The girl be stand on the stage .

  13. 她第一次作为主角站在舞台上接受观众的掌声。

    Her first as a protagonist stood on the stage and accept the audience for its applause .

  14. 我喜欢英语,现在,我能站在舞台上,用英语表达我的思想。

    I love English and now , I can stand on this stage to express my ideas in English .

  15. 当我站在舞台上,有人嘘声或是做什么,首先对我来说是一种刺激。

    When I stand on stage and boo the people or so , then this is primarily an incentive .

  16. 对于龚琳娜来说,最大的收获莫过于终于能站在舞台上,用自己的嗓子唱歌了。

    For Gong , the biggest reward is that " finally I can sing with my own voice on stage " .

  17. 我站在舞台上,我在想自己所有的身体已经失去的那种感觉,就是那样。

    I was standing by the stage and I was thinking I was missing all my body go and that 's it .

  18. 接着我才发现她已不在我身旁的座位上,而是拘谨地站在舞台上的钢琴旁边。

    The next thing I knew she was no longer in the seat next to me but standing stiffly onstage beside the piano .

  19. 我只是想让孩子们看看我站在舞台上的样子,因为在家里大卫通常都是英雄。

    I just want my kids to see me up on stage , because it 's always been Daddy who has been the hero .

  20. 她的样子现在还能浮现在我的脑海中:金发飘飘,一袭长裙,怀抱吉他,一个人站在舞台上。

    I can still see her , standing alone on the stage with her long blond hair , floor-length cotton dress , and guitar .

  21. 因为你们积极地参与学校的朗诵比赛,自豪地与我们一同站在舞台上表演。

    That 's why you took such an active part in the school recitation and felt so proud of standing on the stage with us .

  22. 同时这位评论家透露制作人将让参与致敬演出的歌手们与数码版本的“迈克尔杰克逊”并肩站在舞台上演唱同一首歌。这将比单纯用视频有趣的多。

    Ehrlich said producers decided not to have the tribute performers sing along with a digitized version of Jackson , and instead chose to use the film .

  23. 几十名同砚站在舞台上一齐吹,笛声在校园飞扬,掌声在校园回荡,笑颜在脸上绽开。

    Dozens of students stood on stage together blowing , sound filled the campus , applause reverberated in the campus , smiling at his face in full bloom .

  24. 许多人下了很多苦功夫学英语但只有少数人能像我们这样能站在舞台上。

    Many people put a lot of hard work into learning English but very few people like us get the chance and luck to stand on this stage .

  25. 我可能永远没有机会站在舞台上,为成千上百的听众演唱,但我能为许多人唱歌。

    I may never get the chance to stand on a stage and sing to hundreds or thousands but I have been able to sing to many audiences .

  26. 刘谦说道,过去,观众看着魔术师远远地站在舞台上,看着他们使用华丽的道具表演魔术。

    Liu Qian , magician , said , In the past , the audience sees the magician standing in a faraway place , using a lot of splendid props .

  27. 很多人都说女明星站在舞台上的时候都是一个样,诸如漂亮性感之类的词语都可以用得上。

    Many people say that women stood on the stage when the star is a sample , such as the beautiful sexy can be sort of the lingua franca of the words .

  28. 自己写的一首如此私人的歌拿到了第一名;站在舞台上往下看,人们唱着我写的歌,这些都让我无比激动。

    I get so excited when a song I wrote that ` s very personal to me goes No. 1 and I look down and see people singing the words back to me .

  29. 巴拉站在舞台上,对媒体和公众详细解释她认为通用汽车是如何失败的,该公司将采取哪些改进措施等问题。

    Barra got on stage in front of the press and the public and explained exactly how she believes the company failed , and what it was going to do to get better .

  30. 没人会想到晚会会以这样的形式结束。威廉接受邀请和80年代摇滚歌手邦乔维一起站在舞台上,但他也坚持称,只有泰勒也来他才肯表演。

    Nobody could have guessed how the evening would end as William accepted an invitation to join 80s rocker Bon Jovi on stage , but insisting he would only do it if Taylor came too .