
  • 网络Breakthrough Plan;Project Breakthrough
  1. 城镇化战略的成功实施,有赖于突破计划经济体制下形成的思想观念、发展思路、政府职能以及人为制度束缚等重重障碍。

    Later it states the successful implementation of the urbanization strategy is due to the abolition of obstacles in relation to planned economy , for instance , ideology , way of development , government function and system .

  2. 在过去的十余年时间里,我国股票市场突破计划时代的体制藩篱和意识形态的束缚正从无到有、从小到大地逐步发展起来,证券经济的概念已经深入人心。

    In the past 10 years , the stock market of our country has broken through the system fence of planned times with ideology tie and developed step by step since childhood , the concept of bond economy has gone deep into popular feeling .

  3. 在知识经济时代,国有企业的人力资源管理只有突破传统的计划、行政人事管理模式,才能构建新的激励与约束机制,最大限度地发挥劳动者的积极性和创造性,形成具有持续发展的竞争力。

    During the age of economic and knowledge , human resources management in state enterprise only break traditional planned administered personnel management mode to construct new stimulating and restrained system and develop staff s activity and creativity , form sustainable competitive power .

  4. 在纽约城的一号楼观景台,我和尤里·米尔纳启动了“突破摄星”计划(BreakthroughStarshot)马克·扎克伯格也加入了该计划的董事会,为“突破摄星”助一臂之力。

    At the One World Observatory in New York City , Yuri Milner and I launched a mission to the stars . Mark Zuckerberg lenthis support by joining the board of our new initiative , Breakthrough Starshot .

  5. 霍金是在上周二于纽约市进行的关于“突破摄星”计划的演讲中做出的该预测。

    Hawking made the prediction last Tuesday during the Breakthrough Starshot announcement in New York City .

  6. 本文认为,我国社会主义市场经济体制是在全面突破苏联模式的计划经济体制的基础上形成的。

    It holds that Chinese socialist market economy system is the outcome of completely breaking through soviet model of planning economy system .

  7. 六是蓝色发展方面,重点实施蓝色产业崛起、蓝色科技引领、蓝色体制突破三项行动计划。

    Sixth , focusing on the implementation of blue industries rise , blue science and technology to lead the blue institutional breakthrough in the three action plans .