
  • 网络Sudden failure;catastrophic failure;on-off
  1. 因此,如果某个正在运行JMS的服务器突然失效了,相同JMS实现的另一台服务器能够处理其负载。

    So , if one server running JMS becomes unavailable , another server with the same JMS implementation can handle the load .

  2. 设计了无线P2P文件传输中对失效路由的恢复机制,通过构建松散的聚群集合,实现对下一跳节点突然失效状况的及时发现和迅速反应。

    Designing a novel path failure recovery scheme for wireless files transmission in P2P networks . Loosely-connected groups are organized to realize quick detecting and recovering for failed next-hop nodes .

  3. 采用两参数weibull分布描述系统突然失效时间的分布,使用贝叶斯估计方法实现可靠度中参数的实时估计。

    Suppose the sudden failure time follow the Weibull distribution with two parameters ; then , the reliability of the system subject to only the sudden failure is modeled whose parameters is estimated real-timely by Bayesian estimation method with the conjugate prior distribution of two parameters .

  4. Q.如果你在自由下坠的过程中降落伞突然失效了,但你有一个质量、张力等都恰到好处的“机灵鬼”螺旋弹簧,如果你把弹簧抛向空中,手握其中一端,通过这种方法能让你活下来吗?

    Q. If you are in free fall and yourparachute fails , but you have a Slinky with extremely convenient mass , tension , etc. , would it be possible to save yourself by throwing the Slinky upward whileholding on to one end of it ?

  5. 一种新的电子元器件突然失效率估算方法

    A New Estimation Model of Sudden Failure Rate of Electronic Components

  6. 一间储藏马铃薯的仓库里,加热炉突然失效。

    The furnace used to heat a large storage room filled with potatoes suddenly failed .

  7. 本文分析了通用机械工作机构的可靠性、故障间隔时间、同时存在突然失效和磨损失效时的可靠度计算问题;

    The reliability of mechanism of universal machine , time between failures and the reliability problems as the sudden and gradual failures exist simultaneously are discussed .

  8. 凝析气藏型地下储气库多周期运行盘库方法一间储藏马铃薯的仓库里,加热炉突然失效。

    The multi-cycle working inventory methods of underground gas storages based on condensate gas reservoirs The furnace used to heat a large storage room filled with potatoes suddenly failed .

  9. InGaAsP/GaAs激光器能抑制暗线缺陷的形成,器件的突然失效及缓慢退化有所减少。

    Study on comparison between AlGaAs / GaAs and InGaAsP / GaAs high power laser diodes indicates that Al-free lasers are more reliable due to a reduction of dark line defects , sudden failure and gradual degradation .

  10. 患者在麻醉下失去了意识,所有的一切似乎都按部就班有条不紊——直到她身上的麻醉突然失效了一段时间,她无法睁开眼睛,无法动一动手指。

    She was put under , and everything seemed to be going according to plan , until , for a horrible interval , her anesthesia stopped working . She couldn 't open her eyes or move her fingers .

  11. 结构的二次防御能力是指结构因突发事件或局部严重超载而造成部分构件突然失效时,结构自行调整内力、阻止破坏过程的延续、保证结构不发生整体破坏的能力。

    The alternative defensive ability of structures refers to their ability to adjust the internal forces automatically to avoid the continuation of damage and maintain the whole structure stability when local members failed unexpectedly due to abnormal events or severe local overloading .

  12. 作为理想的高温结构材料,C/C复合材料在使用过程中不可避免地涉及疲劳加载的情况,疲劳损伤累积到一定程度,材料会发生突然的疲劳失效现象,危害性极大。

    So C / Cs have been used in many areas especially in the aerospace field . As the ideal candidate for high temperature structural materials , C / Cs are involved in fatigue loads inevitably .