
  1. 研究对象包括关于从物理基础设施、信息流动、新的赛博空间社区的人口统计到对这些新的数字空间的感知及可视化研究等一系列地理现象。

    It also researches a serial geographical phenomenon ranging from physical infrastructure , information traffic and census statistics of new cyberspace community to the cognizance and visualization researching .

  2. 自我表露是社会心理学领域重要的研究课题。随着网络的普及和发展,自我表露的相关研究开始从现实生活情境延伸至网络空间社区。

    Self-disclosure is an important research topic in the field of social psychology , with the popularity and development of Internet , relevant researches of self-disclosure begin to extent to the cyberspace community from real-life situations .

  3. 体育空间是社区体育活动开展的基础。

    Sport space is the base of community sport development .

  4. 7城市生活空间与社区可持续发展研究。

    And ⑦ research of city life space and community sustainable development .

  5. 社区外部空间与社区商业的互动融合现象分析

    Analysis on the interact and blending of the external space and commercial space in community

  6. 中国城市生活空间及社区可持续发展研究现状与趋势

    The Status Quo and Trends of the Study on City Life-space and Community Sustainable Development in China

  7. 住宅外部空间是社区文化网络的支撑体。

    The space outside the domicile is taken as carrier of the cultural network of the community in this paper .

  8. 住宅外部空间与社区文化网络&以广州市居住区为例

    Space Outside the Domicile and the Cultural Network of the Community & Taking Guangzhou 's Residential Area as an Example

  9. 将二者结合起来,分析总结,探讨教育空间向社区开放的设计手段。

    Combine the two , analyzed and summarized to explore the means of education and open space to the community design .

  10. 结论深圳市居民社区卫生服务满意度整体上还是有较大的改进空间,社区卫生服务管理者应该积极采取相应措施来提高居民对社区卫生服务的满意度水平。

    Conclusion There is larger improvement space on the whole in the community health service in Shenzhen . The administrators should improve community health service to satisfy the residents .

  11. 中国研究城市生活空间和社区可持续发展的现状主要包括以下7个方面:1城市生活空间要素研究;

    The study on city life space and community sustainable development in China mainly covers the following 7 domains , namely , ① research of the chief elements of city life space ;

  12. 网络营造了虚拟的空间和社区,使得人们可以在虚拟的社会中找到真实的现实归属感,同时,它也令部分青少年深陷其中而刻意地回避现实问题。

    Internet creates virtual spaces and communities for people to find a real sense of belonging , meanwhile , it also makes the young people trapping in it and evading the actual issues deliberately .

  13. 社区公园是城市中的绿洲和城市居民日常生活中不可缺少的游憩空间,社区公园中丰富的植物景观受到了城市居民的喜爱。

    The community park is the " Oasis " in the urban area and the indispensable recreation place for urban inhabitant in their daily life . Rich plants landscape resources have come to be very popular with urban inhabitant .

  14. 社区外部空间利用与社区商业研究

    Space usage outside community & commercial research in community

  15. 居住空间分化对社区交往行动与社区建设有怎样的影响?

    How does the differentiation of residential space change the interactive space in community ?

  16. 当代国外对城市生活空间评价与社区规划的研究

    Contemporary study on Evaluation of urban living space and community planning in foreign countries

  17. 基于本体兴趣特征向量空间模型的社区自组织算法

    A Self-organization Algorithm for Community Based on Ontology-based Learner 's Interest Eigenvector Space Model

  18. 公共空间与城市社区发展

    Public Space and Urban Community Development

  19. 作者认为社区化是大型商业建筑的普遍趋势之一,并从构成要素总结空间形态的社区化特点。

    Discussions were made that communalization is one of the general trends of large-scale commercial buildings .

  20. 本论文以社区政治作为中国政治发展的战略性空间,以社区政治与国家政治间的互动关系作为研究的新视角。

    The strategic space of Chinese political development is community politics and the interaction between it and state politics is the very research perspective in this thesis .

  21. 因此,扩大社区居民公共参与,拓展社区公共空间,培育社区多元化的治理主体就显现为当前社区建设的最为棘手的任务。

    Therefore , propelling citizens ' participation , broadening community public space and adding the range of the governance subjects become the most important work in urban community building .

  22. 菲尼克斯市政公共空间于城市社区以及亚利桑那州立大学共同编织在一起,构建了一个重要的城市中心,与城市新的轻轨系统相邻。

    The Phoenix Civic Space weaves together the downtown community with ASU 's Phoenix Campus to create a vital urban center adjacent to the city 's new light rail system .

  23. 创客空间指的是社区化运营的工作空间,在这里,有共同兴趣的人们(通常是对电脑、机械、技术、科学、数字艺术活电子技术)可以聚会,社交,展开合作。

    A makerspace ( also referred to as a hacklab , hackerspace or hackspace ) is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests , often in computers , machining , technology , science , digital art or electronic art , can meet , socialize and collaborate .

  24. 运用空间智能理论组织社区教育

    Organizing Community Education with Space Intelligent Theory

  25. 中国城市就业的新空间&21世纪中国社区就业的前景、瓶颈及对策

    New Space of Employment in Urban China

  26. 基于城市社会&生活空间质量观的社区资源配置研究

    Research on the Allocation of Community Resources on the Basis of the Concept of Social-life Space Quality

  27. 根据这个模型,社区工作者应将促进人际吸引、增进交往实践和创设互动空间作为介入新型社区网络建构的主要目标。

    This paper holds that new community network construction in cities is very important for individual development , community construction and social stability .

  28. 我国物流企业的空间组织研究关于社区空间定位与社区规模的思考和关于有中国特色的社区组织管理体制的思考等。

    The thesis studies ten issues on urban community spatial organization and management in China , which we have to face and can 't be avoided .

  29. 更多的设施和绿色空间丰富了可持续社区,避免了不文明行为的发生,帮助伤残家庭-居民区更加易于管理,也不需要太多维修工作。

    More facilities and green spaces nurture sustainable communities and help avoid vandalism and dysfunctional families-developments become easier to manage , and need less repair work .

  30. 比如,他写道韩国零售商对消费者和市民不加区别,不假思索地留出三分之一的空间给当地的社区活动组织者发挥。

    He notes , for example , that South Korean retailers make no distinction between consumers and citizens , automatically setting aside a third of their space for organisers of local community activities .