
kōnɡ jiān dìnɡ xiànɡ
  • spatial orientation
  1. 分析空间定向ERP的成分特性,发现成分分解算法能够有效改善成分混叠问题。

    The properties of the spatial orientation ERPs were analyzed and the results demonstrated the decomposition algorithm can efficiently solve the components-overlap problem .

  2. 连续给药4周后进行Morris水迷宫测试,通过变换平台位置对大鼠空间定向能力(探索阶段)及再学习能力(再学习阶段)进行评价,比较潜伏期和平均速度。

    Four weeks of continuous infusion later , Morris water maze was applied to test the spatial orientation ( searching stage ) and relearning ( relearning stage ) abilities by changing the platform position , and the escape latency and average speed were compared .

  3. 利用一种稳健的成分分解算法对短刺激间隔的空间定向ERP进行成分分解。

    A robust decomposition algorithm was used to obtain the decomposed components of the short-stimulus intervals ERPs in spatial orientation experiment .

  4. CS结构修饰及其与MB空间定向相互作用机理

    Structural Modification of Chondroitin Sulfate and Mechanism of the Spatial Directional of Interaction with Methylene Blue

  5. 因此,本研究中采用事件相关fMRI技术来研究空间定向和反应抑制的交互效应所涉及的不同神经机制。

    Therefore , event-related fMRI is used to investigate the differential neural mechanisms underlying interactions between spatial orienting and response inhibition .

  6. 研究结果表明,BSASDSAA三元复合物产生新的光谱吸收峰以及变色反应,主要是由于结合态AA分子空间定向作用形成的聚集体聚集程度不同所造成的。

    It was found that the new absorption peak and color changes generated by BSA-SDS-AA complex arose from the difference in the spatial orientation aggregative degree of AA binding on BSA-SDS-AA complex .

  7. 利用Morris水迷宫检测实验大鼠的空间定向能力及再学习能力改变情况,同时对Morris水迷宫的测试方法学进行研究和改进;

    The capacity of space orientation and relearning was determined with Morris water maze . Meanwhile the research and improvement of methodology about Morris water maze test was carried out .

  8. 目的观察Coriolis加速度刺激对人体动态姿态平衡功能的影响,探索Coriolis加速度训练对人体空间定向的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Coriolis acceleration stimuli on human dynamic posture equilibrium , so as to explore the influence of Coriolis acceleration stimuli on human space orientation .

  9. 大鼠Morris水迷宫逃避潜伏期明显延长,空间定向能力测试中重复阈下再刺激大鼠在水迷宫的四个象限中无目的漫游。

    The mean escape latency for SED rats in spatial bias in the water maze training prolonged significantly . And in the spatial orientation test the SED rats following repeated stimulations swam aimlessly in the four - quadrant pool during the probe trial in the Morris water maze .

  10. 初教机飞行学员仪表视觉空间定向训练效果

    Effect of instrument-visual spatial orientation training in student-pilots of primary trainer

  11. 减少主轴径向跳动的空间定向装配法

    Space Directional Fitting Method for Reducing Radial Runout of Spindle

  12. 航天失重环境对空间定向的影响

    Effects of Microgravity on Human Spatial Orientation in Space Flight

  13. 硫酸软骨素与天青A空间定向相互作用机理的研究

    Spatial Orientation Interaction Mechanism between Chondroitin Sulfate and Azure A

  14. 一种新型空间定向能力测验的结构效度分析

    Analysis on the construct validity of a new spatial orientative ability test

  15. 透明质酸与天青A空间定向相互作用机理

    Spatial Orientation Interaction Mechanism between Hyaluronic Acid and Azur A

  16. 空间定向钻孔轨迹预测和控制

    Prediction and control of space directional borehole trace

  17. 基于功率控制技术的智能天线信号四阶矩空间定向法

    Fourth-order moment spatial orientation method of smart antenna signal based on power control technology

  18. 认知特征、场独立性与飞行空间定向关系的研究

    The relationship between cognitive profile , field - independence and spatial orientation in flight

  19. 飞行中空间定向障碍研究现状和未来

    Modern and future perspective on flight spatial disorientation

  20. 空间定向包括两种机制:内源和外源定向。

    This process is thought to include two mechanisms : endogenous and exogenous orienting .

  21. 空间定向能力较弱一直是威胁飞行安全的重要原因。

    Spatial directional ability weak is always the important reasons for the flight safety threat .

  22. 空间定向障碍发生机制的研究进展

    Advances in studies of spatial disorientation mechanisms

  23. 一种新型空间定向机构的运动学研究

    Kinematics of a Novel Spatial Pointing Mechanism

  24. 老年期语义理解能力与空间定向能力的交叉滞后分析

    The Relation Between Vocabulary Comprehension and Spatial Orientation in Older Adults : A Cross-Lagged Regression Analysis

  25. 蛋白质三元复合物空间定向作用机理的研究&BSA/SDS/天青A反应体系

    Spatial Orientation Interaction Mechanism of Three Component Complex of Protein & BSA / SDS / Azur a System

  26. 空间定向能力是指人对自己在空间的姿态、位置和运动的判断及认识能力。

    Space directional ability refers to people in space , position and posture of the movement and understands ability .

  27. 分子中原子在空间定向的方式不同的化合物叫做立体异构体。

    Differ in the way in which the atoms within the molecule are oriented in space are called stereoisomer .

  28. 三轴四元非典型声强向量阵对低频声源全空间定向的理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Exploration on Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation for Low Frequency Sound Source with Non-typical Vector Acoustic Intensity Array

  29. 从2或者3个月6个月左右,婴儿的空间定向和物体注意功能有很大的变化;

    And there are rapid changes in both the spatial orientation and object attention functions from 2 to 3 month .

  30. 结果:定位测验测量的是空间定向能力,它在空间定向因子上的载荷为85.7%;

    RESULTS : The Localization Test focused on spatial orientation ability and explained 85.7 % of the spatial orientation factor ;