
  • 网络air-to-air heat exchanger
  1. 在间接蒸发冷却技术中,空气-空气热交换器是一个重要设备。

    The air-to-air heat exchanger is an important component in an indirect evaporative cooling cycle .

  2. 两种气候条件下空气热交换器的适用性分析

    Analysis of the applicability of air-heat exchange ventilators in two different climate conditions

  3. 全热空气热交换器在医院净化空调系统中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Air-Air Total Heat Exchangers in a Hospital Air-Conditioning System

  4. 管式烟气-空气热交换器的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Flue Gas-air Tube Heat Exchanger

  5. 逆流-叉流板式全热空气热交换器换热效率的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Efficiency of Cross and Counter Flow Plate Type Air to Air Heat Exchanger

  6. 板翅式湿空气热交换器传热传质性能实验研究

    Experimental study on the heat and mass transfer performance of the plate fin wet air to air heat exchanger

  7. 设计并制作了管式烟气-空气热交换器,搭建了试验台系统,进行热工性能和空气侧阻力特性的研究。

    Flue gas-air tube heat exchanger is designed and made , its test-bed system is put up , and the thermal property and resistance characteristic of air side are studied .

  8. 带中心管的管壳式换热器管板与换热管设计方法研究逆流-叉流板式全热空气热交换器换热效率的实验研究

    Tube and Tubesheet Design Methods for Tubular Heat Exchanger with a Central Pipe ; Experimental Study on the Efficiency of Cross and Counter Flow Plate Type Air to Air Heat Exchanger

  9. 室外气候对空气全热交换器运行效率的影响

    Effects of outdoor climate on the efficiency of air-to-air total heat exchanger

  10. 板翅式空气全热交换器热回收效率的实验研究

    Experimental study on the efficiency of cross-flow heat recovery ventilators

  11. 接着空气通过热交换器冷却到低温。

    The air then passes through heat exchangers where it is cooled to cryogenic temperature .

  12. 结束经过探查的水样品新鲜的空气去热交换器仪器的数量是代表性的是重要的。

    It is important that the water sample passing over the probe is representative of the amount of ozone going to the heat exchanger equipment .

  13. 另一方面,低温压缩空气在热交换器里温度得到回升,使排气管道外壁不致因温度过低而出现结露现象。

    On the other hand , cryogenic compressed air in the heat exchanger temperature rise , so that the exhaust pipe is not caused by low temperature and dewing phenomenon .

  14. 空调用空气&水热交换器最佳结构参数的确定

    Determination of Optimizing Performance of Air-Water Heat Exchanger in Air Conditioning

  15. 板式空气&空气热交换器热工性能实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Plate-type Air-air Heat Exchanger Thermotechnical Properties

  16. 太阳能温室空气-土壤热交换器系统的技术进展

    The advance of study and application on earth-to-air heat exchanger-storage systems for greenhouse

  17. 烟气可以用空气加热器后的热交换器来冷却。

    The gas can be cooled by a heat exchanger after the air heater .

  18. 本文分析研究两种流体互不混合的湿空气交叉流式热交换器的热性能。

    The thermal performance of moist air cross flow heat exchanger with two fluids unmixed has been studied .

  19. 静止式空气&空气全热交换器作为暖通空调领域的最佳能量回收装置之一在国外早已受到普遍关注,并得到广泛应用。

    As one of the best Energy Recovery Ventilators in the field of air conditioning , the static type of air-to-air enthalpy exchangers have been applied widely for a long time overseas .

  20. 空气&空气板式全热交换器热量回收性能的研究

    Study on Heat Exchange Performance of Air-to-Air Plate Heat Exchange Ventilator

  21. 板翅式全热交换器在不同地区应用的适用性分析空气&空气板式全热交换器结霜与旁通除霜的研究

    Analysis of the Applicability of Membrane-based Energy Recovery Ventilators in Different Climatic Zones of China ; Research on Frosting and Bypass Defrosting Air-Air Plate Total Heat Exchanger