
  1. 这个地区现在受空军指挥部操控。

    This area is now under air force command .

  2. 缅甸有10个空军指挥部:伊洛瓦底省勃生空军基地;

    Burma has10 air force headquarters : Bassein Air Base in Irrawaddy Division ;

  3. 韩国空军指挥部一名官员表示,联合军演能加强军队的准备工作,以应对朝鲜半岛日趋紧张的局势。

    An official from South Korea 's air force command says the joint drill was to enhance the army 's readiness amid the rising tensions over the Peninsular .

  4. 此外,他毕业于美国两个空军指挥参谋学院和美国的海军陆战队指挥和参谋学院。

    Additionally , he is a graduate of both the United States Air Force Command and Staff College and the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College .

  5. 空军指挥警戒值班系统以空军指挥所为核心,部队指挥所为基础,以航空兵、地面防空兵等战斗值班兵力为支撑。

    The PLAAF command alert system takes PLAAF command posts as the core , field command posts as the basis , and aviation and ground air defense forces on combat duty as the pillar .

  6. 提高空军C3I系统指挥控制能力的关键手段之一是实现对大规模空中编队指挥引导的自动化。

    The command and control capacity of air force C3I system relies on the automation of controlling and guiding a large formation of fighters .

  7. 美国海军的水陆两用军。美国空军军需品指挥部

    An amphibious division of the US Navy . Air Force Materiel Command

  8. 美国空军军需品指挥部

    Air Force Materiel Command

  9. 他们说军方希望塔利班留在斯瓦特,因为美国人希望使用那里的空军基地,指挥他们的无人飞机。

    They said the army wanted the Taliban in Swat because the Americans wanted to use an airbase there to launch their drones .

  10. 概述美空军ISR部队的指挥关系战区空军进攻作战财务保障思考

    At the end , the command relations are summarized . THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN AIR FORCE OFFENSIVE IN WAR ZONE

  11. 这个故事描述的是一名疯狂的美国空军上将,他指挥了对苏联得核打击。

    The story concerns a crazy U.S. Air Force general who orders a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union .

  12. 现代战争的高度不确定性和空军作战计划的高度复杂性,使系统分析方法成为空军作战指挥不可缺少的制定作战计划的工具。

    System analysis is an indispensable method for air-operations plan analysis .