
  • 网络MODU;mobile drilling platform;Mobile Drilling Unit
  1. 因此,需要采用先进的CAD技术改变传统的二维设计方法,开发出相应的移动式钻井平台CAD软件。

    Therefore , advanced CAD technology must been apply to change the traditional two-dimensional design method and develop corresponding CAD softwares for mobile drilling platform .

  2. 移动式钻井平台三维设计系统的开发研究

    Study on Development of 3D Design System for Mobile Drilling Platform

  3. 海上移动式钻井平台的强度分析与补强设计

    Strength Analysis of Submarine Drilling Platform and Its Compensation Strength Design

  4. 析海上移动式钻井平台保险合同

    Analysis of insurance contract about mobile offshore drilling rig

  5. 随着海上石油勘探开发的发展,移动式钻井平台应运而生。

    Mobile Drilling Rigs , which were contrived with the development of offshore oil exploration and exploitation , are inevitably combined with accidents during in operation .

  6. 海洋移动式桩基钻井平台重复就位时滑移的计算与分析

    Analysis and calculation of sliding of jack up unit during re siting

  7. 移动式近海钻井平台

    Mobile offshore drilling platform