
  • 网络French Concession District;concession territory
  1. 土地的所有人不知道他们所有的租界地的范围。

    Landowners unaware of the extent of their own holdings .

  2. 第一章叙述了鼓浪屿租界地形成的过程。

    The first chapter tells the process of formation of Gulangyu as a leased territory .

  3. 由于长期对租界与居留地之间没有作出明确与确切的界说,以致对我国近代租界数字的统计众说纷纭。

    The determination of the exact number of concessions in modern China is controversial due to the traditionally ill defined boundary between concession and settlement .

  4. 1927年南京国民政府一经成立就开始与列强进行废约谈判,至1931年九一八事变爆发取得了一定的成绩,如实现关税自主、废除领事裁判权、收回了部分租界和租借地。

    In 1927 Nanjing national government once established began with powers for waste about negotiation , to the " September 18th incident " in 1931 outbreak has obtained some achievements , such as independent and abolish tariffs realization consular jurisdiction , retracted part concession and concession .

  5. 夜游上海老城区,首选从先前法租界安静的林荫道开始。先前的法租界所在地距离黄浦江没有多远。

    A night out in Old Shanghai should begin on the quiet tree-lined streets of the former French Concession , a swath of land not far from the Huangpu River .

  6. 海派小说雅俗互动态势的形成与上海作为西方各国的租界全面移植了资本主义的生产、生活方式密切相关。上海租界地与晚清小说的繁荣

    The formation of this circumstance was closely related to concessions being given away to West mat ions in Shanghai , which resulted in the large-scale transplantation of capitalist production and life style . The Leased Territory in Shanghai and the Flourishing Success of Stories and Novels in Late Qing Dynasty