
  • 网络secret;Secret Files
  1. 该秘密文件揭示的证据显示,包括温网在内的很多世界网球顶级赛事,都存在大量的打假球现象。BBC和Buzzfeed新闻网即将披露这些文件。

    Secret files exposing evidence of widespread suspected match fixing at the top level of world tennis , including at Wimbledon , can be revealed by the BBC and BuzzFeed News .

  2. 他把他所有的秘密文件都放在一个大箱子里。

    He kept all his secret papers in a big box .

  3. 慈善机构称那些记者似乎以非正常手段取得了秘密文件。

    The charity says the journalists appear to have obtained confidential documents in an unorthodox manner .

  4. 它公布了许多关于9/11袭击的秘密文件。

    It has released many formerly-secret documents about the September 11 attacks .

  5. 他担心秘密文件会落到坏人手里。

    He was afraid the secret papers might fall into the wrong hands .

  6. 实际上她是去找秘密文件。

    When she was actually going through classified documents .

  7. 大部分秘密文件30年后都被撤销了机密。

    Most cabinet papers are declassified after thirty years .

  8. 请您在这些秘密文件上签名。

    Put your secret signature on these secret documents .

  9. 用缩微胶卷拍摄秘密文件、银行帐目等。

    Microfilm secret papers , bank accounts , etc.

  10. 用来运送秘密文件的袋子。

    A bag used for carrying secret documents .

  11. 带了一卷委员会秘密文件的微缩胶卷?

    With microphotographs of secret praesidium documents ?

  12. 他在离开办公室前把秘密文件锁藏起来。

    Documents before he left the office .

  13. 强化专有技术类商业秘密文件的管理;签订竞争禁止合同。

    Strengthen the management of the business secret file , Sign the contract of forbidden competition .

  14. 他说他掌握了一个关于战争的秘密文件,这使每一个在座的人都大为吃惊。

    He astonished everyone present by saying that he possessed a secret paper about the war .

  15. 投标人提交的文件将按秘密文件处理,但不予退回。

    Documents submitted by the applicants will be treated as confidential , but will not be returned .

  16. 信息隐藏技术是将秘密文件隐藏在可公开的载体文件中,实现秘密地传输而不会引起第三方的注意。

    Information hiding embeds secret data in another public cover message . The secret data can be transmitted clandestinely .

  17. 绑匪们威胁说,如果吉姆不把收藏秘密文件的地点说出来,便要把他干掉。

    The kidnappers threatened to bump Jim off if he did not tell them where the secret papers were hidden .

  18. 一份政府秘密文件显示英政府曾为戴妃葬礼的费用担心。

    A confidential government paper shows that Whitehall officials were concerned about the cost of the funeral of Princess Diana .

  19. 但秘密文件显示,数月后新任首相亚历克·道格拉斯-霍姆又下令重新安装了它们。

    But according to the secret files they were reinstated months later on the orders of new Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home .

  20. 有一天,一个人来到了这个小镇,带着一箱一箱的从家长那里偷来的秘密文件。

    Then one day , a man came to town with boxes and boxes of secret documents stolen from the parents ' rooms .

  21. 例如,很明显来自美国驻莫斯科大使馆的一份秘密文件称,俄罗斯的各级政府都非常腐败。

    For example , a secret document apparently from the American embassy in Moscow says Russia is corrupt at every level of government .

  22. 正在催促机构官员们寻找方法,在那些可能接触秘密文件的雇员之中“察觉行为变化”。

    Agency officials are being urged to find ways to " detect behavioural changes " among those employees who might have access to secret documents .

  23. 西方外交官称最新的秘密文件补充称越来越多的证据支持国际非常担忧伊朗的核计划。

    Western diplomats say the latest secret document adds what they called a growing body of evidence backing deep international concerns over Iran 's nuclear program .

  24. 乡间小路的一端,我看见切尼还在拿着秘密文件到处跑,能摸到家乡黄色的草感觉真好。

    Down the lane I look , Dick Cheney is strolling with documents he 'd been withholding , it 's good to touch the brown brown grass of home .

  25. 这个泄密网站宣称自2006年建立后的一年时间里就搜集了120万份资料。在2010年该网站经常以曝光系列秘密文件上新闻头条。

    The whistleblower website , which claimed a database of 1.2 million documents within a year of its 2006 launch , regularly hit the headlines in 2010 with a series of leaks .

  26. 经批准复制、摘抄的绝密级的国家秘密文件、资料和其他物品,依照前款规定采取保密措施。

    Security measures shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs , for approved copies or extracts of documents and other material and objects classified as " most confidential " state secrets .

  27. 决定要结婚是件大事,和考虑要靠什么谋生还有该把成人电影藏在哪个秘密文件下一样重要。

    Deciding to get married is kind of a big deal . It 's up there with deciding what you should do for a living and what secret file name you should hide your porn under .

  28. 在雅虎的轻博客上,公司法律总顾问隆恩贝尔称,外国情报监察法庭发布了关于2007年雅虎拒绝向政府提交数据的长达1500页的秘密文件。

    The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review released more than 1,500 pages of previously secret documents related to Yahoo 's 2007 challenge to the government 's demand for data , the company 's general counsel Ron Bell said onYahoo 's Tumblr page .

  29. 该网站在周日发表了这些秘密军事文件。

    It released the military documents on Sunday .

  30. 不准通过普通邮政传递属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品。

    No documents or other material and objects classified as state secrets shall be transmitted by ordinary mail .