
  • 网络Cologne Cathedral;Dom;The Cathedral of Cologne;Kolner Dom
  1. 科隆大教堂(CologneCathedral)是世界上最完美的哥特式教堂,位于德国科隆市中心的莱茵河畔。

    Cologne Cathedral is the world 's most perfect Gothic-style church , located in downtown Cologne , Germany , the Rhine River .

  2. 向天堂攀升&科隆大教堂内部空间探析

    Rise up to Heaven & Interior Space of Cologne Cathedral

  3. 科隆大教堂在2007年被装上了一个新设计的彩色玻璃窗,用以替换在二战中被毁坏的那个。

    Cologne Cathedral received a newly-designed stained glass window in2007 , replacing one that had been destroyed in World War II .

  4. 一个怪兽状滴水嘴的半人脸,那些工头或者大师的作品,都会让观者想起那些建造坎特伯雷,温彻斯特,科隆或韦伯大教堂的那些千万劳苦大众的在天之灵。

    a gargoyle 's half-human face , of foreman or master of works , are all that remind observers of the crowds of labouring souls who raised Canterbury or Winchester , Beauvais or Cologne .