
  • 网络Planting strawberries;love bite;Singles Going Steady
  1. 他在菜园中种草莓出售,以此获利。

    He turns this garden to profit by raising strawberries for market .

  2. 三十年来,她一直在五英亩的小片耕地上种草莓和木莓。

    For thirty years she has grown strawberries and raspberries on her five-acre smallholding .

  3. 我们的园子里种草莓。

    We grow strawberries in our garden .

  4. 他还记得,当他们买下这间小屋准备安家的时候,她是怎么好言好语说服他种草莓的。

    He remembered how she had cajoled him into planting the strawberries when they had first bought the small house that was to be their home .

  5. 他们在园中种了草莓。

    They grew strawberries in their garden .

  6. 草莓是季节性果实,而且在食谱方面,草莓有许多种用法,譬如草莓酱、沙拉等。

    Strawberries are in season and there are many ways to use them in recipe ideas , from smoothies to salsa .

  7. 试验研究了3种病原真菌对草莓的致病性,以及6种杀菌剂对3种病菌菌丝、孢子萌发的抑制作用和病害的防治效果。

    Experiments were conducted on the pathogenicity of 3 fungi to strawberry , the inhibition of 6 fungicides to hypha and spore , the control effect to the diseases .

  8. 比较了过氧乙酸、过氧乙酸+氯化钙、氯化钙3种保鲜剂对草莓贮藏保鲜效果的差异,结果表明过氧乙酸保鲜效果最好,其次是过氧乙酸+氯化钙,氯化钙处理保鲜效果最差。

    The effect of peracetic acid , peracetic acid and calcium chloride , calcium chloride on the preservation of strawberry was studied in this paper . The results showed that peracetic acid had the best preservation action , calcium chloride preservation action was the worst .