
qiū jì
  • autumn;fall
秋季 [qiū jì]
  • [autumn] 夏季与冬季之间的季节,天文学中自秋分日起算到冬至日为止

秋季[qiū jì]
  1. 看看我们的秋季精选,然后挑出你想要的。

    See our selection of autumn favourites and take your pick .

  2. 对学法律的学生来说,秋季是招聘旺季。

    For law students , autumn brings the recruiting season .

  3. 浅色比黄褐色和红棕色这些秋季色彩更流行。

    Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers .

  4. 政府会竭力将会议拖长到下个秋季。

    The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn .

  5. 民主党代表大会已经为今年秋季激烈的大选作好了准备。

    The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn

  6. 秋季房价可能上涨。

    House prices could perk up during the autumn

  7. 今年秋季可能会再次推出一名掩护性候选人出来挑战,不排除这种可能性。

    The possibility of another stalking horse challenge this autumn cannot be ruled out .

  8. 正值秋季,赤褐色、红色和棕色的枫树绚烂夺目。

    The maple trees were in their autumn glory of russets , reds and browns .

  9. 他们计划参加秋季交易会。

    They plan to participate in the autumn fair .

  10. 秋季将有新节目在电视上出现。

    New programmes will appear in the fall on television .

  11. 它在广州秋季交易会上展出。

    It was displayed at the Fall Fair in Guangzhou .

  12. 菊花在秋季开。

    Chrysanthemums put forth flowers in autumn .

  13. 秋季始业。

    The school year begins in autumn .

  14. 在秋季,棉布服装没有销路。

    There 's no sale for cotton dresses in the autumn .

  15. 羊毛紧身衣裤明年秋季会继续流行。

    Wool body suits will retain their vogue next autumn .

  16. 秋季在夏季之后。

    Autumn comes after summer .

  17. 如果我们取消今年秋季的大型推广运动,这就如同向我们的主要对手让步。

    If we cancel this autumn 's big publicity drive , it 'll give ground to our main competitors .

  18. 她利用夏天温习了美国历史,因为她秋季要讲授那门课程。

    She spent the summer brushing up on her American history as she was to teach that in the fall .

  19. 2010年秋季,她在芝加哥帮助启动了一个试点项目,考察iPad是否可以改善工作条件和病人护理情况。

    In fall 2010 , she helped launch a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve working conditions and patient care .

  20. 符合条件者:15-29岁学生,秋季返校。

    Who is eligible : Students aged 15-29 , returning to school in the fall .

  21. 体育系正在寻找能在2016年秋季、2016-17冬季和2017年春季学期帮助工作人员的学生。

    The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016 , Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters .

  22. 这项研究还发现,出生在秋季的人不大可能出现容易让他们哭泣的抑郁情绪,而冬天出生的人则没那么容易生气。

    The study also found that those born in fall less probably had a mood of depression which may easily drive them to cry , while those in winter were not easier to be angry .

  23. 作者:EmilyDickinson,译者:江枫如果你能在秋季来到,

    If you were coming in the fall ,

  24. 燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移。

    Swallows begin their migration south in autumn .

  25. 如果你能在秋季来到

    If you were coming in the fall

  26. 他们在去年秋季结婚。

    They got married last autumn .

  27. 我会用掸子把秋季掸掉,

    I 'd brush the summer by

  28. “赏叶人”指的是在秋季合适的时间,去探寻很多或大部分叶子已经变色的区域的人们。

    Leaf peeper refers to a person who , at the appropriate time during autumn , seeks out an area where many or most of the tree leaves have turned color .

  29. g(干曲)。新平秋季恋歌

    ( stem leaven ) . A love song of autumn in Xinping

  30. 南海北部秋季营养盐、溶解氧、pH值和叶绿素a分布特征及相互关系

    Distribution of Macro-nutrients , Dissolved Oxygen , pH and Chl a and Their Relationships in Northern South China Sea