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  • private detective ;private eye
  1. 但或许他们不必把自己变成私家侦探或者国会小组委员会。

    But perhaps they don 't have to turn themselves into private investigators or Congressional subcommittees .

  2. 他正被私家侦探跟踪。

    He was being followed by a private detective .

  3. 莱特是位私家侦探,也是总部位于加州的阿纳海姆的(Anaheim)莱特集团(WrightGroup)的老板。

    Wright is a private investigator - andowner of the Wright Group - based in Anaheim , California .

  4. 这部漫画是对性、政治和宗教的广泛讽刺,其中有名无实的英雄是蹩脚的私家侦探约翰·迪福(JohnDifool),他总是想插手,做远超自己能力的事。

    The nominal hero in this broad satire of sex , politics and religion is John Difool , a shlubby PI who always manages to get in way , way over his head .

  5. 洛杉矶私家侦探称他们已经见过杰克逊的私人医生ConradMurray,他们说这次会面有广泛意义。

    Los Angeles detectives say they have interviewed Michael Jackson 's personal doctor Conrad Murray , they said that interview was extensive .

  6. 她的继承人是弟弟詹姆斯·阿尔伯特(JamesAlbert),在长岛作私家侦探,他对贝尔这个名字已经没什么印象,此外在佛罗里达还有一男两女三个甥侄辈。

    Her heirs were her brother , James Albert , a private detective on Long Island who barely remembered the Bell name , along with a nephew and two nieces in Florida .

  7. 因受聘于葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline,简称GSK)而在中国被拘留的英国私家侦探韩飞龙(PeterHumphrey)表示,他觉得自己被这家英国制药集团“骗了”。中国当局正准备下月对他进行非公开审判。

    The British private investigator detained in China in connection with his work for GlaxoSmithKline has said he feels " cheated " by the UK drugs group as Chinese authorities prepare to try him in secret next month .

  8. 去年优步(Uber)一位男性高管说他可能会雇佣私家侦探,深挖一位女博主的私人生活,这位女博主曾批评过该公司,随后这家打车应用公司为此事做出道歉。

    Last year , Uber , the taxi app group , apologised after one of its top male executives said he might hire private investigators to dig into the private life of a female blogger who was critical of the company .

  9. 尽管如此,一台电脑还是“可以告诉你有关一个人性格的一切”,艾德-贝利(EideBailly)会计师事务所的法证分析师、持照私家侦探布鲁克•肖布(BrookSchaub)说。

    Even so , a computer " tells you everything about a person 's character , " said Brook Schaub , a forensic analyst and licensed private investigator at the accounting firm Eide Bailly .

  10. 本书主角是英国私家侦探克莫伦·斯特莱克(CormoranStrike),去年在罗琳的《布谷鸟的呼唤》(TheCuckoo’sCalling)中首度登场;小说家欧文·奎恩的妻子利奥诺拉·奎恩(LeonoraQuine)长相俗气,她雇用斯特莱克寻找失踪的老公。

    Leonora Quine , the dowdy wife of the novelist Owen Quine , hires our hero , the British private detective Cormoran Strike ( first seen last year in Rowling 's " The Cuckoo 's Calling " ) , to investigate the disappearance of her husband .

  11. 这是你雇来跟踪梅丽莎的私家侦探吗

    Is this the private investigator you hired to follow Melissa ?

  12. 我以为他是个私家侦探。-

    I thought he was some sort of private eye . -

  13. 但警察不会去找私家侦探

    But ? The police don 't go to private detectives .

  14. 一位几年前就被吊销执照的私家侦探。

    A private detective who lost his license a couple years ago .

  15. 我以为他是私家侦探。

    I thought he was some sort of private eye .

  16. 但警察不会去找私家侦探。

    The police don 't go to private detectives .

  17. 艾莉森消失的那个夏天你为什么要雇私家侦探

    Why did you hire a private detective the summer Alison went missing ?

  18. 由于法律界定模糊,很多私家侦探绕开了无人机。

    Because the laws are murky , many privateinvestigators steer clear of drones .

  19. 就是说,你不再是个私家侦探了。

    I mean , you 're not exactly a private detective any more .

  20. 我本想说…私家侦探但是呢

    I 'd say private detective , but ...

  21. 你回去告诉我老婆,连私家侦探都骗不了我。

    You go back and tell my wife if a private detective couldn 't fool me ,

  22. 我是私家侦探公众形象毫无益处

    I 'm a private detective , the last thing I need is a public image .

  23. 从业四十余年,她见证了私家侦探可用工具巨大的变化。

    She 's worked in thebusiness for more than 40 years , and has seen the tools available toinvestigators change dramatically .

  24. 他甚至曾经想要雇用一名私家侦探,但还是决定暂时不那么做。

    He had even thought about hiring a private investigator , but he decided not to do so for the time being .

  25. 有些人正在向拥有私家侦探执照方向努力,而他们操作无人机的小时数可以算作考取证书要求的工作时数。

    Some of them are workingtowards their own private investigator licences , and their hours piloting thelittle devices can count as hours towards their certification .

  26. 一名私家侦探穿着一双破破烂烂的鞋子跟踪目标对象,没想到一只鞋底掉了下来,这时他的光脚正好踩到一个乞丐的碗,然后又踩到一个烟头上。

    only to have one of his soles accidentally ripped off before stepping on a beggar 's bowl and a cigarette stub with his exposed foot .

  27. 停职的打击让他辞了工作,成为新调查员的私家侦探。

    Spurned by the suspension , the detective then quits his job - only to be recruited by the new lead investigator as a secret consultant .

  28. 一些智能的床会让你有更好的睡眠质量和睡眠姿势,但也会让你变成一个检查配偶是否出轨的私家侦探。

    Some smart beds will promise you better sleep and posture , but this one in particular will turn you into a private investigator looking to catch a cheating spouse in the act .

  29. 影片讲述的是关于一名因恐高症而辞职警探的故事,之后他受雇成为了一名私家侦探,他的一位友人让他来调查她的妻子,解释其妻子的离奇行为。

    It is the story of a retired police detective suffering from acrophobiawho is hired as a private investigator to follow the wife of an acquaintance to uncover the mystery of her peculiar behaviour .

  30. 该公司称:英国警方以及安全部门对这个设备“十分有兴趣”,一些商店侦探和私家侦探已经下单订购该设备,用于卧底工作。

    Britain 's police and security services are said to be ' very interested ' in the device and store detectives and private investigators have placed orders to use it in undercover work , say the company .