
  • 网络butler;Personal butler;private chamberlaine
  1. 在这里,每个请求是促进了客人的私人管家,谁可以从岛内的任何地方移动电话传唤。

    Here , every request is facilitated by guests'personal butler , who can be summoned by mobile phone from anywhere on the island .

  2. 搞的像是孩子的管家,像私人管家,像秘书。

    and act like our kid 's concierge and personal handler and secretary .

  3. 学生不能从事与类似于私人管家或是涉及照看病人的工作。

    Students can 't involve in working which such as private chamberlain or involve in takeing care of patient .

  4. 2009年,“RoyalBlood皇室定制店”正式以“ROBO”品牌登陆中国,提供最完善的西装设计服务及私人西装管家服务。

    In the year of2009 ," Royal Blood Bespoke Tailoring Workshop " landed in China formally with the brand " ROBO ", and it aimed to provide the perfect design service and butler service for private suits .

  5. 一进入这富丽堂皇的酒店,你就会被护送至自己的套房,那里还为你配有私人男管家。

    Once inside the colorful hotel , you 'll be escorted to your guest suite , which comes with your own private butler .