
  • 网络neurodegenerative disease;neurodegenerative disorder
  1. 有研究表明,Gen对神经元细胞具有明显的保护作用,对老年性神经退行性疾病具有一定的预防和治疗作用。

    Studies show that estrogen has a significant protective effect on neuronaL cells , and it can be used for prevention and treatment of senile neurodegenerative diseases .

  2. Caspase-3:治疗神经退行性疾病的新靶点

    Caspase-3 : a New Target for Neurodegenerative Diseases Treatment

  3. RNA干扰在神经退行性疾病发病机制研究和治疗方面的进展

    Progression of RNA interference on pathogenesis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

  4. 其中自然衰老和衰老相关的神经退行性疾病如阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)一直是研究的热点并试图有所突破。

    Normal aging and aged-associated neurodegenerative diseases , such as Alzheimer 's Disease ( AD ), have been the focus of research .

  5. ROS对细胞有毒性作用,导致细胞死亡,在许多疾病特别是神经退行性疾病中具有重要作用。

    ROS are toxic to cells , and can result in cell death .

  6. 在帕金森病(PD)等神经退行性疾病中,NO代谢水平发生相应的变化,并与PD的发生密切相关。

    The changes of NO expression and metabolism are closely associated with the progression of Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) .

  7. 帕金森氏病(PD)是一种神经退行性疾病,其特征为黑质的多巴胺能神经元变性。

    Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra .

  8. 神经退行性疾病(Degenerativediseasesofthecentralnervoussystem,ND)是一组以原发性神经元变性为基础的慢性进行性神经系统疾病。

    Degenerative diseases of the central nervous system ( ND ) are a group of chronic and progressive nervous systemic diseases based on the primary neuronal degeneration .

  9. RNAi在神经退行性疾病发病机制及防治研究中的应用

    Applications of RNAi in study of the mechanism and therapy of neurodegenerative diseases

  10. 这些结果为KCl作为治疗神经退行性疾病的新型药物提供了理论依据。

    These results provide a theoretical basis for KCl as a new drug to treat neurodegenerative diseases .

  11. 因此我们推测DTD的表达异常可能与神经退行性疾病具有一定联系。

    So that we speculated that the abnormity of DTD expression may have relationship with neurodegenerative diseases .

  12. 脆性X相关震颤/共济失调综合征(fragileX-associatedtremor/ataxiasyndrome,FXTAS)是在脆性X综合征前突变携带者中发现的一种神经退行性疾病。

    Fragile X-associated tremor / ataxia syndrome ( FXTAS ) is a neurodegenerative disorder identified among fragile X syndrome premutation carriers .

  13. Mn-SOD模拟物及其在神经退行性疾病中的药用前景

    Mn-SOD Mimics and their Potential Application in the Protection of Neurodegenerative Diseases

  14. 资料综合:①由微管结合蛋白Tau形成的聚集体是许多神经退行性疾病的主要病理特征之一。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : ① Pathological aggregation of the microtubule-associated protein Tau is a common feature of many neurodegenerative diseases .

  15. 背景脆性X相关震颤/共济失调综合征(fragileX-associatedtremor/ataxiasyndrome,FXTAS)是一种以意向性震颤和/或小脑性共济失调为主要特征的神经退行性疾病。

    Background Fragile X-associated tremor-ataxia syndrome ( FXTAS ) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor .

  16. 在许多神经退行性疾病中都存在脑铁增高的现象,如帕金森氏病(Parkinsondisease,PD)和阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)。

    Abnormally high level of iron in the brain has been demonstrated in a number of neurodegenerative disorders ( NDs ), such as Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) and Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) .

  17. 神经退行性疾病(neurodegenerativedisease)是指中枢神经系统组织非正常退变引起的功能缺陷与衰退的一类疾病,病理上表现为脑和脊髓发生神经元变性、丢失。

    Neurodegenerative disease is a kind of disease which is caused by the abnormally degeneration of the central nervous system organization . The symptoms of the neurodegenerative disease are the degeneration and loss of neurons .

  18. 为脑神经退行性疾病的治疗研究提供可能性。众所周知,脑内神经元和星形胶质细胞均可表达EGF。

    Thus , it opens the possibility of therapy against the neuro-degenerative diseases . It is known that hEGF can be expressed in neurons and astrocytes in the brain .

  19. 但这些研究人员表示,通过让信号绕过海马体(Hippocampus,大脑记忆中枢)的受损回路,上述研究发现最终可能有助于治疗神经退行性疾病,包括阿尔茨海默病。

    But the researchers say findings could eventually help to treat neurodegenerative diseases , including Alzheimer 's , by enabling signals to bypass damaged circuitry in the hippocampus , the brain 's memory centre .

  20. 美国渐冻症协会表示,2014年风行的冰桶挑战募集了大量资金,已经帮助科学研究发现了与渐冻症相关的重要基因。渐冻症是渐进性神经退行性疾病,学名为肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)。

    The Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS , the ALS Association says .

  21. 神经节苷脂GM1及其特异性配基偶联物CB-NGF治疗神经退行性疾病的探讨

    Study of Ganglioside GM 1 and Its Specific Ligand CB Coupled with NGF ( CB-NGF ) Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases

  22. 在羰基应激与神经退行性疾病具有相关性的研究背景下,探讨了体内常见的神经递质/炎症介质&组胺与脂质过氧化中间产物之一的丙二醛(MDA)的反应机理。

    Based the relationship between carbonyl stress and neurodegenerative diseases , histamine ( HA ) an important neurotransmitter and inflammatory factor in the pathological situations was investigated to react with one of the secondary products in lipid peroxidation malondialdehyde ( MDA ) .

  23. 许多神经退行性疾病的病理过程可促进该区域的神经发生,这些新生的SVZ区神经细胞可以迁移到病灶处,以取代或修复死亡或损伤的细胞。

    The studies suggested neurogenesis could be stimulated further by pathological processes and newly generated neurons might be capable of replacing loss cells in neurological diseases .

  24. 临床报道首见于1985年,在20年的发展中,TMS的临床应用研究一直集中在精神心理疾病和神经退行性疾病。

    The first clinical reports appeared in 1985 , after 20 years of development , TMS clinical application of research has been focused on the psychiatric mental illness and neurodegenerative diseases .

  25. 越来越多的证据表明这些非编码元件的突变或失调与人类疾病间的关系更加密切,特别是近年来有大量报道阐述了非编码RNAs参与了某些神经退行性疾病的发生机制。

    Multiple lines of evidence increasingly link mutations and dysregulations of noncoding elements to diverse human diseases . Particularly , noncoding RNAs have been recently implicated in the molecular pathogenesis of some neurodegenerative disorders .

  26. 警告:研究人员指出,在帕金森病和其它神经退行性疾病的传播过程中,不排除有其他类型的a-syn蛋白发挥作用的可能性。

    Caveat : Other types of a-syn may be involved in the transmission of Parkinson 's and other neurodegenerative diseases , researchers said .

  27. 齿状核红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩(dentatorubral-pallidoluysianatrophy,DRPLA)是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病,临床表现有共济失调、震颤、肌肉痉挛、舞蹈症、痴呆等。

    Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ( DRPLA ) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by a number of symptoms that include ataxia , tremor , myoclonus , chorea and dementia .

  28. 结论:纯合子ApoEε3/3可能是肝豆状核变性保护因子,但ApoEε4等位基因不能肯定为HLD这种神经退行性疾病的危险因子。

    Conclusion : Homozygote ApoE ε 3 / 3 might genetically be a protective factor in HLD pathogenesis in this group , but ApoE ε 4 is not suggested to be a risk of HLD that is also related with the neurodegenerative diseases .

  29. 背景及目的:N-甲基-D-门冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)过度激活所介导的兴奋毒性与脑血管疾病、癫痫、脑脊髓外伤、神经退行性疾病等许多神经、精神疾患的发生发展密切相关。

    Background : The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor ( NMDAR ) plays a pivotal role in the process of glutamate-induced excitotoxicity associated with many neurological disorders including stroke , epilepsy , traumatic brain injury and some neurodegenerative diseases .

  30. 帕金森氏病(PD)是一种主要由于黑质纹状体多巴胺能神经元损害造成的神经退行性疾病,以Lewy小体的形成为主要病理特征。

    Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) is a neurodegenerative disorder that results from the loss of dopamine ( DA ) - containing neurons projecting from the substantia nigra to the dorsal striatum . a-synuclein is a major component in Lewy bodies , a neuropathological hallmark of PD .