
  • 网络Ganglia;neurotome
  1. 考虑到时间离散的影响因素,建议将CMAP波幅衰减大于相应神经节段95%正常上限值诊断为肯定的部分性运动神经传导阻滞。

    For differentiating conduction block from temporal dispersion , the 95 % normal upper limits of CMAP decay over different nerve segments is recommended for a definite partial conduction block .

  2. 在DPN患者中,远端神经节段尚未发生病变时,即可出现近端神经节段病变,提示血管因素在DPN发病机制中的作用。

    The proximal nerve segment could be affected without the lesions of the distal nerve segment in patients with DPN , and it suggested that vascular factor plays an important role in the mechanism of DPN .

  3. 目的:测试正常国人不同神经节段的复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)相对波幅的正常变异,结合多灶性运动神经病的CMAP衰减特征,探讨运动神经传导阻滞的诊断标准。

    Objective : To study characteristics of amplitude decay over different nerve segments between normal subjects and multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ), and establish diagnostic criteria for the partial conduction block .

  4. 目的:用CB-HRP示踪法对大鼠关元穴传入的神经节段分布进行研究。

    Objective : The spinal segmental distribution of neural innervations related to " Guanyuan "( CV 4 ) in rats has been investigated by horseradish peroxidase conjugated cholera toxin B subunit ( CB-HRP ) tracing technique .

  5. 大白鼠肾脏后1/3传入神经节段分布的研究

    Segmental distribution of afferent neurons in posterior one-third part of rat kidneys

  6. 肝-豆状核变性综合征患儿肠神经丛无神经节段长度的变异

    Variations in aganglionic segment length of the enteric neural plexus in Mowat-Wilson syndrome

  7. 穴位相对特异性与经络或神经节段关系的实验研究

    The Relation of the Relative Specificity of Point to Channel Lines or Spinal Segments

  8. 而移植含有高浓度施万细胞的周围神经节段则可能可以加强脊索损伤的再生。

    Transplantation of highly permissive Schwann cell-enriched peripheral nerve grafts may enhance regeneration in spinal cord injury .

  9. 大鼠坐骨神经节段不同剂量放射后再植的研究

    Experimental study on in situ replantation of the sciatic nerve segments of rats after different doses of radiation

  10. 病变组不同神经节段的波幅衰减更明显,与正常组相比差异显著(P<0.01)。

    The amplitude decay in neuropathic groups had significant differences as compared with that of normal subjects ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 1号鼠神经节段同单纯手术组处理,2号鼠同自体神经移植4500cGy照射组处理,完毕后即行标本固定,光镜、电镜观察。

    Rat was treated as those in the simple operation group and the No. 2 rat was treated as those in the 4 500 cGy radiation group , and then the specimen fixation , light microscope and electron microscope were conducted immediately .

  12. 无神经节细胞段HCMV阳性率为30.8%。

    The positive ratio of HCMV DNA in aganglionic bowel was 30.8 % by ISPCR .

  13. 结论层粘连蛋白在无神经节细胞段表达增高是内在的,它引起肠壁神经嵴细胞的过早成熟定居导致HD的发生。

    Conclusions The increased expression of laminin in aganglionic segment may cause early stop of the differentiation and migration of enteric nervous cells .

  14. 将刺激电极置于坐骨神经干A点,记录电极置于L5神经根背根神经节中枢突段B点,刺激并记录诱发电位A,B(潜伏期),连续记录2次,取其平均值;

    Stimulating electrode was placed in the A point of sciatic nerve and recording electrode in the B point of ganglionic central process segment of DRG in L5 nerve root . Evoked potentials A and B were simulated to continuously record latency twice , and the average value was calculated ;

  15. 关元一级感觉神经元在脊神经节的节段分布

    The Segmental Distribution of the Primary Sensory Neuron of the Acupoint Guanyuan in the Spinal Ganglion

  16. 豚鼠肠系膜下神经节及其结肠段离体标本的反射活动

    Reflex Activities in An in Vitro Preparation of Inferior Mesenteric Ganglia and Distal Colon of the Guinea-Pig

  17. 家兔子宫初级感觉神经元在脊神经节的节段性分布&HRP逆轴突追踪法

    A study of segmental distribution of primary sensory neurons of rabbit uterus by retrograde horseradish peroxidase ( hrp ) method

  18. 用westernblot方法分别检测各组豚鼠肺、C7~T5段脊神经节和相应节段脊髓背角NGF和IL-1β的表达。

    The expression of NGF and IL-1 β were observed respectively by Western blot in the lung , C_7-T_5 spinal ganglia and the corresponding spinal dorsal horn of all the groups .

  19. 将HRP注入8只家兔的肠系膜下节内,观察内脏传入神经元的胞体在脊神经节的分布节段,结果如下。

    HRP was injected into the inferior mesenteric ganglia of eight rabbits to observe the labelled visceral afferent neurons in spinal ganglia and their segmental distribution .

  20. 结论气道上皮、C7~T5段脊神经节及对应节段脊髓背角的NGF可能参与哮喘的发病过程;

    Conclusions 1.Nerve growth factor in the airway epithelia , C-7-T-5 spinal ganglia and correspondent spinal dorsal horn might be involved in the pathogenesis of the asthma .

  21. 方法实验用雄性大鼠18只,将5%辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)分别注入关元穴,通过HRP神经束路追踪技术观察标记细胞在脊神经节内的节段分布。

    Methods Eighteen rats were used in this experiment , and 5 % horse radish peroxidase ( HRP ) solution was injected respectively into the rat 's Guanyuan , then the segmental distribution of the labeled neurons in spinal ganglion observed with HRP retrograde tracing technique .

  22. 鸡卵巢传入神经元在脊神经节内的节段性分布

    Distribution of the afferent neurons of the hen ovary

  23. Bcl-2只对于变性或发育不成熟的神经节细胞阳性表达,在神经节细胞变性肠段神经纤维不表达CR。

    Bcl-2 was only positive in the degenerative and immature neuro ganglion cell , CR was negative in the neuroplexus in the intestinal with degenerative neuro ganglion cell .