
  • 网络Asset-Based Community Development
  1. 社区发展模式向多样化发展;

    The community development style turns into diversification .

  2. 提出了山区发展理论探讨中的一个重要问题,即山区的可持续发展与社区发展模式本质上的一致性问题。

    The models of sustainable development of mountain areas and communities are basically consistent .

  3. 基于生态社会经济系统理论的我国自然保护区周边社区发展模式及政策分析

    Analysis on Development Modes and Policies for Communities Nearby Nature Reserves in China by Ecological and Socioeconomic System Theory

  4. 乡镇社区发展模式和道路比较研究&以江苏省的三个周庄为例

    Comparative Study of Development Patterns and Ways of Rural Community & A Case Study on Three Zhouzhuang Villages in JiangSu Province

  5. 通过比较分析点上产生的问题及原因,提出多元网络结构的边缘区社区发展模式。以改善居住空间内部结构的社会环境和物质环境。

    Through a comparative analysis " points " on the problems and causes , " multiple network " on the brink of the structure of community development .

  6. 第二部分,国内外社区服务发展模式分析。

    In the second part , analysis of the development model for community services at home and abroad .

  7. 总起来说有大银行发展模式、社区银行发展模式和纯网络银行发展模式三种主要的模式。

    In general , there are three main kinds : the mode of developing big bank , the mode of developing community bank and the mode of developing network-bank .

  8. 对建立符合澳门地区社会水平与澳门实际情况的社区体育发展模式进行了研究。

    At present , it 's necessary to probe the establishment of development model on community sport , which should be conformed to the social standard and reality in Macao .

  9. 乡村社区总体营造发展模式之探讨

    Discussions on Development Models for Community Infrastructure Establishment of Rural Communities

  10. 国内外社区卫生服务发展模式比较

    Comparison between Domestic and Foreign Models in Community Health Service System Development

  11. 澳门社区体育的发展模式

    Research on the development model of community sport in Macau

  12. 社区教师发展中心模式探析&基于教师进修院校的教师发展社区化

    Community Service On the Community Education On Model of Community Teacher Education Center

  13. 农村社区发展学院办学模式构想

    The Concept of the Pattern of Running School in Rural Community Developing College

  14. 山西省城市社区体育俱乐部发展模式的构建

    The Construction of Urban Community Sports Clubs ' Mode

  15. 我国城市社区体育的发展模式&对我国城市社区体育的探讨之三

    Developmental model of urban community sport in China

  16. 苏北农村社区体育多元化发展模式的探讨

    Discussion of the Pluralistic Development Model of Rural Community 's Sports of Northern Jiangsu

  17. 社区主导型发展模式需要得到长期重视,才能取得社会和经济效益。

    A community-driven development approach requires longer-term commitment to reap full social and economic benefits .

  18. 此外,社区主导型发展模式中的许多要素也写入了巴西法律。

    Moreover , many elements of the CDD approach have been included in Brazilian law .

  19. 为探索保护区与周边社区和谐发展的模式,从2003年8月~2004年10月进行了各种调查。

    Various investigations had been conducted from August of 2003 to September of 2004 to explore the models of harmonious development between the nature reserve and adjacent communities .

  20. 促进乡村建设,需要对接“自上而下”和“自下而上”的治理方式,构建政府、市场和社区三位一体的发展模式。

    To promote the rural construction , it is necessary to combine the " up to down " and the " down to up " governance modes , and build up the government , market and community three-in-one development mode .

  21. 福州市社区体育可持续发展的模式

    Patterns of Sustainable Development for Community Sport in Fuzhou City

  22. 社区图书馆现状及发展模式的探讨

    Probe of Present Conditions and Developmental Modes of Community Library

  23. 乡村旅游与社区经济互动持续发展模式及其评价研究

    Study on the Patterns and Evaluation of Mutual Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism and Community Economy

  24. 分析其中存在题目的原因主要还是在于当前不适应社区发展的行政治理模式、落后的法律法规以及制度缺陷。

    The main causes of the problem are the current administration model which is not suited to community development , backward laws and regulations as well as system defects .

  25. 2005-2010年有世行和英国国际发展部共同资助实施的贫困农村社区发展项目强调了社区主导型发展模式。

    The2005-2010 Poor Rural Communities Development Project , supported by the Bank and the U.K.s Department for International Development ( DFID ), emphasizes community-driven development .

  26. 在社区建设层面,社会工作者应运用社区发展模式对社区建设提供支持与帮助。

    In the community construction , social workers should use the pattern of community development to the community to provide support and assistance .

  27. 最后,本文对社区服务作为非营利组织促进社区发展的实践模式、社区服务与社区发展的关系等问题加以归纳和总结。

    Finally , this paper summaries a non-profit organization promoting community service of community development mode of practice , and problems such as the relationship between community service and community development .

  28. 在借款国政府的支持和领导下,我们正与社区、地方政府、私有部门和民间团体一起,共同支持社区型发展模式。

    With the support and leadership of our client governments , we are working with communities , local governments , the private sector , and civil society , to support community-driven development .

  29. 我国城市社区建设适应现实需要而兴起,具有典型的中国特色,与国际社区发展模式有着很大不同。

    The urban community construction of our country arises in conformity to the contemporary social requirements with typical Chinese characteristics , varying a lot with the developing pattern of the international urban community .

  30. 经过二十多年的发展,社区建设取得了重大的成绩,各地都已经或者正在探索符合地方特色的社区发展模式。

    After two decades of development results . Each place has been or is being explored the community development model which match the local characteristics of themselves .