
shè huì fǎ xué pài
  • sociological school of law
  1. 在法律思想史的舞台上,自然法学派、实证主义法学派、社会法学派等你方唱罢我登场,演绎着法律效力来源的不同版本。

    In the history of law , Natural Law 、 Positivist Jurisprudence and Sociological School of Law are the man role .

  2. 社会法学派的学理及其在我国的运用同济法学

    The Theory of Sociological Jurisprudence and its Application in China Law of Tongji

  3. 社会法学派是现代西方法学派的主要派别之一,其本质是现实主义法学。

    The school of sociological law is a main school of the West in modern times and its nature finds expression in realistic law .

  4. 卡多佐法官是美国伟大的上诉法院法官,也是二十世纪美国社会学法学派的重要代表人物。

    Cardozo was a great common law judge of the New York State Court of Appeals , and one of important legal theorists of the American sociological jurisprudence school .

  5. 社会连带主义法学派

    Social solidarist school of law

  6. 同时,肯定公司社会责任的观点也与社会法学派的社会公共利益观念相契合。

    Meanwhile , there is an agreement between the view of affirming the corporation 's social responsibility and the view of Social-Law School 's public interests .