
  • 网络social customs
  1. 试述越南社会民俗的特点及其成因

    Characteristics of Vietnamese Social Customs and Their Causes

  2. 它不但是社会民俗的集中体现,还是传递特定历史人文背景下文化信息的重要载体。

    It is not only the embodiment of social customs , but also an important carrier of cultural information passing a specific historical and cultural background .

  3. 人生礼仪是社会民俗事象的重要组成部分。

    Etiquette in life is an important part of social custom .

  4. 清代赣南民俗文化包括礼节、风尚、习俗、节庆、传统等等,分为物质民俗文化、社会民俗文化及精神民俗文化三大类。

    The folklore of Gannan in Qing dynasty includes matter folklore , social folklore and spirit folklore .

  5. 民俗文化中的语言民俗、社会民俗、心理民俗等可以激活犯罪行为;

    The folk-custom of language , society , and mentality in the culture of folk-custom may activate criminal act ;

  6. 包括班社的历史沿革、班社现状及构成特点、传承手段、社会民俗活动中的传承等。

    Class society , including the historical evolution , the status quo and constitute a tradition , folk activity , social tradition , etc.

  7. 禁忌是社会民俗现象,它表现在社会生活的各个方面。

    As a folkloric phenomenon , taboos have been shown in every aspect of social life and can be called the kaleidoscope of the society .

  8. 第二章:花鼓灯艺术与戏曲艺术有着相似的生存环境,在娱乐功能外都附加了多重社会民俗功能。

    Second chapter : Hua gu deng art and drama art have the similar survival environment , all attached to the multiple social folk custom function and the entertainment function .

  9. 本文重点探讨了三个方面的内容:1,社会民俗(第二章:当代村落家族文化的变迁)。

    The thesis takes priority on the following three aspects : Firstly , social folk customs ( Cheaper Two : The Vicissitudes of Contemporary Rural Community and Clan Culture ) .

  10. 人生仪礼是社会民俗的重要组成部分,每一个自然人通过人生仪礼的过程,实际就是社会对每一个人的习俗化过程。

    Life etiquette is an important component in social national custom . Every natural person goes through the process of " life etiquette ", actually a popularized process for every one in society .

  11. 文章主要探讨了迟子建的小说和黑土民俗的姻缘关系,并从物质民俗、社会民俗、精神民俗和语言民俗四个方面分析迟子建小说的民俗形态。

    The relationship between the folk-custom in black-land and her fictions has been studied , and the folk-custom form in her fictions is analyzed from the four aspects of matter , society , spirit and language .

  12. 形成为面向全社会的民俗舞蹈。

    It became the folk dance open to the entire society .

  13. 为后代研究汉代的历史、社会、民俗提供了不可多得的史料。

    Provides a rare historical materials for future generations to study the Han Dynasty historical , social , folk .

  14. 作为民间艺术的剪纸艺术,植根于民间社会,民俗风情的艺术形式。

    As a kind of folk art , paper cutting is based on folk and full of folk customs .

  15. 传统民俗文化现代重构的意义不仅体现着对民族心理认同感和归属感的追求,更体现着现代社会对于民俗传统的迫切呼唤。

    The signification of re-construction of traditional folk culture not only shows the pursue of self-identity and adscription , but also incarnate the imperative requirement .

  16. 并从理论上探讨温州漆器装饰艺术独特的文化价值,及其内涵的社会民风民俗和传统文化的因素。

    Wenzhou lacquer from the theory of the unique cultural value of decorative arts , folk customs and the meaning of social factors and traditional culture .

  17. 但是从社会、民俗和文化学的角度来看,它早已脱胎换骨,由一个无恶不作的害人精,演化出来一个具有无比灵性,聪慧神秘的小生灵。

    But now , from the perspective of sociology , folklore and culture , mouse has become a wise and mysterious creature with spiritualism from the original evil and harmful one .

  18. 泰国社会的佛教民俗(上)

    Buddhist Customs in the Thai Society ( 1 )

  19. 冼太夫人与俚族女权社会&兼谈民俗与民间信仰

    Lady Xian and Her Woman Society of Li Nationality & On Their Folk Customs and Beliefs

  20. 树文化有宗教形态、社会形态、民俗形态、美学形态等不同形态之分。

    The form of tree culture includes the form of religion , society , folk and aesthetics .

  21. 从一定意义讲,移民活动是明代土默特地区社会生活与民俗文化变迁的主要原因。

    To some sense , immigration activity is the main cause of the change of social life and custom culture .

  22. 研究其巫术文化,对于进一步研究先秦社会宗教、民俗、心理等,都具有重要的意义。

    Research its magic culture has great significance to further research the religion , folk-custom , psychology of Pre-Qin dynasty .

  23. 当代电视剧中的城市意象主要包括自然意象、社会文化与民俗意象、人物与事物意象。

    The city image in contemporary TV drama mainly includes natural image , social culture and custom image , people and event image .

  24. 黄氏宗族客家住屋的自然文化背景,介绍了黄氏宗族所处的自然地理环境、社会背景以及民俗文化背景。

    Natural and cultural backgrounds of the Hakka house of Huang Family , it presents natural and geographical environments , backgrounds of society and folk custom .

  25. 紫阳传统情歌是古代劳动人民的口头集体创作,是古代社会民风、民俗、民间情绪的自发反映。

    Traditional ZiYang folk songs are combined oral creation of ancient people from labour class . They are also natural reflection of social custom and unofficial social emotion .

  26. 文化产业已经成为当代社会实现乡土民俗现代转型的重要途径,促使民俗与现代旅游业的结合则是有效措施之一。

    The cultural industry has become a local folk modern transformation in contemporary society the important way , to folk and modern tourism industry is one of the effective measures in combination with .

  27. 本论文对柳田国男基于生活习俗、社会组织、民俗信仰的日本人论以及基于其“新国学”的日本民族国家论进行了考察。

    The thesis researches Yanagita 's Nihonjinron that contains lifestyle and customs , social organization , folk-custom and religious beliefs , and his " new national studies " - based Japanese national statism .

  28. 以往对公墓建设的研究仅仅局限于历史学、社会学、民俗文化等方面,而本文是从金融支持角度出发,试图以金融的手段解决贵州公墓建设中的问题。第二,研究方法的创新。

    The research of cemetery ' sconstruction in the past is limited in history , sociology , folk culture , while this paper ' sperspective is financial support . Secondly , the innovation of research methods .

  29. 作为一种婚恋,人神恋是一定社会阶段中民俗、婚恋心理的曲折反映;从本质上看,人神恋是一种以性为纽带的人神关系的反映。

    As a kind of marriage , God-mankind love is the winding reflection of folk custom , marriage psychology in certain social stage ; in the essence , it is a kind of reflection of God-mankind relation that takes sex as the tie .

  30. 这种情况不能不一开始就导致了中国近现代法学的后趋性、无根性、脆弱性及与社会现实、民俗国情乃至文化传统的脱节性。

    This state of affairs could not but led to the lagging , fragility and the lack of foundation of Chinese modern law science and its separation from Chinese social reality , folk custom , popular feelings , national conditions and cultural tradition from the beginning .