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WTO and Social Clause & A Legal Dilemma in the International Protection of Labour Rights
The other standard is the " social clause " standard . It is actually this standard that developed countries insisted on inserting into trade and investment agreements . An especially heated discussion is whether labor standards should be incorporated into the WTO .
The contradictions include whether the international labor standards should connect to the international trade , which means whether the social items should be added in the international trade agreement .
The blue trade barrier is derived from social terms , and its typical representative is SA8000 standards .
From International Labor Standards to WTO social clauses , to corporation social responsibility , and to SA8000 , they have common characteristics , functions and promoting power , implying that International Labor Standards is combining with international trade .
The paper first introduces the development of social clauses concerning core labour standards .
Secondly , Social Clauses which makes links between labor and trade will have a great influence on our country .
There have been many proposals concerning the promotion of labor protection , including the stipulation of social clause and relating core labor standard .
Stipulate company 's community responsibility clause in the corporation by-law .
NO.73 : Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract , as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements .
The corresponding " corporate social responsibility clause " has also been added into the " Company Law " of our country , but there remains much to improve .
In reality , some parties have already sued based on article of corporate social responsibility and required the intervention on corporate run from justice , such as supervise or control .
Bilateral lenders with plenty of surplus capital , especially China , are undercutting their international rivals by offering low-interest loans unfettered by strict social or environmental conditions .
Justice Cameron applauds the law because it guides social conduct to be consistent with the moral stance underlying the law .
The state is intimately involved in business and many aspects of life , but the provision of social insurance for ill-health , accidents and old age is either inadequate or non-ex is tent .