
  • 网络social forces;Society;Social Power
  1. 重要的是,要理解在我们自身行动背后起作用的强大的经济和社会力量。

    It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions .

  2. 发展项目PPP融资模式是动员社会力量与私人资本参与基础设施建设的有效途径。

    The development of project PPP financing pattern is the effective way to mobilize the social forces and private capital to participate in the infrastructure construction .

  3. NGO作为一支重要的社会力量,在参与公共事务的管理方面具有自身的优势,尤其是其民间性、公益性的特点使其与社会的联系更为密切,更能满足社会发展的需求。

    The NGO , as an important social force , has its own advantages in participating in the management of public affairs . Especially , its non-governmental and public natures make it have closer association with the society and meet the needs of social development better .

  4. 这个过程是公民与政府相互交流的过程,也是国家与社会力量较量的过程。

    This process is the process of interaction with the citizens .

  5. 而强大的社会力量可能会火上浇油,让他继续闭门不出。

    And powerful social forces can conspire to keep him there .

  6. 江西:整合社会力量推动村庄规划整治

    Jiangxi : Integrating Social Forces to Promote Village Planning Renovation

  7. 其中,公益组织就是一种重要的社会力量。

    Among them , non-governmental organizations are important social forces .

  8. 对社会力量办学及其管理的思考

    Ideas about Social Strength 's Running Schools and Its Management

  9. 法治的基础是社会力量相互之间的均衡与制约。

    The base of law is equilibrium among social powers .

  10. 国家提倡社会力量办学。

    Third , The country calls for that social power runs the school .

  11. 社会力量承包经营学生食堂带来的变化和对策

    Changes Brought to the Student 's Canteen Run by Outside-Campus Contractors and Counter-Measures

  12. 近几年来,社会力量办园发展迅速。

    In recent years , there is a rapid development of community-run kindergartens .

  13. 另一方面,救助机构经费不足,社会力量及政府所提供的支持还不能满足需要,支持源和被支持者之间沟通渠道不畅通。

    Moreover , the agencies had insufficient funds from the support of social forces .

  14. 社会力量指的是什么?指很大的强度或者力量。

    What are the social organizations ? of great intensity or power or force .

  15. 但是新的社会力量已经存在;

    But the new social power was there ;

  16. 与此同时,全球化也催生了新的社会力量和运动形式。

    Meanwhile , globalization expedites the emergence of new social forces and movement form too .

  17. 众多社会力量的关爱,让更多贫困重症儿童开始新的人生。

    With this power more and more poor sick children can start a new life .

  18. 因此,资本不是一种个人力量,而是一种社会力量。

    Capital is , therefore , not a personal , it is a social power .

  19. 健全教育中介机构,加强社会力量对学校管理的监控,是校本管理的外部条件。

    Finally , the improvement of educational intermediary organization is the external condition of SBM .

  20. 要扩大社会力量,就需要取得政权的正当性。

    Political power needs its justification .

  21. 政府主管部门应加强规划指导,引导社会力量参与办学;

    Government departments should make plans to guide the social force to participate in running schools .

  22. 对社会力量参与农村图书馆建设的思考

    An Introduction and Analysis to the Construction of Rural Libraries and the Social Force That Participates

  23. 左右西晋政局的区域社会力量&以山西人士为视点

    Regional Social Force Controlling Political Situation of West Jin Dynasty-Take Public Figures of Shanxi as Viewpoint

  24. 国内现有图书馆法规对社会力量办馆规定较为笼统没有区分上述不同性质活动。

    There are few general rules in Chinese library laws which do not differentiate abovementioned actions .

  25. 论社会力量投资竞技体育&从丁俊晖的例子分析我国竞技体育人才的培养

    On Social Investment in Sports

  26. 参与社区矫正的社会力量主要由社会工作者和志愿者组成。

    The main social power to take part in community correction is the social workers and volunteers .

  27. 新媒体拥有快速动员聚合社会力量,形成社会舆论的巨大能量。

    The new media have tremendous energy to rapidly mobilize and polymerize social forces , to form public opinions .

  28. 经济力量、政治力量和社会力量是塑造大城市发展模式的三种基本力量。经济力量是城市发展的物质基础;

    Economic force , Political force and social force are basic forces which make the metropolis ' development pattern .

  29. 鼓励社会力量兴办教育,满足群众多样化的教育需求。

    We will encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools in order to meet people 's diverse demands for education .

  30. 封底上说它是一本必不可少的书,阐述性与爱的社会力量与意义。

    The back cover describes it as the indispensable book on the social power and meaning of sex and love .