
  1. 本次由人力资源和社会保障部组织的招聘会,周日在天津开幕,将在一些大城市巡回两周。

    The job fair , organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security , began in Tianjin on Sunday and will travel to several major cities for two weeks .

  2. 社会保障非政府组织的解析与重构

    The Analysis and Reconstruction of NGOs in Social Security

  3. 关于发展社会保障型民间公益组织的若干思考

    Some thoughts about developing social security-style civil common wealth organization

  4. 当前积极发展社会保障型民间公益组织具有理论的必要性和现实的紧迫性。

    Now developing the social security-style civil common wealth organization is a great necessity in theory and an immediacy in reality .

  5. 社会保障制度环境、社会保障制度自身演化规律和社会保障制度中的组织这三方面因素构成了社会保障制度背景,共同对社会保障中的政府职能的确定发挥着综合性的作用。

    Social security system environment , social security system evolvement and organizations compose the social security system background , and influence the government functional orientation in the social security system .

  6. 针对城乡数以万计低收入居民,建立与完善住房社会保障体系是其重要内容。为此,应制定住宅小康社会保障发展规划并组织实施;

    An important element of housing industry is to construct and improve the social security system , benefiting thousands of low-income residents in both town and country .

  7. 非营利组织在社会保障领域的研究在理论和实践上都具有重要意义,也是目前社会保障和非营利组织研究的重要内容之一,也是本文的研究所在。

    The research in the field of social security of nonprofit organization is significant on the theory and practice , it is the social security and one of the important contents that nonprofit organization study at present too , and it is the research of this text too .