
shè huì zhǔ yì suǒ yǒu zhì
  • socialist ownership
  1. 试论生产社会化与社会主义所有制改革

    On the socialization of production and socialist ownership reform

  2. 建国以来党对社会主义所有制结构的探索

    Exploration of the Socialist Ownership Composition by the Party Since the Foundation of China

  3. 社会主义所有制理论在中国的新发展

    The new development of the theory of socialism ownership in China

  4. 列宁对社会主义所有制模式的探索及其局限

    Comment on Lenin 's Exploration for the Ownership Pattern of Socialism

  5. 我国社会主义所有制结构研究

    A Study of the Composition of China 's Socialist Ownership System

  6. 从理论上讲,集体所有制是社会主义所有制在农村的实现形式。

    In theory , the realization forms of collective ownership in rural .

  7. 第二部分:马克思主义经典作家关于社会主义所有制理论的研究。

    Part II : On the theory of socialist ownership with Marxist classical writers .

  8. 十五大在社会主义所有制理论上的重大突破和发展

    TX Developments and innovations of socialist ownership theory

  9. 社会主义所有制改革的方向不是私有化。

    The object of the reform of socialistic ownership is not to develop private ownership .

  10. 是资本主义所有制,还是社会主义所有制?

    Capitalist ownership or socialist ownership ?

  11. 关于社会主义所有制;

    On socialist system of ownership ;

  12. 几多辉煌几多曲折&党的第一代领导集体探索社会主义所有制的曲折历程及其启示

    Tortuous Course and Enlightenment of Socialism Ownership Probed by the First Leader Group of the Party

  13. 第二,对待非社会主义所有制经济的态度和政策变了;

    Second , the attitude and the policy towards the system of ownership economic of non-socialism changed ;

  14. 因此,改革现行的所有制结构,重新建个人所有制便成为社会主义所有制发展的方向。

    Reforming state ownership and " Reestablishing personal ownership " is the direction of development for socialist ownership .

  15. 党的三代领导集体关于社会主义所有制结构思想

    The Thought of the Socialism Ownership of the Leading Groups of the Successive Generations of the Communist Party of China

  16. 社会主义所有制结构问题是社会主义经济建设过程中的一个重大理论和实践问题。

    The issue of socialist ownership composition is a important issue in theory and practice in the course of socialist economic construction .

  17. 社会基本经济制度是自发演进的,党对社会主义所有制的探索必须遵循客观经济规律。

    Social basic system evolutes spontaneously , so the exploration of socialist ownership composition by the Party must be complied with economic law .

  18. 本论文首先在理论上从完善社会主义所有制结构的高度,论述优化中国证券市场所有制结构是完善社会主义所有制结构在资本市场的具体体现和内在要求;

    First , the paper discusses it is the inherent requirement of the capital market to optimize the structure of ownership system in security market .

  19. 最后,从经济关系决定产权关系,两权分离理论和社会主义所有制及其实现形式三个方面对马克思的产权理论作了一个总结性评价。

    At last , the author conclusively evaluated the Marxian theory of property rights through the following three aspects : relation of the property rights decided by the economic relation ;

  20. 在我国,所有制结构这一概念在1979年前后才提出来,但党对社会主义所有制结构进行了长期而艰辛的探索。

    In our country , the ownership composition was not put forward until 1979 , but the Party has carried on a long-term and hard exploration to the socialist ownership composition .

  21. 因此,社会主义所有制在规范意义上的本质特征应当是劳动者所有制,公有制仅仅是实现劳动者所有制的一种手段,不是社会主义所有制的本质特征。

    Thus , the basic characteristic of socialist ownership in formative sense should be laborers ' ownership , and public ownership is only a means to implement laborers ' ownership as against the basic characteristic of socialist ownership .

  22. 在艰辛的探索中,党对社会主义所有制结构的认识逐步明确,逐步抛弃了传统的所有制体制,建立了符合中国实际的社会主义的所有制结构。

    In hard exploration , the Party has made a clear cognition of the socialist ownership composition , and abandoned the traditional ownership system progressively , and has set up socialist ownership composition that complied with real condition of China .

  23. 马克思主义创始人对未来社会主义所有制结构的设想是单一的全民所有制,列宁、斯大林在领导苏联社会主义建设的实践中提出了社会主义所有制结构的理论。

    Founders of Marxism promised the future socialist ownership composition a ownership by the whole people . Lenin and Stalin , in the practice of the socialist constructions in Soviet Union , putting forward the theory of socialist ownership composition .

  24. 社会主义所有制结构与公有制的改革和实现形式与途径是组织经济集团和通过思想政治教育以及政府立法来保证职工的主人翁地位。

    The form of the realization of the socialist ownership structure and public ownership reform and to organize the economic . The approach is among the-worker in the enterprises and to carry out political and ideological education and to legislate to pledge the master of enterprice workers .

  25. 论社会主义全民所有制经济所有权与经营权的分离

    On Separation of the Right to Operation from Ownership in the Socialist Economy by the Whole People

  26. 由于社会变迁的极端复杂性和不同国家间存在的巨大差异,决定了社会主义社会所有制模式的多样化。

    However , the complex social change and the difference of each country decide the variform ownership pattern of socialism .

  27. 所有制结构与经济运行机制&兼论社会主义全民所有制改革模式的选择

    The Structural Nature of Ownership and the Way Economic Mechanism Operates & On the Selection of Models for Restructuring Socialist State Ownership

  28. 社会主义全民所有制是原则,要达到这个原则就要结合灵活性。

    Socialist ownership by the whole people is the principle , but in order to realize this principle we should combine it with flexibility .

  29. 合作社和国家企业不一样,社会主义集体所有制和社会主义全民所有制有区别。

    Co-operatives are not the same as state enterprises and there is a difference between socialist collective ownership and socialist ownership by the whole people .

  30. 中国农村的土地承包经营权制度是产生于社会主义集体所有制基础之上的具有中国特色的土地使用权制度。

    Abstract : The system of the right to the contractual management of rural Land in china is a system of land use right with Chinese characteristics .