
què rèn xínɡ wéi
  • affirmative act
  1. 笔者认为婚姻登记在性质上属于行政确认行为。

    The author thinks that marriage registration belongs to administrative confirm behavior in nature .

  2. 行政确认行为是否应该纳入司法审查的范围在学界仍然存在相当的争议。

    Weather the administrative affirmation would be brought into the area of judicial review is being disputed .

  3. 因为公证行为的公职性质是一种行政确认行为,行政确认行为具有行政可诉性,公证行为具有行政可诉性。

    Since the public nature is a kind of administrative confirmation action , so it can be suited .

  4. 然后对婚姻登记行为的性质进行理论分析,明确其性质为行政确认行为。

    Then , the writer discussed the nature of the marriage registration in theory , which is an action of administrative confirmation .

  5. 公司登记就其性质而言是一种行政确认行为,行政确认行为的服务性体现了现代行政行为的时代特征;

    The character of company registration is administrative confirmation , the service nature of administrative confirmation embodies times characteristic of modern administrative act ;

  6. 行政登记是一种行政确认行为,能够间接地影响私法主体的权益。

    Administrative registration belongs to administrative affirmative action , which makes indirect effects on the rights and interests of the subjects in private law .

  7. 具体行政行为是行政主体针对特定对象做出的行政行为,范围包括行政赋权行为、行政限权行为、行政确认行为、行政裁决行为和行政救济。

    Specific administrative act is the act of the executive body for a specific object , including giving rights , restricting rights , confirming , adjudication and administrative remedy .

  8. 行政行为的追溯执行力只是行政行为执行力的一种例外,仅限于行政确认行为、执行法院判决或复议决定而做的行政行为、授益行政行为和紧急行政行为。

    Retroactive executive force is only an exception to the executive force of administration act and limited to only acts of administrative confirmation , the execution of the judgment of the court or decisions of reconsideration , beneficiary administrative act and emergency administrative act .

  9. 再次,法院及法官借刑事和解之势确认行为人因素对量刑的影响虽未超出量刑的事实基础,但据此减轻处罚犯罪人却不是简单确认其作用。

    Three , despite that courts or major judges confirm the influence by offenders ' factors to penalty measurement through observing the probably criminal reconciliation does not excess the facts of measurement , the punishment mitigated is not only come from the confirmation of these factors .

  10. 并结合长沙法院系统近年来审理此类案件的实践,认为不动产登记是行政确认行为,不同的登记事项须采取不同的审查标准,对于不动产登记赔偿,仍适用违法归责原则。

    Analyzed some cases in the past few years in Changsha , the author think the registration is an act of affirmation and different items should be taken different standards in trial . The compensation of real estate in registration is suitable for use the principle of illegal imputation .

  11. 请确认该行为是否合法。

    Please check it whether legitimate .

  12. 由此,在刑法中单独确认该行为的外延和内涵,应该是解决问题的根本之道。

    Therefore definitely establishing the Internet solicitation in the criminal law should be the fundamental way to solve it .

  13. 因此,处理程序可以首先启动基于外部数据的空闲行为确认这些行为以及它们的用户。

    For this reason , handling applications that could initiate unwanted actions based on external data must first confirm those actions with the user .

  14. 各供应商并且同意可以对他们的生产场所和下游供应商进行独立的稽核以确认本行为准则得到遵守。

    Participating companies voluntarily agree that an independent monitor as complying with these standards will certify their production facilities and those of their contractors .

  15. 前者指在法庭受理案件之前,赋予被羁押人以异议或申诉启动一定救济程序的权利,通过救济程序确认羁押行为违法或没有必要并予以解除。

    The former refers to the court accepted the case before , gave the detainee to protest or complaint must start relief procedure rights , through relief program affirms custody actions are illegal or not necessary and shall terminate the .

  16. 工伤认定是对劳动者的伤残事实是否符合工伤而作出确认的行为,主要是工伤申请人向社会保险行政部门提出申请,社会保险行政部门依据法律法规作出确认的一种行为。

    Related injuries that confirm whether the facts meet the work-related injuries of workers disabled behavior , mainly the applicants of work-related injuries apply to the social security administration departments , social security administration departments in accordance with the laws and regulations to make the confirmation of an act .

  17. 他们最新的发现确认侵略性行为与心脏健康之间的关系。

    Their latest findings uphold the connection between aggressive behavior and heart health .

  18. 我们需要确认大众的行为,决定可能会如何继续。

    We need to identify crowd behavior and decide how likely it is to continue .

  19. 另外,还对确认行政事实行为判决之类的提法作了深入的分析。

    Furthermore , the parlance of affirmation of administrative factual behavior is analyzed in this chapter .

  20. 在这些类型的案件中确认一违法行为很大程度上取决于能否证明厂商间协定的存在。

    Proving a violation in these kinds of cases depends largely on proving the existence of an agreement .

  21. 其二是通过判例或解释,直接确认受侵权行为法保护的法益类型。

    The other way is to stipulate the type of legal interest protected by tort law through case law or judicial interpretation .

  22. 某些人或集团实施某类行为后,虽然所受刑罚不尽相同,但是,我们可以确认这一行为破坏了某种社会关系。

    Secondly , despite of the differences , the penalties would surely apply to the persons or groups who disrupted the social order .

  23. 但是,如果在后期的开发阶段之中需求模型作为引用模型,那么就必须确认模型的行为确实满足了给定的需求。

    However , if the requirements model should serve in later development stages as a reference model , it must be verified that the behavior of the model indeed fulfills the given requirements .

  24. 侦查人员采用辨认措施可以加快案件侦破的进度、确认实施犯罪行为的嫌疑人、明晰案件的重要事实等,因此辨认措施在侦查实践中有着举足轻重的作用。

    The investigators adopt the measures could speed up the rate of progress on investigating cases , confirm the suspect who implant criminal behavior , clarify the important facts of the cases and so on , Identification measures play a vital rule in practice .

  25. 急性哮喘小鼠模型的确认是通过评估行为变化,哮喘症状,用乙酰甲胆碱激发行肺功能测试,BALF的炎症细胞,IL-17水平变化和肺组织病理。

    The acute asthma model was confirmed by evaluating the behavioral changes and asthmatic symptoms occurred in mice and through the pulmonary function test with methacholine provocation , level of inflammatory cells and IL-17 in BALF and lung tissue histology .

  26. 通过对8个建筑施工工地进行实地发放问卷进行实证分析,得出结论验证假设的正确性,确认影响知识共享行为的主要变量。

    Through demonstration analysis on data from eight building sites , the thesis gives the conclusion to the hypothesis and confirms the important variables influencing the knowledge sharing .

  27. 婚姻登记的理论学说主要包括广义行政许可说、行政确认说、独立行为模式说、行政公示说、特殊具体行政行为说。

    Theories of marriage registration include general administrative license theory , administrative confirmation theory , independent act model theory , administrative publicity theory and special concrete administrative act theory .

  28. 该部分对侵害共同隐私的行为要件进行分析,为确认该类侵权行为提供法理支持。第四部分:共同隐私的法律保护。

    The part takes hours to analysis the constituent elements of infringements in order to provide a legal support to confirm such infringements . Part ⅳ, the protection of the intimacy privacy .

  29. 笔者得出,公司重组交易行为需要进行纳税确认,但其行为符合税法规定的条件时可以延迟纳税。

    Through comprehensive analysis , the author concludes that the transaction behaviours during company reorganization shall be confirmed by paying taxes , yet such tax payment may be delayed when certain conditions stipulated in tax laws are met .

  30. 确认某一管理行为是否为无因管理行为,取决于管理人是否有法定的或者约定的义务、是否为避免他人利益损失而为管理以及是否对他人进行了管理或服务三个构成要件。

    Confirm whether a certain administration behavior is or not depend on whether the caretaker has a legal or appointed obligation , whether in order to prevent others ' interests from losing but for management and manage others or serve three main components .