
  1. 南非农业领域研发政策最新动向研究

    Trend of South African Agricultural R & D Policy

  2. 研究与开发的社会回报及政府研发政策船舶管理信息系统研发

    Social Return Measurement of R D and Government 's R D Policies Development of Ship Management Information System

  3. 且一国的收入水平越高,政府研发政策越有效。

    Also , the higher income standard of one country is , the more effective its R & D policy .

  4. 介绍广州市相关医药研发政策(暂定),林元和,广州市常务副市长。

    Introduction of Policy for Pharmaceutical Business in Guangzhou ( Tentative ), Yuanhe Lin , Executive Vice Mayer of Guangzhou , China .

  5. 小型二次电池研发政策分析(Ⅱ)研究与开发的社会回报及政府研发政策

    Analysis on research and development policy of small sized secondary batteries (ⅱ) Social Return Measurement of R D and Government 's R D Policies

  6. 在会议上,研发政策的重大变革遇到了很大的阻力,这种阻力主要来自发达国家,特别是那些拥有强大的制药公司的国家。

    There was resistance to major changes in R D policy at the meeting , primarily from developed countries particularly those with powerful pharmaceutical companies .

  7. 在这些因素制约和推动的双重作用下,未来可再生能源政策的制定要注重完善可再生能源价格机制、创新研发政策设计和增强政策预测性。

    With the dual function of restrict and impellent of these factors , renewable energy policy formulation should pay attention to price mechanism . R & D policy deign and policy predictability .

  8. 政府研发政策可能带来产品质量逆转的现象,即原本生产低质量产品的国家转而成为高质量产品生产国。

    The policy of R & D will also give rise to the quality reversion , i.e. a country which at first produces the low quality product becomes one producing high quality product lastly .

  9. 因此,从历史经验角度分析发达国家的科研政策,对优化我国研发政策从而促进经济增长有重要的借鉴意义。

    So we analyse R D policies in developed countries . And these historical experiences guide us to optimize our R D policy , so that we can promote technology progress and economic growth .

  10. 换句话说,税收激励允许公司保持在设计其研发政策已适应市场信号方面、以及选择哪种研发项目方面的更多自决。

    In other words , tax incentives allow firms to retain autonomy in devising their R D strategies in response to market signals , and to select which R D projects to carry out .

  11. 研发补贴政策的适用性分析

    A Study on R & D Subsidy Policy and Its Application in China

  12. 中国创新系统受益于外资研发的政策支持体系研究

    A Study on Policy Supporting System to Enable China ′ s Innovation System Benefit from Foreign R & D

  13. 近年来我国加大对重大电力设备研发的政策扶持,使得电力设备制造业发展速度加快。

    In recent years , China has increased the supporting policies to the graveness electric power equipment reserch , speeding up its manufacturing tempo .

  14. 美国科学促进会(AmericanAssociationfortheAdvancementofScience)研发预算及政策项目主管KeiKoizumi表示,此次调查的结果“喜忧参半”。

    Kei Koizumi , the director of the R & D budget and policy programme at the American Association for the Advancement of Science , called the survey 's findings " mixed . "

  15. 高科技产业企业的协作研发与政府政策

    R & D Cooperation in High technology Industry and Government Policies

  16. 我国企业享受研发税收优惠政策的研究

    The Study about China 's Enterprises to Enjoy R & D Tax Incentives Policies

  17. 中美创新药物研发监管激励政策的比较研究

    The comparative study on supervision and incentive policies of Sino-US during the innovative drug R & D

  18. 并在美术教科书的研发,相关政策执行等环节都表现出一定程度上的丰富性、前瞻性以及创新思维。

    Their developing of Fine Art textbook and relevant policy implementation have achieved great development in the aspects of forward-looking , innovative thinking and diversity .

  19. 从另一个视角,支持了加大研发投入的政策措施,同时从内部治理结构方面,提出加大研发投入的治理措施。

    From another perspective , it supports policies and measures to increase R D investment , while from the internal governance structure , proposing management measures to increase R D investment .

  20. 文章对欧盟特别是德国在碳捕获与封存技术的研发进展、政策机制和管理立法等方面的做法和案例进行了调研,并对其面临的主要问题及未来发展进行了展望。

    This paper reveals the study of latest R & D achievements , policy mechanisms and management legislations of CCS , and its main problems and future development prospect in Germany and EU .

  21. 芜湖汽车零部件产业应该立足外部环境的变化,转换自身的发展方式,不再是以前的简单工序、低附加值产品生产,而应该加大技术研发适应新政策和新趋势。

    Wuhu auto parts industry should be based on changes in the external environment , to convert their own way of development , is no longer a simple process , low value-added production , but rather to increase R & D to adapt to new policies and trends .

  22. 湖南中小企业产学研发展模式及政策研究

    The research of Hunan SMEs ' and research cooperation innovation mode and policy

  23. 促进产业界研发的公共创新政策

    Public innovation policies to promote business R & D

  24. 中国能源研发(R&D)政策研究概要

    Summary of China energy research & development policy study

  25. 我国能源产业科技研发评价与发展政策建议

    Sci-tech research and development evaluation and the corresponding suggestions on china ′ s energy industry

  26. 在此基础上,对我国的研发投资活动提出政策建议。

    And further we will make policy proposal to our national R & D investment activities .

  27. 规模报酬递减下的企业研发行为与政府政策

    Firm 's R D Activities and Government Policies under Diminishing Returns to Scale of Firm 's R D

  28. 在这些接包国中,不同国家采取了不同的战略决策以争夺市场份额,包括工资水平,关键技术研发,相关法律政策以及地域文化等。

    Among these countries , different countries have different strategic decisions , which depend on salary levels , key technologies , legal policies as well as local culture .

  29. 研究表明,经济增长的产出效应、强度效应、结构效应和城市化水平对人均二氧化碳排放量有显著的正向影响,而研发强度和政府政策影响不显著。

    Studies have shown that the output effect , strength effect and structure effect of economic growth , level of urbanization all have positive influence on carbon dioxide emissions per capita while the R & D strength and government policies have little influence on carbon dioxide emissions per capita .

  30. 研发税收激励已成为各国激励企业研发投入的重要政策工具之一。

    R D tax incentives have become one of the major instruments to increase industry R D in many countries .