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  • sand;grit
  • 同“沙”:~粒。~纸。~轮。翻~(铸造器物的工作)。~糖。


(沙子) sand; grit:

  • 金刚砂

    emery sand;

  • 型砂

    moulding [casting] sand

  1. 通常把处在快条件下的砂叫做流砂。

    Sand under quick condition is often called quicksand .

  2. CO2硬化聚丙烯酸钠树脂砂的研究

    A Study on Na-polyacrylate Sand Process Cured by CO_2 Gas

  3. 壤土是由大约等份的黏土、沙和粉砂合成的。

    Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay , sand and silt .

  4. 他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难求生进行了逼真的刻画。

    His most celebrated work is the film classic , ' Woman in the Dunes , ' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment .

  5. 三角洲分流中沉积的河流砂是石英质的。

    Fluviatile sands deposited by delta distributaries are quartzose .

  6. 乔里富组内的化石主要是双壳类和砂壳有孔虫。

    The fauna in the Joli fou consists of bivalves and arenaceous forams .

  7. 紫山灰场粉煤灰作为一种冲填土,粒度细,似粉砂。

    Pulverized coal ash is hydraulically filled on ground of Zishan .

  8. 沉积岩为碎屑质,大部分属于杂质砂岩相

    The sediments are detrital and largely of greywacke facies .

  9. 又因砂壁能吸附茶叶、积聚“茶锈”

    The transition from drinking bowls to teapots was a smooth one .

  10. 介绍了机械捞砂的结构装置及工作原理,提出了现场操作注意事项。

    The mechanical sand-bailing technology makes sand-washing operation more efficient .

  11. 某些砂性土缺Mg;

    Some Sandy Soils are deficient in Mg ;

  12. 采用呼吸计量法及常规化学分析法对污水处理厂的废水特性进行了测定,通过研究发现,污水处理厂的曝气沉砂池出水中SS占总COD的比例平均为10.49%;

    Respirometric analysis and general chemical analysis methods were adopted to analyse wastewater characterization .

  13. 对泥质粉、细砂出砂层段采用PS防砂或酸化-抑砂剂处理;

    PS sand control or acidizing sand inhibitor treatment should be used for argillaceous , silty and fine sand producing interval ;

  14. Jason测井约束反演在桩106地区河道含油气砂体预测中的应用

    Application of Jason logging constrained inversion on the prediction of channel Oil-gas-bearing Sand-bodies in the No.106 massive pool

  15. 石英砂吸附AOT和蛋白质主要影响因素研究

    Study on the main influence factor on Aerosol oT and soybean protein in quartz surface adsorption

  16. 采用DSC和热膨胀仪对石英新砂和经900℃焙烧砂在加热过程中的相变和热膨胀进行了分析。

    During heating , phase transformation and expansibility of the new quartz sands and the quartz sands calcined at 900 ℃ was analyzed by DSC and thermodilatometry .

  17. 通过对TG水利枢纽综合利用任务及泥砂淤积特性分析,本文针对水库运用中发电与排沙联合运用问题,建立了TG枢纽水沙联调的多目标数学模型。

    Based on the multipurpose analysis and sediment feature in TG reservoir , a multiobjective programming model is presented here for the trade-off between power generation and sediment ejection in TG reservoir .

  18. 纤维的加入提高了防砂体的早期抗压强度(即固化12~24h时的抗压强度),作业占井周期由原来的关井4d缩短为2d;

    The added fibres strengthened the early compressive strength ( the com-pressive strength when curing for 12-24h ) , and operation period reduced from four days of shut in to two days .

  19. 饱和砂剪切模量和阻尼比在GZ-1型共振柱仪上的测定

    Determination of Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio for Saturated Sand by GZ-1 Resonant-Column Apparatus

  20. SSG-06固砂剂在中原油田的应用

    Application of the Sand Consolidation Agent SSG-06 in Zhongyuan Oilfield

  21. 以ZG310570为基体、WC颗粒为增强相,在普通水玻璃石英砂干型、无负压条件下,运用自制的复合剂,制备出WC颗粒增强钢基表面复合材料。

    WC particle surface reinforced steel composite was investigated by using self-made additive under the conditions of dry sand mould hardened by aqueous silicate sodium , the whole procedure was done in atmospheric pressure environment without any vacuum .

  22. 采用ANSYS有限元程序在十倍桩径深度范围内,分别建立了水平受荷桩在均质粘土和粘土-砂-粘土两种不同土层情况下的三维弹塑性受力模型。

    ANSYS finite element program is used in this paper to analysis lateral loading behavior of a signal pile , in a three dimensional way , by establishing two elastic-plastic models with different soil layer conditions , one is uniform clay and another is clay-sand-clay .

  23. IADI法在砂井排水固结计算中的应用

    Application of IADI method in the DRAINAGE-CONSOLIDATION calculation of sand-wells

  24. TX-7井加砂压裂砂堵影响因素浅析

    Analysis of affection factors for sand plug of sand fracturing in well tx-7

  25. 结合化学胶结法与桥接法的优点,以聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)、氟硼酸及添加剂T1和T2为原料,研制了一种吸附膜型阳离子抑砂剂。

    Integrating the advantages of chemical cementation method and bridge method , a positive ion sand control agent forming adsorbed film was developed with polyacrylamide ( HPAM ) , fluoboric acid and additives T1 and T2 as materials .

  26. 分析了造成A8井堵塞的三种主要原因,认为堵塞的原因依次是污油堵塞、固体颗粒侵入堵塞和地层出砂堵塞。

    Three kinds of main plugging factors in A8 well have been analyzed , their sequence is effluent oil plugging , solidity invasion plugging and sanding plugging .

  27. 全面考察了混凝-砂滤-UF工艺流程去除有机物、总氮、总磷、LAS、NH3-N、有机氮、浊度的效果;

    The writer made an overall observation on the effectiveness of coagulation-sand filtration-UF technical process of removing organic matter , total nitrogen , total phosphorus , LAS , NH3-N , organic nitrogen and turbidity in domestic sewage .

  28. 磁性矿物在极细砂中的富集大幅减少,而更多富集在粉砂组分中的现象表明了物质来源又一次发生了变化,SD较多出现可能是长江上游玄武岩加入的体现。

    The phenomenon that magnetic minerals in the very fine sand fraction reduced substantially , and more concentrated in the silt fractions indicated the change of sediment source once again . More SD magnetic minerals may be from the basalt in the upper of Yangtze River .

  29. 通过桤木根瘤的Frankia菌的纯菌制剂和悬液接种,进行砂培、土培和田间苗圃的幼苗接种试验,均取得较好的接种效益。

    The inoculation experiments of seedlings resulted from sand , soil and nursery cultures were done by means of the pure Frankia preparation and the suspension inoculation , gaining better inoculation benefits .

  30. 层序SQ1的油气储集体主要分布于海岸带附近,它们是前滨&临滨沉积砂体。

    The oil_target reservoirs of the sandstone body were mainly distributed on the coastal zone and belonged to the shore face sediments .