
  • 网络knowledge economics;Economics of knowledge
  1. 知识经济学的历史渊源与基本原理初探

    Historical Origin of Knowledge Economics and a Study on its Fundamentals

  2. 知识经济学的产生、发展及其演变

    Appearance , Development and Evolvement of Knowledge Economics

  3. 知识经济学的学科构建研究(上)

    On the Disciplinary Construction of Economics of Knowledge (ⅰ)

  4. 知识经济学范式:一个演进的视点

    Knowledge Economics A View of Evolution

  5. 知识经济学:即将崛起的一门新兴交叉学科

    Knowledge economics : new interdisciplinary science

  6. 知识经济学是以知识经济为研究对象的一门面向21世纪的新兴学科。

    Economics of knowledge is a 21 st century oriented new subject with knowledge economy as its research object .

  7. 产业化·有偿服务·经济效益&对图书馆产业化问题的知识经济学反思

    Commercialization · Paid Services · Economic Benefits & An Intellectual Economic Review on " Commercialization of Library Services "

  8. 图书馆产业论虽有诸多内在缺陷,但它对图书馆发展道路的探索精神以及知识经济学的独特视角值得深入研究。

    Despite existing defects in the " commercialization theory of library ", the exploration of thedevelopment of library work and the unique view of intellectual economics are worthy of further studies .

  9. 从知识经济学角度看,组织学习是知识经济条件下对组织成员个人知识资源的一种配置方式,是信息爆炸性与信息稀缺性矛盾的组织解决。

    From the perspective of knowledge economics , organizational learning refers to a type of the collocation of personal knowledge resources in an organization and serves as an organizational solution to the contradiction of information explosion and information scarcity .

  10. 对大学改革激励扭曲效应的深层思考&基于大学知识产品经济学特性的分析

    Consideration on the contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform

  11. 全文的研究是从以下几方面展开的:1.知识的经济学分析。

    The economics analysis of knowledge .

  12. 构建我国的知识产品经济学&知识产品经济学始点范畴研究

    Constructing Our Economics of Intellectual Products

  13. 没有数学知识学习经济学,就像你在不读出声就没法阅读的情况下研究文学一样并非不可能,但很难。

    Studying economics without maths is like studying literature when you can 't read without moving your lips not impossible , but difficult .

  14. 我必须告诉你们,懂得一点经济学知识的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者PaulKrugman说,最终,所有的汽车公司都将消失,(真的?)即使他们能拿到救援资金。

    I wanted to tell you though Reggie you might be interested , Paul Krugman who is the Nobel economics laureate , somebody who knows a thing or two about economics says that , in the end these companies , these auto companies will probably disappear , ( Really ? ) even with the money they are getting .

  15. 知识经济:经济学一个全新的研究领域

    Knowledge Economy : A Completely New Research Domain of Economics

  16. 战略知识联盟的经济学分析与实践探讨

    Ec on omic Analysis on Strategic Knowledge Alliance and Practices

  17. 对知识失业的经济学思考

    On Causes of Educated Unemployment from the Economic Perspective

  18. 建设知识城市的经济学思考

    Building Knowledge City : An Economics Consideration

  19. 新经济时代知识生产激励的经济学探讨

    How to Encourage Knowledge Production in New Economy Age

  20. 关于知识使用价值的经济学思考

    The Economics Consideration About " knowledge " Use Value

  21. 知识资产概念的经济学解析

    An Economical Analysis to the Concept of Knowledge-based Assets

  22. 知识的测度及其经济学意义

    The Measurement of Knowledge and Its Economic Significance

  23. 技工荒和知识失业并存的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Coexist of " Mechanics Shortage " and " Knowledge Unemployment "

  24. 本文就知识经济对西方经济学中的微观经济理论和宏观经济理论的挑战进行一些探索。

    Therefore , knowledge economy presents to the western economics the challenges of which this paper discusses the macro-economic theory and the micro-economic theory .

  25. 研究者最好应该也具有商业公司用于让利润最大化的技巧的专业知识&广告、经济学和预测社会趋势。

    Ideally , researchers should have expertise in the same skills that the companies use to maximise their profits & advertising , economics , and forecasting social trends .

  26. 经济逻辑是研究经济推理(或策略推理)及其有效性的学科,是研究经济活动、知识经济活动以及经济学研究过程之逻辑结构与方法的学科。

    This paper holds that economic logic is the subject of studying economic reasoning , economic action , knowledge economic action and the logical structure of economic study process .

  27. 一种可能的原因在于具有学术地位的知识类型:研究经济学的基础知识曾被视作过时且落俗的行为。

    One likely reason is the type of knowledge that enjoys academic status ; basic knowledge of the economy had been seen as old fashioned and a low-brow activity .

  28. 知识价值作为知识经济学发展的根本基石,研究其本原和其价值的测度方法在知识经济发展中具有十分重要的作用。

    Knowledge value is considered the fundamental basis of Knowledge Economy . Studying measuring methods on its principle and value has an important role in the development of knowledge economy .

  29. 知识资产是现代经济学对生产要素不断扩展内涵所赋予技术、教育、管理、信息等知识资本以“资产”的含义。

    Knowledge asset is that modern economy composes the knowledge capitals such as technology , education , management and information for the continuously development intension of factor of production with the meaning of " asset " .

  30. 科学知识生产和传播的经济学分析&国外科学知识经济学述评

    Economic Analysis on Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge