
  1. 从而表明,和谐社会是一个动态发展的大系统;构建和谐社会应充分利用矛盾同一性在事物发展中的作用;

    All these analyses reveal that harmonious society is a major dynamic system ;

  2. 论和谐范畴与矛盾同一性

    The domain of harmony and the unity of contradictions

  3. 和谐是矛盾同一性的一种表现形式,是事物在矛盾运动中实现的较佳或最佳发展状态。

    Harmony is one presentation form of contradiction 's identity and the relatively better and the best developmental state in the thing 's movement .

  4. 和谐在本质上是矛盾同一性的具体体现,是驱动自然、社会持续协调发展的动力源。

    " Harmony " is the concrete reflect of the identity of opposites , the source of motive force of the sustained coordinated development of society .

  5. 绝对真理与相对真理、矛盾同一性和斗争性相对与绝对的问题,在马克思主义认识论的教学和研究中,一直没有解决。

    What remains unsettled in the instruction of and research on Marxist epistemology are the relationship between the absolute truth and relative truth , and the relationship between the identity and struggle of the opposites .

  6. 在对外开放过程中,社会主义中国同国际资本主义双方的矛盾同一性是占据主导地位的,同时也必然存在着矛盾斗争性,但这是第二位的。

    In the course of the opening up , the identity of contradiction between Chinese Socialism and International Capitalism occupies a leading position . Meanwhile , there must exists the struggle of contradiction , but it is secondary .

  7. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性矛盾同一性的相对性

    Identity and struggle of opposites relativity of the identity of contradictories

  8. 没有别的,就是因为矛盾的同一性要在一定的必要的条件之下。

    The sole reason is that the identity of opposites exists only in necessary given conditions .

  9. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性在争斗不休的灰暗生活中,拥有短暂的和平宁静。

    In the continuous battle gloomy life , you are able to pass through a short tranquil and peaceful period .

  10. 杨献珍当年讲合二而一的目的主要是为了阐明矛盾的同一性;

    The main aim of using " mix two to one " by Yang Xian-zhen was to explain the identity of contradiction .

  11. 矛盾的同一性和斗争性问题在马克思、恩格斯以前是没有相对、绝对之分的。

    Before Marx and Engels , nobody believed that identity of contradiction is relative or absolute , either is conflict of contradiction .

  12. 矛盾的同一性与斗争性是无产阶级与资产阶级之间既联合又斗争的哲学依据;

    The identity and fighting spirit of the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie was the philosophical basis of uniting and fighting policy .

  13. 在张载一物两体思想基础上,提出了关于矛盾的同一性和斗争性思想;

    He , based on Zhang Zai 's thought of " two aspects of an object ", put forward the thought on the identity and conflict of contradiction .

  14. 和谐社会观的确立,标志着辩证矛盾观尤其是矛盾同一性理论的系统创新。

    The concept of establishing a harmonious society marks a dialectical contradiction to the concept of systems theory Identity particularly innovative .

  15. 不同性质的政党之间,既有矛盾的对立性,又有矛盾的同一性,它们应该而且必须相互借鉴。

    There exist the opposition and unification of contradiction among different parties , for they should and must learn from each other .

  16. 在解决人与自然、人与社会以及人与人之间的矛盾过程中,中华民族侧重矛盾的同一性,化生了悠久灿烂的和谐文化精神;

    In the course of resolving conflicts between man and nature , man and society and man and man , Chinese nation emphasizes the identical nature of contradiction , and thus has developed the culture of harmony ;

  17. 构建社会主义和谐社会包含着丰富的辩证法思想,体现了物质与意识、矛盾的普遍性与特殊性、主要矛盾与次要矛盾、矛盾的同一性和斗争性的辩证法原则。

    To build a socialist harmonious society contains abundant dialectical ideas , and it also embodies the dialectical principle of material and ideology , the universality and particularity of contradiction , principal and nonprincipal aspects of a contradiction and the identity and struggle of opposites .