
yǎn shuānɡ
  • eye cream
  1. 我第一次见到它就买了它是因为它是唯一带有SPF的眼霜。

    I bought this product when it first came out because it was the only eye cream with SPF .

  2. 然后用眼霜、滋润霜和BB霜(白天用)或睡眠面膜,最后用喷雾定妆。

    An eye cream , plus moisturizer , and BB cream ( for day ) or an overnight sleep mask are applied next and all sealed with a mist .

  3. wrinklesn.皱纹darkcircles黑眼圈眼霜可以减少和缓解岁月的痕迹:细纹啦,皱纹啦,黑眼圈啦。

    Eye creams reduce or even erase the signs of aging : fine lines , wrinkles , and dark circles .

  4. CNN特派员景兰:抛光指甲,修整眉毛,或者在美容专柜试用最新且最棒的眼霜--你料想不到这样的人会在这种场合出现。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Buffing the nails , trimming the brows-not quite the person you 'd expect here , or sampling the latest and greatest eye cream at the beauty counter .

  5. 接下来是爽肤水喷雾和抗衰老乳液,还有关键的保湿霜(我用的牌子是JackBlack)。接着我做了几组开合跳保持活力,然后用附送的魔法棒在每只眼睛的下眼睑涂了点LaMer抗衰老眼霜精华。

    Next came a spray toner , an antiaging serum and the pivotal moisturizer ( mine came from the Jack Black brand ) . Then I did a few jumping jacks to maintain my stamina and applied an age-combatting smidge of La Mer Eye Concentrate under each peeper using the complementary wand .

  6. 涂抹眼霜后,揉一下眼球,释放任何紧张感。

    After applying , pinch your eyebrows to relieve any tension .

  7. 眼霜应该在早晚洁面后使用。

    Eye cream should be applied morning and evening after cleansing .

  8. 她还说“眼科医生”眼霜也会有很好的功效。

    she also said the Eye Doctor cream would work .

  9. 这个眼霜可以缓解你眼圈浮肿的问题。

    This eye cream can release the puffy problem your eyes be having .

  10. 只要用一次这个眼霜,第二天早晨我的黑眼圈看上去就会好很多!

    After just one application they looked so much better the next morning !

  11. 含有丰富的香芹籽精华的眼霜适合眼部娇嫩的肌肤。

    Rich , anti-oxidant balancing cream for the delicate skin around the eyes .

  12. 清洁后,少量的眼霜均匀涂在眼周,轻柔按摩抚平肌肤。

    After cleansing and toning dab cream under eyes and gently smooth over skin .

  13. 是的,我每天早晚各抹一次润唇膏和眼霜。

    Yes . Use a lip balm and an eye cream day and night .

  14. 最好的一种抗氧化剂是咖啡多酚,这是若芙琳眼霜。

    And one of the great antioxidants is CoffeeBerry , this is RevaleSkin eye cream .

  15. 我想让你知道,我真的非常喜欢这款胶原无痕眼霜。

    I would like to let you know that I really like your BioCollagen Ageless Cream .

  16. 冷藏眼霜可以获得更多的滋养。

    You can get more bang from your eye cream simply by storing it in the icebox .

  17. 油性肌肤的人若选了太油的眼霜,眼周出油后睫毛膏会晕开;

    Oily skin if elected too Oil Eye , eye week after oil mascara will open halo ;

  18. 可加入乳液、面霜,润唇膏和眼霜,亦可作防腐。

    Can add to lotions , lip balms and eye creams , also act as a mild preservative .

  19. 我之前已经花了几千美元在眼霜和润唇膏上了,但是一点用都没有。

    I 've spent thousands of dollars on eye creams and lip moisturizers which basically did nothing for me .

  20. 上眼胶即时紧致和提拉眼部轮廓的明显效果;下眼霜明显减少眼部问题。

    Instantly , the Upper Eye Gel delivers lift and the Under Eye Cream visibly reduces under eye shadowing .

  21. 使用面签深入眼霜或唇膏管中沾取最后一点。

    Use a cotton swab to get into the crevices of little pots of eye cream or lip balm .

  22. 温馨提示:有了眼袋、乌眼圈如何办?马应龙八宝眼霜睹告您,回支那类圆。

    Reminder : the eye bag , black eye how to do ? Ma Yinglong Babao eye tell you this .

  23. 每天早晚要在下睫毛下方涂抹眼霜,然后轻轻拍匀。

    Morning and night : Smooth on an eye cream beneath the lower lashes , tapping it lightly to blend .

  24. 您自己,熬夜圆里有出诱面改擅,答案是没有是的话,便更别把任务齐推给眼霜。

    You have the slightest improvement , stay up late , to answer whether the words , let the responsibility to the eye .

  25. 晚上的时候就不用担心眼霜把妆弄花了。所以尽可以把最昂贵的眼霜往眼周上抹。

    At night you don 't need to worry about eye treatments smearing your makeup , so slather on the richest formula you can .

  26. 总结:眼霜没有是万灵药,但真的是一名好助足,假定您贯串通阶蠡颗按部便班的。

    Summary : the eye is not a panacea , but it is a good assistant , if you keep a step by step .

  27. 不要涂在睫毛上,因为眼霜会被吸收并转移到需要的地方。

    Don 't apply right up to the eyelashes , as the cream will absorb and move through the skin to where it is needed .

  28. 用无名指和第四根手指来涂眼霜很重要,因为是你力量最弱的一根手指。

    It is important to use your ring ( or fourth ) finger to apply eye cream . It is the weakest of your fingers .

  29. 这就是为什麽我又要再次购买这几个产品,并且这次更要再加购买些他们的眼霜产品。

    This is the reason why I am going to place another order for these products and look for some eye products this time , too .

  30. 甚么眼霜往眼袋好2、眼部周围肌肤并出有油脂腺,是最畔缈的部位之一。

    What eye cream get rid of the eye bag2 , the skin around the eye and no oil glands , is the most vulnerable part one .