
  1. 关于矩阵若干相似不变量界限估计的改进

    An improvement on the bound for a number of similar invariants of a matrix

  2. 这种表示是客体平移、旋转和相似变化的不变量。

    This representation is invariant to the translation , rotation , and scaling change of the object .

  3. 结果表明:流动行为相似的流场有着相似的相平面不变量曲线,流动行为差异较大的流场相平面不变量曲线呈现不同的趋势;

    The results show that the phase-plane invariant curves are similar for flow fields with similar flow characteristics .

  4. 通过对发动机气道内气体流动过程的相似分析,在雷诺Re准则数足够大的前提下,非定性准则欧拉Eu数和相似不变量无因次涡流NR保持不变。

    By the similarity analysis of flow process in engine 's port , it 's found that at the base that Renold number is big enough , in-qualitative rule Euler number Eu and similar invariable dimensionless swirl NR keep unaltered .