
pí jiang
  • cobbler;tanner;leather worker;shoemaker
皮匠 [pí jiàng]
  • (1) [leather worker;tanner]∶用皮革制作物件的工人

  • (2) [cobbler]∶修理、制作皮鞋或其他皮货者。亦称补鞋匠

皮匠[pí jiang]
  1. 一个皮匠站起来说:“先生们,我不同意你们的意见。我认为作为抵御材料,没有一样东西比皮更好。”

    a cobbler , stood up and said : " Gentlemen , I do not agree with your views and I think that as resist material , as no better than what Paper . "

  2. 皮匠从早到晚不停地唱歌。

    A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night .

  3. 皮匠站起来,打断了他的话

    The tanner got up and interrupted him .

  4. 我们知道人多智广(或者说三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,twoheadsarebetterthanone)。

    We know that two heads are better than one .

  5. 毕竟“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”(twoheadsarebetterthanone),两个人一起工作能取得更好的成果。

    After all , two heads are better than one . Two people working together can get better results .

  6. 布里森登学着当地一个有名的吹捧吃蛇表演的牛皮匠大叫起来。

    Brissenden exclaimed , imitating the SPIELER of a locally famous snake-eater .

  7. 一个皮匠从早到晚在唱歌中度过。

    A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night ;

  8. 不要嘲笑皮匠的黑拇指。

    Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs .

  9. 三个臭皮匠你最喜欢谁

    Who 's your favorite Three Stooge ?

  10. 不过,我相信『个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮』句俗话。

    However , I believe in the saying that two heads are better than one .

  11. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。

    Three cobblers equal Zhuge Liang .

  12. 他偶尔在黎明时分迷迷糊糊刚入睡,皮匠的歌声便

    when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break , the cobbler awoke him with

  13. 第二步:头脑风暴(约1小时)俗话说:三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,一点都不为过。

    Brainstorm ( 1 hour ) The phrase two heads are better than one is an understatement .

  14. 皮匠和银行家

    The Cobbler and the Banker

  15. 格兰特,生于西部边疆,是一位皮匠的儿子,与李截然不同。

    Grant , the son of a tanner on the Western frontier , was everything Lee was not .

  16. 他偶尔在黎明时分迷迷糊糊刚入睡,皮匠的歌声便于工作把他吵醒了。

    when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break , the cobbler awoke him with his song .

  17. 皮匠觉自己好像看到了过去几百年来大地为人类所需而制造出来的全部财富。

    The cobbler fancied he beheld all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past century for the use of

  18. 皮匠是个一肚子委屈的人,他自信有实力入选十九家大户,但是没有得到认可。

    The Tanner was a disgruntled man ; he believed himself entitled to be a nineteener , but he couldn 't get recognition .

  19. 他偶尔在黎明时分迷迷糊糊刚入睡,皮匠的歌声便把他吵醒了。

    He was a banker ; when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break , the cobbler awoke him with his song .

  20. 德北菲尔德发现,由于王子衰老枯瘦,屠户和皮匠只愿出几个先令买下它的尸体,他就站起来处理这件事。

    When it was discovered that the knacker and tanner would give only a very few shillings for Prince 's carcase because of his decrepitude , Durbeyfield rose to the occasion .

  21. 对彝族史诗《梅葛》神话原型的分析不过,我相信『个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮』句俗话。

    An analysis of the mythological prototype in the epic poetry Meige of the Yi people ; However , I believe in the saying that two heads are better than one .

  22. 最后,这个可怜的皮匠跑到他那富有的邻居家里说:把你的一百枚钱拿回去,还我的睡眠和歌声来。

    At length the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbor ; give me back . said he , sleep and my voice , and take your hundred crowns .

  23. 但是我认为我在那里真真学到的是合作带来的价值,三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮,不能仅仅相信你自己的能力。

    But I think that what I really learned there was the value of collaboration , the value of one and one equals three , and not having all the answers yourself .

  24. 最后,这个可怜的皮匠跑到他那富有的邻居家里说:“把你的一百枚钱拿回去,还我的睡眠和歌声来。”

    At length the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbor ; " Give my back . " said he , " sleep and my voice , and take your hundred crowns . "

  25. 入也还算不错的。”银行家被皮匠的直率逗笑了,他说:“我要你从今以后不愁没钱用。这一百枚钱你拿去,小心放好,需要时拿来用吧。”

    The banker , laughing at his simplicity , said , " In the future I shall place you above want.Take this hundred crowns , preserve them carefully , and make use of them in time of need . "

  26. 快乐的皮匠笑道:我从来不算这笔帐,我是一天一天地过日子,总而言之坚持到年底,每天挣足三餐。

    Said the merry cobbler laughing , I never reckon in that way , living as I do from one day to another ; somehow I manage to reach the end of the year ; each day brings its meal .

  27. 夜间,如果有只迷途的猫弄出一点声响,他就以为是有人来抢他的钱。最后,这个可怜的皮匠跑到他那富有的邻居家里说:“把你的一百枚钱拿回去,还我的睡眠和歌声来。”

    and at night , if some stray cat made a noise , the cat was robbing him.at length the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbor ; " give me back . " said he , " sleep and my voice , and take your hundred crowns . "