
  • 网络pleated skirt;Skirt;Pleated;all-around pleated skirt
百褶裙 [bǎi zhě qún]
  • [bouffancy;pleated skirt] 有许多褶子的裙子

  1. 尤为重要的是,还要让她把裤子换成美丽的百褶裙。

    The most important change is that she changes her trousers into pleated skirt .

  2. 他身上穿着一件百褶裙,白色的胸罩,黑白线条的鞋子和女人的假发。

    He was wearing a pleated skirt , white bra , black and white saddle shoes , and a woman 's wig .

  3. 我记得你的百褶裙,配着黑白色的鞍脊鞋。

    I remember pleated skirts , black and white saddle shoes .

  4. 我要是能叫裁缝给我做一条苏西。内格尔那样的百褶裙该有多好。

    If I could get that dressmaker to make a concertina skirt like Susy Nagle 's.

  5. 应用该种方法,给出了模拟百褶裙形成过程的实例。

    A simulation example is given for a muti-fold skirt formation at the end of this paper .

  6. 她穿着有杯形蛋糕装饰的百褶裙,下面配一条粉色裤袜。

    Displaying her lithe legs , the star wears pink stockings underneath a frilly cupcake adorned skirt .

  7. 面试时百褶裙也是个不错的选择,它能够让你未来的老板感觉到你的时尚意识。

    They also make a good choice for job interviews by sending a fashion conscious message to your future employer .

  8. 百褶裙是本季重点,它能让你看上去活泼轻快,在那些时尚同僚中引发涟漪效应。

    Pleated skirts are key for this season and will create ripples among your fashionable peers by making you look breezy .

  9. 我们坐在她工作室大大的桌边,四周挂满衣服:透明硬纱百褶裙、羽毛薄裙。

    We sat at a large table in her workshop with dresses hanging on every side , organza puffballs , feathered slips .

  10. 她们舞蹈时的动律幅度虽小,但更突出了烁烁闪光的饰物和百褶裙,并形成钟摆式“一顺边”的美。

    Though they dance in a gentle way , the shining ornaments and skirts are attractive , thus forming a pendulum type of dance .

  11. 褶裥短裙,可能来源于罗马侵略者的习俗,是一种用由各色方格组成的被称为格子图案的布料制成的百褶裙。

    Kilts , pleated skirts made of material with a squared , coloured design called a tartan , probably derive from the costume of the Roman conquerors .

  12. 在美国社会,虽然妇女们继续取得进步,可是小姑娘们仍然很容易迷恋于童话里的公主和粉红百褶裙。

    Even though women continue to advance in American society , many little girls still get stuck in a world of fairytale princesses and frilly pink dresses .

  13. 百褶裙?再见!2010年,当泰勒·摩森(珍妮)在第四季“无限期离开”《八卦天后》时,她看起来已经很哥特了。

    Taylor Momsen ( Jenny ) was already starting to look a bit goth when she left Gossip Girl in Season 4 on an " indefinite hiatus " back in 2010 .