
liú diǎn
  • stationary point
留点[liú diǎn]
  1. 饭后你应该留点时间让食物消化。

    You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest .

  2. 给我留点吃的。

    Save some food for me .

  3. 给我留点吃的。

    Save me some food .

  4. “留点神,帕齐。”中士提醒她。

    ' Now watch it , Patsy , ' the Sergeant told her .

  5. 留点豆瓣菜作配菜。

    Reserve some watercress for garnish .

  6. “你希望朱克曼太太在遗嘱里给你留点什么?”“哦,不,特里索恩先生。当然不是。”

    ' You hope for something in Mrs Zuckerman 's will ? ' — ' Come , come , Mr Trethowan . Of course not . '

  7. 各行之间多留点空儿。

    Leave a little more space between the rows .

  8. 你最好留点力气明天爬山。

    You 'd better reserve your strength for tomorrow 's climb .

  9. 我们都有宠物如果你想送点什么是我是知道你有多爱小动物的所以如果你想留点什么的话Paula和我都有小动物哦

    So we have animals , So if you wanna leave some . I know how much you love animals , yeah.So you wanna leave some Paula and I have animals

  10. 那天晚上,Slavick先生说,“如果你愿意的话现在可以不用鼓掌了,你得留点能量等会为我欢呼。”

    On that night , Mr Slavick said : " You can stop clapping now if you want . Really . You 'll need your energy for cheering me later . Shhhhhhhh . shhhhhhhh . "

  11. 给自己留点后路吧,万一改变主意了呢。

    Leave the backdoor open in case you change your mind .

  12. 我们还得留点时间野餐。

    We 've got to save some time for the picnic .

  13. 我们要留点精力干另外那项工作。

    Let 's reserve a little energy for the other work .

  14. 我们要为迟到的人留点食物。

    We 'll save some food for anyone who arrives late .

  15. 不敢相信那俩家伙居然没留点小费。

    I don 't suppose they ieft a brother a tip .

  16. 我会去的给我留点虾

    I 'll be there . Just save me a shrimp .

  17. 谢谢了,不用了。我要留点肚子吃甜点。

    No , thanks . I 'm saving room for dessert .

  18. 让我给你的朋友留点好印象吧。

    Please let me make a good impression on your friend .

  19. 你得为我们下周见面时留点谈资

    You must leave something for us to discuss next week .

  20. 你能留点尿做妊娠检查吗?

    Can you give us some urine for a pregnancy test ?

  21. 得给新婚之夜留点惊喜不是吗?

    Got to save something for the wedding night , huh ?

  22. 还是少说几句,留点余地罢。

    Better to be quiet and leave a little leeway .

  23. 那你是不是也应该留点什么给我们的观众朋友们?

    But do you think you should leave something for our audience ?

  24. 这样就会给我留点时间游览一下。

    It will leave me time to do a bit of sightseeing .

  25. 留点时间给别的小姐们表演表演吧。

    Let the other young ladies have time to exhibit .

  26. 别忘了给自己留点时间。

    Do not forget to spend some time on yourself .

  27. 我还是留点巧克力来做蛋糕吧。

    I better leave some chocolate for the chocolate cake .

  28. 留点时间和朋友相聚,并结交新的朋友。

    Make time for the friends you have and cultivate new ones .

  29. 慢慢吃,留点时间给大脑。

    Eating slowly gives the brain time to catch on .

  30. 一个故事,总要留点遗憾才有令人感动的美丽;

    A story , always take pity is touching beautiful .