
  1. 他去英国安排他的男孩教育的事情。

    He went to England to arrange his boy 's education .

  2. 上学是要花钱的。家庭可能会花钱让男孩接受教育。

    School costs money.Families will probably spend money educating boys .

  3. 对男孩的教育成果更是微不足道。

    Educational results for boys are poorer .

  4. 我在这儿是想告诉大家我们的对男孩的教育有问题,

    So I 'm here to tell you that we have a problem with boys ,

  5. 也许她们家里比较关注,但是城市更关注男孩的教育。

    Their family might , but the cities concerned themselves with the education of their boys .

  6. 男孩接受教育,女孩呆在家里干家务活是一贯的传统。

    It is tradition for boys to get an education while girls stay at home to do housework .

  7. 男孩获得教育和训练,因为预计他们将为家庭提供收入和未来的经济稳定性。

    Boys get education and training because they are expected to provide a family 's income and future economic stability .

  8. 根据今天出版的报导,男孩在教育的各个阶段都表现出一种成绩差的不正常水平。

    Boys at every stage of education are showing " shocking " levels of underachievement , according to a report published today .

  9. 理查德在英国东南部的多塞特郡长大,接受的都是中产阶级白人男孩的教育方式,但4年的穆斯林生涯就令他因参与准备恐怖主义活动被判入狱6年。

    And just four years , Richard , who was brought up as a white , white middle-class boy from Dorset in the southeast of England was found guilty of preparing acts of terrorism and sentenced to six years in prison .

  10. 农户对男孩和女孩教育成功的期望已相差无几;

    Farmers have the similar expectation on the successful education of boys and girls .

  11. 这问题是因为男孩得到的教育

    The reason that this is a problem is because the message that boys are getting

  12. 我们将竭力使这男孩受到良好的教育。

    We 'll see that the boy is properly educated .

  13. 为了让家里的男孩接受良好的教育,他们举家搬到了贝德福德。

    The family had moved to Bedford to take advantage of its grammar school , where the two elder boys were educated .

  14. 他是一个19岁的腼腆的男孩,受过的教育大多是背诵默写、无聊的诗、正规的信之类,而不是展示自己的想法。

    He was a shy boy of nineteen , who had had an education more to do with learning silly poems by rote , or writing formal letters , than with ideas or self-expression .

  15. 一个12岁的日本男孩独自到达机场,后来一个“披头散发”的男性来接他。这位男性承认没有给小男孩安排任何教育计划,和小男孩交流也极其不畅。

    A 12-year-old Japanese boy who arrived alone to be picked up by a " dishevelled " man who admitted no schooling arrangements had been made and interacted badly with the boy .