
diàn zhì huí xiàn
  • ferroelectric hysteresis loop
电滞回线[diàn zhì huí xiàn]
  1. 铁电电滞回线的直接显示及其畸变不可克服的证明

    Direct Display of the Ferroelectric Hysteresis Loop and Demonstration of the Incorrigibility of Its Distortion

  2. 铁电材料的主要特征是具有铁电性,即电极化强度与外电场之间具有电滞回线的关系。

    The ferroelectric materials are characterized by the ferroelectricity , namely , there is a ferroelectric hysteresis loop relation between the polarization and the external electric field .

  3. PZT薄膜电滞回线测试的数值补偿研究

    Numerical Compensation of Hysteresis Measurement on PZT Thin Film

  4. 铁电微阵列的AFM图像及电滞回线测定

    AFM image and hysteresis measurement of ferroelectric arrays

  5. 对两种铁电薄膜的厚度、XRD图谱、SEM图像和电滞回线进行了比较和分析。

    The thickness , XRD images , SEM pictures and electric hysteresis loops of these two thin films were analyzed and compared .

  6. CV特性曲线以及PE电滞回线显示薄膜具有良好的铁电性能。

    The capacitance voltage ( C V ) and Hysteresis loops of PZT films show that the films possess fine ferroelectric properties .

  7. La的掺杂使得厚膜的电滞回线变得细斜,同时也降低了厚膜的介电常数。

    It is found that higher La content lead to slime hysteresis loops , and decline the dielectric constant of the thick film .

  8. 在室温下PLT薄膜有典型的电滞回线。

    The PLT films showed the typical polarization - electric field hysteresis loops .

  9. 运用改进模型、传统模型以及考虑死层时模拟Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3铁电薄膜在外加力场和电场下的电滞回线和蝶形曲线。

    The hysteresis loops and butterfly curves are simulated by the improved and traditional models considering the dead layer .

  10. 当Pr的掺杂量高于16%时,薄膜表现出双电滞回线的特征。

    These ferroelectric thin films exhibit the typical traits of double P-E hysteresis loops when the Pr doping content higher than 16 % .

  11. 通过XRD及SEM研究了烧结工艺对铁电陶瓷BNT晶相结构的影响,用RT66型铁电测试仪测定铁电材料BNT的电滞回线。

    The effects of sintering technology on the crystal phase structure of BNT were investigated by means of XRD and SEM .

  12. 测试了不同的La含量下的PLZT透明陶瓷材料的电滞回线。

    The transparency reaches to 68 % when x is equal to 10 . The electric hysteresis loops of transparent ceramic PLZT with different La content were measured .

  13. 基于此,建立了一个铁电电容的性能测试系统,消除了铁电电容电滞回线的开口,并可以得到铁电电容的C~V、Q~V、I~V特性曲线和参数。

    A measurement system is set up and it can demonstrate the C ~ V , Q ~ V and I ~ V curves as well as the parameters of ferroelectric capacitor . Of course , the gap of hysteresis is eliminated .

  14. 测量了经18年自然老化后的TGS单晶的微分电滞回线,发现回线的形状与未老化的样品类似,故称其为隐性老化。

    Differential hysteresis loop of TGS single crystal has been measured . The TGS sample has been stored over 18 years and can be seemed as completely aged .

  15. 对铁电存储二极管的P-E电滞回线、I-V特性曲线分别进行了测试与分析,并对其导电行为及基于I-V特性回滞现象的存储机理进行了讨论。

    Ferroelectric and electrical properties of the ferroelectric diode have been characterized through the measurements of P E and I V hysteresis loop respectively . The conductivity behavior and the memory mechanism have been discussed .

  16. 从Ginzburg-Landau方程出发,引入自发极化梯度项,研究了铁电双层膜的电滞回线,采用平均极化来反映膜的性质。

    Add the term of self-polarization-gradient to the equation of Ginzburg-Landau , this paper has studied the hysteresis loop of ferroelectric bilayers , and adopted the average polarization to reflect the character of the bilayers .

  17. 针对传统Sawyer-Tower电路测量薄膜电滞回线的不足,提出了电荷积分改进方案。

    Due to the shortcoming of measuring method of the ferroelectric hysteresis loops based on the traditional Sawyer-Tower Circuit , a method is proposed to improve Sawyer-Tower Circuit by charge integration in measuring hysteresis loop of ferroelectric thin film .

  18. 铁电薄膜电滞回线测量的快速数值补偿方法研究

    Study on Fast Numerical Compensation of Hysteresis Measurement of Ferroelectric Film

  19. 关系的滞回模型。铁电薄膜电滞回线特性的理论研究

    Theoretical Studies on Properties of Hysteresis Loop of Ferroelectric Thin Film

  20. 应力对铁电薄膜电滞回线及蝶形曲线的影响

    Effect of stress on the ferroelectric properties of ferroelectric film

  21. 基于静态电滞回线的铁电电容模型

    A model of ferroelectric capacitors based on hysteresis loop

  22. 基于虚拟仪器的铁电薄膜电滞回线测量系统设计

    Design of Hysteresis Measurement System of Ferroelectric Thin Film Based on Virtual Instrument

  23. 铁电薄膜电滞回线测量研究

    Research for Measuring Hysteresis Loops of Ferroelectric Thin Films

  24. 用双脉冲测量铁电薄膜的开关特性与电滞回线

    Switching Characteristics and Hysteresis Loop of Ferroelectric Thin Films Measured with Double Pulse

  25. 计算铁电体畴结构和电滞回线与近邻自旋相互作用下的区别。结果表面方型的四自旋相互作用对于畴的纵向生长起主要作用;

    Simulating of the neighbor and fourth spin interaction effect on ferroelectric domain structures .

  26. 三角结构铁电体的电滞回线

    The Electric Hysteresis Loop of Triangle Ferroelectric Crystal

  27. 电滞回线测试系统!在材料研究中,完成电子材料的电滞回线的测量!

    In materials research , the system can measure the hysteresis loop of electronic materials !

  28. 结果表明,铁电层中的电滞回线中产生了一个负的极化率区域。

    The results show the hysteresis loop exhibits negative susceptibility regions in the ferroelectric layer .

  29. 测量铁电材料的电滞回线是确定铁电参数、检验材料性能好坏的一个重要手段,目前采用的主要测量手段是示波器法。

    Measurement of hystersis in ferroelectrics is very important in determination of their physical parameters and material performance .

  30. 铁电薄膜电滞回线测量高压激励源放大器研制

    Investigation and Development of Operational Amplifier of High-voltage Stimulus for Measuring the Hysteresis Loop of Ferroelectric Thin Films