
  • 网络Current comparator;DCC
  1. 目前传统的电流比较仪均采用了铜屏蔽和磁屏蔽,这种方案自Moore提出以来,一直在比较仪的设计中得到了广泛的应用。

    The copper shield and magnetic shield have been applied in conventional comparators for many years since they were introduced by Moore .

  2. AC,DC以及AC/DC大电流比较仪都具有高精度,线性特性好,低漂移等特点。

    All kinds of comparators including ac 、 dc and ac / dc comparators possess the notable performance of high accuracy , low drift , high linearity , and good immunity to extend magnetic fields .

  3. 讲述了电流比较仪的结构和原理,介绍了二次电流为1A和0.5A电流比较仪的使用。

    This paper describes the structure and principle of current comparator , introduces the use of currrent comparator with secondary current of 1A and 0.5A .

  4. 介绍了电流比较仪检定电流互感器线路,分析了比较仪附加负荷ZF及对校验仪读数误差的影响,提出了相应的解决方法。

    This paper introduces the checking current for transformer with current comparator , analyses the additional impedance of current comparator . The influences of additional impedance on the comparer-type transformer calibrator 's reading error were concluded .

  5. 电流比较仪检定电流互感器附加负荷分析

    Analysis on the Additional Impedance of Current Comparator Checking Current Transformers

  6. 电流比较仪电桥在静电陀螺转子位移测量中的应用

    Application of current comparator bridge in ESG 's rotor displacement detection

  7. 双重磁检测器电流比较仪的开环特性研究

    The Theoretical Analysis of Open-loop Characteristic for Double Magnetic Detector Comparator

  8. 一种新型磁放大器式直流电流比较仪

    A New Type of DC Current Comparator with a Magnetic Amplifier

  9. 100A/0-1A直流电流比较仪的设计和应用

    Design and Application of 100A / 0.1A Direct Current Comparator

  10. 直流电流比较仪比例误差的测量方法及理论分析

    Measurement Method and Theoretical Analysis for Ratio-error of DC Comparator

  11. 高精度开口式直流大电流比较仪

    A Precision Open-loop Core Type Comparator for Heavy Direct Current

  12. 直流大电流比较仪谐波影响问题的研究

    Research on Harmonic Influence Problem of Heavy DC Comparator

  13. 提高低温电流比较仪测量准确度的几方面措施

    Measures for Improving the Accuracy of Cryogenic Current Comparator

  14. 交流电流比较仪在四端钮阻抗测量中的应用

    Application of Alternating Current Comparator on Scaling Four-Terminal Impedances

  15. 电流比较仪技术在精密测量中的应用

    The application of current-comparator technology in accurate measurement

  16. 交流电流比较仪的一种绝对校验方法

    An Absolute Calibration Method for AC Current Comparator

  17. 利用目前流行的数值计算方法,对双重磁检测器电流比较仪磁屏蔽效能进行了分析。

    New numerical method used to calculate the magnetic shielding effectiveness of comparator is given .

  18. 低温电流比较仪介绍

    Introduction of the cryogenic current comparator

  19. 低温电流比较仪及其应用

    Cryogenic Current Comparator and Its Application

  20. 毫安级直流电流比较仪研究

    Ma - direct current comparator

  21. 数字化电流比较仪

    Study on DIgital Current Comparator

  22. 关于超导磁屏蔽问题的一些研究及对超导电流比较仪的应用

    Some Theoretical Studies on the Problem of Superconducting Magnetic Shielding with Application to the Superconducting Current Comparator

  23. 从而提出了双重磁检测器直流大电流比较仪的改进方案,同时进行了样机改制。

    An improved project for the high current comparator with double magnetic detector is put forward and made .

  24. 这种新型电流比较仪实际上包含了自平衡直流比较仪和电子补偿式交流电流互感器的所有功能。

    The improved AC / DC comparator consists of a self balancing DC comparator and an electronically compensated AC transformer .

  25. 本文分析了多通道直流大电流比较仪的带气隙的环形铁心的磁特性。

    The magnetic characteristic of annular iron core which has air gap and the open-loop characteristic of multichannel comparator for heavy direct current have studied .

  26. 第二部分(第3章、第4章):研究偏振光大位移传感器的两种实现方案:即位移&电流比较仪方案和伺服比较式位移传感器方案。

    Second part , including Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 , first bring forward a novel displacement sensor - polarized displacement-current comparator , by using magneto-optical rotation phenomenon .

  27. 首先,本文介绍了磁调制器的原理以及直流电流比较仪的原理,并将直流电流比较仪的原理运用到电流总加器的研究中。

    Firstly , this article introduces the principles of magnetic modulator and direct current comparator , and direct current comparator is applied to research on the current adder .

  28. 研究了一种新型直流电流比较仪,它包括两个环节:双向自饱和磁放大器和双铁芯自饱和磁放大器。

    A new type of DC current comparator is researched which includes two parts : a bidirectional self saturating magnetic amplifier and a two care self saturating magnetic amplifier .

  29. 实践证明:利用电流比较仪技术,在这些仪器的相关输出的幅值和相位上,可获得较高的稳定性和准确性。

    As a matter of fact , the current-comparator technique is used to obtain high accuracy and stability in both magnitude and phase of the associated outputs of these instruments .

  30. 仪器使电流比较仪处于零磁通工作状态,再利用互感器校验仪的测差原理测试被检电流互感器的误差,从而使互感器校验仪具有比较仪检定功能。

    In this instrument the current comparer is set to zero magnetic flux , then the instrument transformer calibrator with the theory of measurement can measure the error of the current transformer .