
  • 网络film language;cinematic language;Language of Film
  1. 视听语言自此以后成为电影语言不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Audio-visual language since then become film language indispensable important component .

  2. 电影语言在建筑动画中的运用:研究与展望

    Film Language Applied in the Architectural Animation : Research and Prospect

  3. 他是电影语言发展中一个新的开拓者。

    Therefore , he was a new pioneer of film language .

  4. 再谈中国电影语言的现代化&由莎士比亚式台词说开去

    Modernization of China 's Film Language & From the Perspective of Shakespearean Lines

  5. 王家卫电影语言探讨

    Discussion on Wang Jiawei 's Film Language

  6. 电影语言的综合性认识

    Comprehensive recognition for movie Language

  7. 评审团除给影片题材打动,还很欣赏其电影语言。

    The jury was both moved by the subject matter , and admiring of its cinematic language .

  8. 同时,它通过长镜头、固定机位、空镜头等电影语言的创新,既保证了文化记录的真实性,又创造了独具个人特色的诗意写实风格。

    He also created a special poetry realism by using long shot and empty shot in a creative way .

  9. 第四个是场面调度,等等,这些就构成了别的方式,比如绘画,音乐,文学所不能做到的独有的电影语言。

    All the points mentioned above consist of the movie language which can 't be expressed by painting , music or literature .

  10. 但极端地追求个性化的电影语言,于观众的审美心理有不适应之感。

    However , they pursued the peculiar language of the movie to the extreme , which is difficult to adapt by the audience 's esthetic psychology .

  11. 其中包括杜拉斯在文本语言表现中的杜拉斯主义与在电影语言表现中的反电影语言表述。

    So the style called " the revolutionary-refusal art style " comes into being , including Durasien showed in her works and anti-film language showed in her .

  12. 本片在开场与结尾之间,由学员各自发展出三段不同情节,展现多元创意与电影语言的无限可能性。

    From the beginning till the end , students develop three different plots individually , displaying the limitless possibilities of multiple creativity and forms of film language .

  13. 从诗词入手,进行镜头语言艺术研究,尝试、结、炼出具有东方特色的电影语言。

    And by proceeding with the poems , the lens language art will be studied and the Oriental characteristic movie language can be experimented , concluded and abstracted .

  14. 文章从叙事结构、主题阐释、电影语言、结尾叙事四个方面分析了该影片独具匠心的叙事策略。

    The article from the narrative structure , the subject explanation , the movie language , the ending narrated four aspects to analyze this movie alone ingenuity narrative strategy .

  15. 虽然输入的电影语言比学生现有的程度略高,但在视觉图像和各种屏幕对白的支持下,变得更易理解。

    The input can become more comprehensible through the support of visual images and various subtitles , though the film language will be a little beyond students ' current level .

  16. 电影语言主要是指视听语言,创作者如何运用好视听语言是创作一部优秀影片的基础。

    Movie language means visual and aural language . To a movie creator , how to use visual and aural language well is the foundation of making a good movie .

  17. 这种主题在电影语言上体现出鲜明的美学特征,长镜头与独特的空间营造方式使台湾新电影呈现出强烈的作者电影风格。

    The themes embody distinct aesthetic characteristics in the film language . Long - take cinematography and the unique way of space configuration make Taiwanese New Film take on the strong style of auteurism .

  18. 电影语言的解密程度越来越高,光影背后的神秘在逐渐消失,电影的接受正在去分化。

    The extent of decryption of the film language is becoming higher , the mysterious behind the shadow is disappearing , in other words , the acceptance of the film is becoming " dedifferentiation " .

  19. 作为艺术家的导演其电影语言、电影观念、电影作品与其所处的历史环境、文化环境、教育背景以及个人经历有着密不可分的联系。

    As a director of an artist , his movie language , the concept of cinema , the film works to its historical environment , cultural environment , educational background and personal experiences are inextricably linked .

  20. 其次是有关电影语言的分析,即在电影中,女性导演如何运用电影表现女性意识,对电影语言进行性别化的读解。

    The second is about the analysis of the film language , that is , in the movie , women director how to use film performance consciousness , sex of the of the film language reading .

  21. 坚守启蒙元叙事和电影语言的先锋性是其艺术探索的两极,但是他一直没能很好解决思想启蒙和电影叙事的关系。

    Insisting on the meta-narrative of enlightenment and the pioneer movie artistry made up two aspects of his artistic exploration , but he was always unable to deal with the relationship between thoughts enlightenment and movie narrative effectively .

  22. 本文从主体形象特点、知识分子身份意识、历史意识、国族想象与个体记忆、现实关怀、电影语言、美学风格诸方面对这两大导演群体进行了比较分析。

    Its major concerns are the characteristics of the subject image , the identity consciousness of the intellectuals , the historical consciousness , national imagination , individual memory , concern for reality , cinematic languages , and aesthetic styles .

  23. 他们在消费时代的全球化语境里,坚决地树立起批判的姿态,深刻体察中国社会的现代性焦虑,努力寻找最妥帖、最顺畅的电影语言来叙述中国,改变着中国影坛的文化生态。

    In the consumer age , they established firmly critical posture , inspected deeply the modern anxiety of the Chinese society , tried to look for the appropriate and smooth movie language to tell about China and changed the cultural ecology of the Chinese film circle .

  24. 从上世纪七十年代末到本世纪初,大卫·林奇一直致力于电影语言的革新,探索影像表意的边界,并因此三次受到奥斯卡最佳导演奖提名。

    From the late seventies of last century to the beginning of this century , David Lynch has committed himself to innovation of the movie grammar , exploring the boundaries of ideographic form of movie , and therefore nominated for best director of Academy Award for three times .

  25. 无厘头电影喜剧语言的修辞技巧分析

    Rhetorical Skills Analysis of the Nonsense Films ' Comic Language

  26. 它将以积极正面的方式来改变电影的语言。

    It will change the language of cinema in a very positive way .

  27. 电影的语言是一种特殊的视听语言,是口头和笔头语言的高度结合。

    Film language is a special audio and visual language , which is the combination of spoken and written language .

  28. 所有的媒体都会影响语言,我个人认为,其中电影对语言的影响最大。

    Of all the mediums that influence language , I think film is the one that has the most effect .

  29. 反讽取代传统的严肃单一的电影叙事语言,成为电影叙事语言的重要手段之一。

    Irony has become the important means in movie narrative language , which replace the traditional serious and simple narrative language .

  30. 文章从语言形态层面上讨论冯小刚电影的语言艺术,从冯氏电影的台词语言来分析其电影魅力所在。

    This paper aims at discussing the language art of the Feng ′ s films and analyzing the fascination of the film from the lines .